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Prof. Morsi Arab
IDF Chair EMME Region
University of Alexandria
The Diabetes Care Team

The Nurse is a member of the Diabetes

Health Care Team which requires:
- complementation
- integration
- no contradictions
- strict job description
( without overdoing)
A special Member
The nurse is a privileged member of the team.
? Why
Has more time ( to listen and to educate). 1
can replace the doctors orders by .2
: instructions and guidance
?a psychol. value
Female nurses understand and .3
communicate better with
) a female pt. or mother of a diab. child (
Sympathy and Care is a feminine specialty
Positive and Negative Aspects of
Historical Significance in the ME
1. Islamic history supported the role of woman
.** nurses
. Cultural factors delayed womens development. 2
In the region X
Poor reputation about the standard of nursing in .3
Arab hospitals X
Establishment of Higher schools of Nursing.4
) ** Alexandria early 1960 (
First recognition & a parallel international .5
** course (Alexandria 1991)
Cont.(Historical )

Developing National Diab. Nurse Training. 6

A generation of high-standard specialized. 7
**educators with a nursing background
The Diabetes Nurse gets international
Notional Programme for Nurses
Nurse Training Workshops
Requirements to Perfect
The General Requirements for a nurse to perfect
:her role in diabetes care and education
I. Knowledge
.in diabetes and related sciences -
in basic principles in education -
II. Skills
.clinical : history taking , examination ,etc -
educational :skills of teaching knowledge -
. and skills , and changing attitudes of pts
:III. Special talents (Attitude)
interest, team working, respecting limitations,etc
Specific Considerations
Specific role in Acute complications
Knowledge of causes, symptoms and signs, .1
diagnosis, prevention and principles of
. management
,Clinical Skills :e.g. history, exam. (P & BP. 2
)urine test, bld sugar, acetone breath, etc
.follow-up observations
,Educational Skills e.g. instructing prevention. 3
.diagnosing and immediate management
Taking appropriate decisions. 4
The Diabetes Nurse in Foot Care
Knowledge : foot anatomy, vulnerability, types of
injuries (mechanical, thermal, chem.) weight bearing
. walking dynamics ,etc
Clinical examination Skills : pulses, sensation, dryness,
), colour changes, points of stress , etc
.Management skills according to her training
.Level I : e.g. dressings, nail cut, etc
Level II : e.g. ulcer debridement , etc
Education Skills for patients on : self inspection, shoes ,
stockings,, preventing mech., thermal and chemical
injuries, etc
In the Absence of the Physician

:The Diabetes Nurse

At School-
As Health Visitor to Homes -
At Far Rural Centres -
The Diabetes Nurse at School
Keeps records of children with diabetes-
checks times for insulin intake and snacks -
manages acute episodes e.g. hypoglycemia -
:-educates school staff to -
consider the needs of the diab child -
manage emergencies -
avoid discrimination -
The Diabetes Nurse at Homes
:Encourages pt. compliance to-
regular check of glycem. Control -
periodic checks e.g. ,ophthalmoscopy, -
e.c.g. ,etc
Monitors early develop. of complications -
Guidance (Education) about special needs -
of : the Elderly ,the Isolated , and the
. Handicapped diabetic
The Diabetes Nurse at Far Rural Centres
Keeps sound balance between active -
management of diab care or referral
. in due time) to physicians and specialists (
Manages immediate care in emergencies -
Checks sufficient stores of medications -
. and equipment for emergencies
Checks readiness of fast means for -
transportation in emergencies

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