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Introduction DSD Conclusion

According to the latest technologies in wireless communication, In 5G there will be users with different requirements of data. All the The main challenge in 5G is to improve quality of communication
5G is the most recent technology. As the number of users have signals received at base station are needed to be separated based on system and to reduce the cost of wireless communication. So that
increased the demand for development of latest technology the demand of user. Hence, we have proposed a technique to number of customers who will be added to the wireless
also increased. Currently we are using 4G technology, but we separate signals received at base station called decoupled signal communication system will experience better quality and cost-
will upgrade to 5G by 2020. As compared to 4G, it will have ten detection. Decoupled signal detection (DSD) decomposes signal into effective services. In the proposed architecture of 5G. DSD is used
times more speed and large number of users. However, the different classes of signals based on data requirement, so that users to separate signals in massive MIMO at the centralized base
definition of 5G is not clear yet, as it will combine different with same data requirement have same class. Applying this station. Radio access technology is used to make radio wave
technologies like radio access, massive multiple input multiple technique, we can separate signals at base station. This results in tunnels for different classes of users. This separation will help to
output, decoupled signal detection etc. [1]. The new greater speed of transmission and better use of available frequency. detect signals in DSD. Which will result in designing MIMO [10].
technologies are being investigated such as RAT (Radio Access DSD makes processing of signals cost effective [11]. Technique used There are some issues like designing a centralized base station for
technology) will be introduced to provide high speed, spectral in detection algorithm is Block Diagonalization (BD). In downlink it collection of signals from various users, separation of signals
efficiency, energy efficiency and pseudo outdoor does not require pre-coding transmit side. The receiver only needs to based on data requirement. By what means to separate bottom
communication that will solve the problem of current mobile know the channels between users and receive antennas. two layers from above layers to implement radio access
communication. The implementation of 5G in mobile technology in communication system. In what manner to develop
communication will become a revolution in communication a control system which will direct router. Which is the best
technology algorithm for DSD? In what way to make end nodes smart? Which

There are various challenges in developing 5G. Among them one DSD algorithms can be developed to apply radio access technology in
different layers of communication system need to be addressed?
main challenge is to develop a technique which can be used in As we know there is tremendous competition among service
the limited amount of frequency. As there is a fixed range of provider companies to achieve this goal. The research in these
frequency allotted to wireless communication. It is a challenging areas is going on very high pace.
task to develop technology which will efficiently utilize this
range. Thus, the purpose of this poster presentation is to Figure 3 describes about the phenomenon of massive MIMO at
design a 5G network with the help of different techniques like RADIO ACCESS MASSIVE MIMO base station in 5G network. References
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Main challenges in 5G Network 5G NETWORK new greater scale version of traditional MIMO systems, where a up MIMO: Opportunities, and challenges with very large arrays. IEEE Signal
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restricted number of antennas is used, is designed to exploit the [5]. RC de Lamare, Massive MIMO systems: Signal processing challenges and future
benefits of extra degrees of freedom obtained using more trends. URSI Radio Science Bulletin (2013)
Figure 2 shows the design of 5G network using the RATs, DSD, MIMO antennas [7]. Massive MIMO can increase the spectral efficiency 10 [6]. T Marzetta, Noncooperative cellular wireless with unlimited numbers of base
times or more when compared with its predecessor [8]. The main station antennas. IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 9(11), 35903600 (2010)
[7]. EG Larsson, F Tufvesson, O Edfors, TL Marzetta, Massive MIMO for next
Radio access technology advantage of using massive MIMO over single input single output
is large number of signal can be transmitted at the same time.
generation wireless systems. IEEE Commun. Mag. 52(2), 186195 (2014)systems.
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We can make use of this technology at different layers of the In traditional MIMO the type of multiplexing used was Frequency [8]. QH Spencer, AL Swindlehurst, M Haardt, Zero-forcing methods for downlink
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session layer, presentation layer and application layer. For wireless hundreds of antennas at base station. So, the type of multiplexing be? IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 32(6), 10651082 (2014)
communication we can make changes in the upper layers that are used is Time Division Duplexing (TDD) as the users estimation is [10] A. Tudzarov and T. Janevski, Design for 5G Mobile Network Architecture.,
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will not be changed as they form basic of the communication system. By means of Time Division Duplexing (TDD) mode we can acquire [11] L. Arvalo, R. C. de Lamare, M. Haardt, and R. Sampaio-Neto, Decoupled
In the network layer internet is used for services. All the applications the reciprocity between the uplink and downlink channels can be signal detection for the uplink of massive MIMO in 5G heterogeneous networks,
of wireless communication are designed to operate in this layer [10]. obtained, if we use appropriate calibration techniques to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2017, no. 1, p.
131, Jul. 2017.
We can create radio wave tunnels between two users for combat the distortions induced by hardware imperfections, [12]"massive MIMO - Google Search",, 2017. [Online]. Available:
communication. This will help to implement DSD in MIMO. It will since the base station can offer more processing resources
increase speed of communication. One more important concept is aimed at estimating the channel between users terminals and 5&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje9r7I2OXXAhVC6iYKHfFaDW8Q_
AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=637#imgrc=2FcTl7QMUksshM:. [Accessed: 01- Dec-
cognitive radio, in which intelligence is added to network. In this a the base station. For example, suppose that we have a city 2017].
network makes decisions based on observation of different with a high density of users or devices in the center of a cell [13]"limited bandwidth for 5G network - Google Search",, 2017.
parameters of surrounding [1]. and sparsely distributed users or devices in the remaining part [Online]. Available:
The radio access technologies belong to the transport stratum
of the cell. In this case, we could use a number of centralized GNAM_enIN675IN675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR4YeAmePX
Figure 1 shows new spectrum of 5G in which available regarding the Next Generation Networks approach. In the proposed antennas to deal with the high density of users and distributed AhVLNd8KHST9Cb4Q_AUIDCgD&biw=1366&bih=588#imgdii=a_XEJhOha8LWsM:&i
frequencies are used efficiently as compared to existing design the user terminal has possibility to change the Radio Access antennas to serve the remaining devices. MIMO make use of mgrc=AJeKzPJEYzkaJM:. [Accessed: 01- Dec- 2017].
spectrum in 4G [13]. Technology. DSD to design centralized base station.

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