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Infrastruktur Planing

and Management


Definition and Jenis
Infrastructure refers to the fundamental facilities and systems
serving a country, city, or other area,[1] including the services
and facilities necessary for its economy to function. It typically
characterises technical structures such
as roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical
grids, telecommunications (including Internet
connectivity and broadband speeds), and so forth, and can
be defined as "the physical components of interrelated
systems providing commodities and services essential to
enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions."[
A 1987 US National Research Council panel adopted the term
"public works infrastructure", referring to: "... both specific
functional modes highways, streets, roads, and bridges; mass
transit; airports and airways; water supply and water resources;
wastewater management; solid-waste treatment and disposal;
electric power generation and transmission;
telecommunications; and hazardous waste management
and the combined system these modal elements comprise.
Definition and Jenis
The American Society of Civil Engineers has not defined the
term, though issuing a US "Infrastructure Report Card" every 2-
4 years. As of 2017 they grade 16 categories, namely
Aviation, Bridges, Dams, Drinking Water, Energy, Hazardous
Waste, Inland Waterways, Levees, Parks & Recreation, Ports,
Rail, Roads, Schools, Solid Waste, Transit and Wastewater.
Hard infrastructure refers to the physical networks necessary
for the functioning of a modern industrial nation. Soft
infrastructure may refer to the institutions which are required
to maintain an economy,[10] like health, and cultural and
social standards of a country, such as the financial system,
the education system, the health care system, the system of
government, and law enforcement, as well as emergency
Infrastructure Vs Public Work
The term infrastructure may be confused with the following
overlapping or related concepts.
Land improvement and land development are general terms that
in some contexts may include infrastructure, but in the context of
a discussion of infrastructure would refer only to smaller scale
systems or works that are not included in infrastructure, because
they are typically limited to a single parcel of land, and are
owned and operated by the land owner. For example, an
irrigation canal that serves a region or district would be included
with infrastructure, but the private irrigation systems on individual
land parcels would be considered land improvements, not
infrastructure. Service connections to municipal service and
public utility networks would also be considered land
improvements, not infrastructure.[12][13]
The term public works includes government-owned and operated
infrastructure as well as public buildings, such as schools and court
houses. Public works generally refers to physical assets needed to
deliver public services. Public services include both infrastructure
and services generally provided by government.
Infrastructure in Developing
Developing countries suffer from a lack of sufficient
infrastructure to attract investment and provide a basis for
economic growth.
Countries that have been developed for quite a while
often suffer from the inability to properly maintain and
replace the aging infrastructure they have.
Funding of Infrastructure
The source of financing varies significantly across sectors. Some
sectors are dominated by government spending, others
by overseas development aid (ODA), and yet others by private
Infrastructure may be owned and managed by governments or
by private companies, such as sole public
utility or railway companies. Generally, most roads, major airports
and other ports, water distribution systems, and sewage networks
are publicly owned, whereas most energy and
telecommunications networks are privately owned. Publicly
owned infrastructure may be paid for from taxes, tolls, or
metered user fees, whereas private infrastructure is generally
paid for by metered user fees. Major investment projects are
generally financed by the issuance of long-term bonds.
Government-owned and operated infrastructure may be
developed and operated in the private sector or in public-
private partnerships, in addition to in the public sector. As of
2008 in the United States for example, public spending on
infrastructure has varied between 2.3% and 3.6% of GDP since
1950.[14] Many financial institutions invest in infrastructure.
The Problem of having an
aging infrastructure
New York, July 18, 2007
An underground steam line ruptured, blasting a hole in a
Manhattan street and releasing large quantities of
asbestos into the air along with the escaping steam.
Companies like ConEd in New York need to have a
regular schedule of replacement of parts of the system
that weaken with age.
Collapsed sewer line erodes a
sinkhole in Tucson, Arizona

Old sewers need to be

replaced before they
rupture or collapse.
St. Louis, MO 2007
Sinkhole collapse in Nixa
A 100-year-old large brick sewer line in downtown St. Louis,
collapsed causing a very large hole in a downtown street.
Many old cities like St. Louis have old masonry sewers or
pipes made of wood these have limited serviceable life.

This is a
streets or
are built on
Very large sinkhole

This large sinkhole

destroyed homes
and streets.
Broken water or
sewer lines can
create collapses
much like this.
St. Louis 3 times in less than 12
months 500,000 w/o electricity
July 2007. Failure to trim trees
enough in the year before the
storms. Ameren UE had cut
back on tree trimming.

First winter storm, December 2006

Many trees still hadnt been adequately
trimmed. AmerenUE had not been able
to replace above ground power lines with
buried onesi n older areas.
2nd winter storm, January, 2007

A repeat of the December

storm there had been no
opportunity to improve the
infrastructure in less than a
Taum Sauk Reservoir
Water (1.5 bil. gal.) stored
in the upper reservoir was
released in peak usage
periods to produce extra
hydroelectric power.

December 14, 2005

There was a breach in the upper reservoir to the Taum Sauk
Hydroelectric plant in Southern Missouri early this morning. A 20 foot wall
of water came rushing down into the Black River like the water of a
gigantic bathtub being drained.
Negligence in maintenance and repair and refusal of management to
heed warnings seem to be responsible for the catastrophe.
Before the breach

After the breach

Remains of home of Johnson
Shut-ins Park superintendent

20-ft. wall of water

scoured the land
Bridge Problems
It is estimated that 1 in 8 bridges in the U.S. is structurally
deficient . . .
It was not designed to carry the load of traffic that it is currently
Example: the I-70 Bridge to St. Charles over the Missouri River
the traffic load today far exceeds what it was designed to
Every couple years more stress fractures are found and have to
be repaired.
Minneapolis August 1, 2007
Collapse Spotlights Weaknesses in U.S. Infrastructure
The I-35 bridge that lies crumpled in the Mississippi River is the latest
link to fail in a national highway system rapidly deteriorating under
the strain of ever-increasing traffic volume and inadequate
upkeep, transportation experts said on August 2.

