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Notes and Forms

oNotes will go in the Ms. Ramirezs Mail oForms will go in the Forms basket
Box basket that will be located on my that will be located on the
desk. classrooms storage bookcase.
o I will check it everyday. o I will check it when I know the student
o In this box my students will leave: have to turn in forms for any upcoming
o Parent notes event
o Absence excuse o In this basket student will leave:
o Student notes o Permission slips
o Tardy slips o Forms that need parents signature
o Note from nurse o Fundraiser forms
o It will be the same basket for every section o School forms (lunch forms)
but I will ask students to write their names on o There will be a basket for every section
the notes. that I teach so that I can keep
everything organized.
Homework will be turned in as soon as students enter the
Homework baskets will be located on the classroom
Each section will have a designated basket with their name on it.
Each class section will be color coded and their baskets will match with their
When turning in late homework students will have to write the date of
when they turned it in on the top of the paper so I can take points
I will take the homework with me at the end of the day each time that
it has been assigned.

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