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Course Information

Statistical Methods
Scale Identification
You will identify the scale for each question in the
questionnaire set.
10% (Individual)
Hypothesis Testing
You will formulate two hypotheses
Using the data given you will compute the appropriate
statistical tests for the above hypotheses.
10% (Individual)
Given the variables, you will formulate three hypothesis.
Using the data, you will test each of the hypothesis by
employing the SEM-PLS model.
Conduct your analysis and write up your interpretation.
10% (Group)
5% (group Presentation)
Critical Review
25% (Individual)
Read Chapter 6 about hypothesis testing.
Also read the supplementary articles.
Review and critique the concept of hypothesis testing by
answering the following questions:
Question (Critical Review)
The APA Task Force on Statistical Inference made its
recommendations regarding the use of statistical significance
tests in an article published in the August, 1999 American
Psychologist. Statistical significance testing has caused
considerable controversy within the social sciences.
Summarize the various sides of controversy, and state your
own views regarding the recommendations of the Task Force.
Format (Critical Review)
The write up for this assignment should not be less than 7
pages (double-spaced, 12pt times new roman).
This assignment is due on December 17, 2017.
Final Project
40% (individual, due on Jan 5, 2018)
You will use SEM-PLS modeling for this project.
First, develop a minimum of three (3) hypothesis; one of them needs
to hypothesize a mediating effect.
Use SMARTPLS3 to draw your model and calculate the estimates.
You can use your own data to conduct this project OR you can use
either one of the practice data given in class.
Write up the report using the reporting format presented in class,
include the following:
Descriptive Statistics
Table, graph and interpretation
Correlation Analysis
Table and interpretation
The Model Results and Interpretation
Figure, table, and interpretation
All assignments can be submitted to
Hard copy submission is also accepted.

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