2005 photo of the bridge

Diagram of the collapse
More than 70,000 bridges across the country are rated
structurally deficient like the I-35W bridge, and engineers
estimate repairing them all would take at least a generation
and cost more than $188 billion.
Authorities said the "structurally deficient" tag simply means
some portions of the bridge needed to be scheduled for
repair or replacement. It wasn't a candidate for
replacement until 2020.
Word from Minneapolis
The collapsed bridge is one of 1,160 bridges in that category,
which amounts to 8 percent of bridges in the state. Nationally,
about 12 percent of bridges are labeled "structurally deficient.
During the 1990s, inspections found fatigue cracks and
corrosion in the steel around the bridge's joints. Those problems
were repaired. Starting in 1993, the bridge was inspected
annually instead of every other year.
After a study raised concern about cracks, the state was
given two alternatives: Add steel plates to reinforce critical
parts or conduct a thorough inspection . . . to see if there
were additional cracks. They chose the inspection route,
beginning that examination in May.
"We thought we had done all we could," state bridge
engineer Dan Dorgan said near the mangled remains of the
span. "Obviously something went terribly wrong."
Although concern was raised about cracks, some experts
theorized it's no coincidence the collapse happened when
workers and heavy equipment were on the bridge. The
construction work involved resurfacing and maintenance on
guardrails and lights, among other repairs.

"I would be stunned if this didn't have something to

do with the construction project," said David Schulz,
director of the Infrastructure Technology Institute at
Northwestern University. "I think it's a major factor."
The simple truth
Responding to a disaster is inefficient and counter productive.
It costs much more than a planned demolition and clean up.
It takes much longer to complete the replacement
It often means that the lives of many productive citizens are lost

As soon as a bridge, sewer, water line, etc. is built, plans for

maintenance and replacement need to be established
and followed. In other words, avoid the disaster.
Regular inspection and repairs
Regular maintenance anti-rust paint on exposed iron work
to reduce rust corrosion
Reasonable life of the structure should be estimated and
plans for replacement developed as that time period
approaches its end.
Mississippi R. Bridges STL
Metro August 2007
Bridge Deck Superstructure Substructure
Jefferson Barracks N 6 7 6
Jefferson Barracks S 6 7 6
Poplar Street 5 6 6
Eads 7 6 7
MLK Jr. 7 5 5
Chain of Rocks 270 MO. 6 6 7
Chain of Rocks 270 IL 7 6 4
Clark 6 7 5

Key: 0 = Failed; 1 = Imminent failure; 2 = Critical; 3 = Serious 4 = Poor;

5 = Fair; 6 = Satisfactory; 7 = Good; 8 = Very Good; 9 = Excellent
Missouri R. Bridges STL
Metro August 2007
Bridge Deck Superstructure Substructure
Lewis 7 6 6
Discovery (I-370) east 7 6 7
Discovery (I-370) west 7 6 7
Blanchette (I-70) east 7 7 7
Blanchette (I-70) west 5 5 6
Page Avenue east 7 6 7
Page Avenue west 7 6 8
Daniel Boone east 7 7 7
Daniel Boone west 7 6 6
Key: 0 = Failed; 1 = Imminent failure; 2 = Critical; 3 = Serious 4 = Poor;
5 = Fair; 6 = Satisfactory; 7 = Good; 8 = Very Good; 9 = Excellent
How much could a national
infrastructure upgrade cost?
The American Society of Civil Engineers puts the total price
tag for improvements to the nation's roads, bridges, dams,
water systems and airports at $1.6 trillion.
Repairing deficient bridges alone would cost $188 billion
over 20 years.
Green infrastructure
Green infrastructure (or blue-green infrastructure) is a concept
that highlights the importance of the natural environment in
decisions about land use planning.[17][18] In particular there is an
emphasis on the "life support" functions provided by a network of
natural ecosystems, with an emphasis on interconnectivity to
support long-term sustainability.
Green Infrastructure or blue-green infrastructure is a network
providing the ingredients for solving urban and climatic
challenges by building with nature. Green infrastructure also serves
to provide an ecological framework for social, economic and
environmental health of the surroundings.
The main components of this approach
include stormwater management, climate adaptation, less heat
stress, more biodiversity, food production, better air
quality, sustainable energy production, clean water and healthy
soils, as well as the more anthropocentric functions such as
increased quality of life through recreation and providing shade
and shelter in and around towns and cities.[2]
Economic effects of Green
A study in 2012 that focused on 479 green infrastructure projects
across the United States, found that 44% of green infrastructure
projects reduce costs compared to the 31% that increased the
costs. The most notable cost savings were due to reduced
stormwater runoff and decreased heating and cooling costs.
A comprehensive green infrastructure in Philadelphia is
planned to cost just $1.2 billion over the next 25 years,
compared to over $6 billion for "grey" infrastructure (concrete
tunnels created to move water).
A green infrastructure plan in New York City is expected to
cost $1.5 billion less than a comparable grey infrastructure
approach. Also, the green stormwater management
systems alone will save $1 billion, at a cost of about $0.15 less
per gallon. The sustainability benefits in New York City range
from $139418 million over the 20 year life of the project. This
green plan estimates that every fully vegetated acre of
green infrastructure would provide total annual benefits of
$8.522 in reduced energy demand, $166 in reduced CO2
emissions, $1,044 in improved air quality, and $4,725 in
increased property value
Thank for Attention

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