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The Space Race

When did humans first send an object into orbit

around the Earth?

1940s, 1950s or 1960s?

Sputnik 1 was launched in

October 1957. It transmitted a
radio signal as it orbited the

Who launched it?

What was the first living thing sent into orbit?

A cat, a bird or a dog?

Laika the dog was sent into orbit in

November 1957. Unfortunately she
didnt return to Earth!

Who sent Laika into space?

Who was the first human sent into orbit around the

John Glenn, Yuri Gagarin or Paul McCartney?

Yuri Gagarin was the first man

in orbit on 12th April 1961

Who put him up there?

When did a space probe first take pictures of a
planet other than Earth?

1964, 1974 or 1984?

Mariner 4 became the

first probe to take
pictures of Mars in 1964

When did the first astronaut walk in space?

1965, 1966 or 1967?

Alexey Leonov became the

first astronaut to go on a
spacewalk in April 1965.

What was the name of the first space probe to land
successfully on the moon?

Luna 9, Surveyor 1 or Apollo 13?

Luna 9 sent back the first

pictures from the surface
of the Moon in 1966

When did the first astronaut take a stroll on the
Moons surface?

1967, 1968 or 1969?

On 20 July 1969 two

astronauts became the first
humans on the surface of the

What was the name of the first space station?

Salyut, Skylab or the International Space Station?

Salyut was launched in

1971 and stayed in orbit
for 6 months

What was the name of the probes that were sent
to study the outer planets?

Voyager, Journeyman or Explorer?

The Voyager probes were

launched in 1977 and have
since studied all of the large
outer planets

Where did the first Space Shuttle launch from?

Europe, America or Africa?

The 1st Space Shuttle was

launched from Florida on
11th Nov 1982. The fleet
carried out 135 flights
over almost 30 years. 2
Space Shuttles were lost

Create your own timeline of space exploration.
Try to find out some more important milestones
to add in as well

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