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Dr.N.Govindrajkumar MDS
Dept Of Oral Pathology
Vishnu Dental College
-ac: pertaining to eg: cardiac
-al: pertaining to eg: neural
-algia: Pain eg: neuralgia
Ectomy: excision, removal eg: nephrectomy
-emia: blood condition eg: leukemia
-genic: produced by eg: carcinogenic.
gram: record eg: electroencephalogram
ic, ical: pertaining to eg: gastric
Ion: process eg: excision
ist: specialist eg: Opathomalogist
itis: inflammation eg: cystitis
-oma: tumor
opsy: process of viewing eg: biopsy
osis:condition,usually abnormal eg:fibrosis
pathy: disease condition eg: neuropathy
scope: instrument to visually examine
sis: state of eg: prognosis
tomy: process of cutting eg: osetotomy
Y : process, condition eg: gastroenterology
A an: no not, without eg anemia
Dia: through, complete eg: diagnosis
Epi: above, upon eg: epidermis
Re: back, backward, again eg: resection
Retro: behind eg: retrocardia
Trans: across, through eg: transhepatic
Ose: pertaining to, full off eg: adipose
Oid: resembling eg: adenoids
Ium,um: structure, tissue, thing
Ule: little, small: eg venule
Ia: condition: pneumonia, leukemia
Er: one who: radiographer
Combining form
Acr/o : extremities, top, extreme point
Angi/o: vessel
Blephar/o: eyelid
Encephal : brain
Lapar/o: abdomen , abdomen wall
Mamm/o: breast
Mast/o: breast
Myel/o: bone marrow, spinal cord
Phag/o : to eat, swallow
Plas/o: formation,development
Pneumon/o: lungs
Pulmon/o: lungs
Sarc/o: flesh
Necr/o: death
Rhin/o: nose
Blast: immature
Lapse: to slide, fall, sag
Phoria: tobear, carry, feeling
Physis: to grow
Ptosis: droop, sag, prolapse
Pnea: breathing
Trophy: nourishment, development
Combining form
Ad- toward
Af- toward
Albin/o: white
Asthenia: lack of strength
Azot/o: urea; nitrogen
Articul/o: joint
Balan/o: glans penis
Brachy- short
Brady- slow
Bar/o: pressure
Chym/o: to pour
Cirrh/o: orange-yellow
Cis/o: to cut
Clast: to break
Claustr/o: enclosed space
Dacry/o: tear
Dactyl/o: fingers
Desicco: drying
Con: together , with
Cor/o: pupil
Corpor/o: body
Crypt/o: hidden
Cyano: blue
Cyesis: pregnancy
Duct/o: to lead
Echo: reflection
Dorme: to run
Dips/o: thrist
Desis: to bind
Eso: inward
Eu: good normal
Esthes/o: nervous sensation
Estr/o: female
Galact/o: milk
Gon/o: seed
Gravid/o: pregnancy
Hexia: habit
Idi/o: unknown
Ichthy/o: dry scaly
Kyph/o: hump back
Kern: nucleus
Ischi/o: to hold back; back
Lept/o: thin
Nocti: night
Mort/o: death
Meta: change; beyond
Medull/o: middle, soft, marrow
Olig/o: scanty
Oophor/o: ovary
Onych/o: nail(of finger or toes)
Orchi/o: testis
Orth/o: straight
Pachy: heavy; thick
Pan: all
Papill/o: nipple-like
Pector/o: chest
Phobia: fear
Philia: attraction, love
Phleb/o: vein
Phon/o: voice
Phot/o: light
Phas/o: speech
Pod/o: foot
Poikil/o: varied; irregular
Pyel/o: renal
Polio: gray matter
Pil/o: hair
Plasty: surgical repair
Plex/o: network
Purul/o: pus
Py/o: pus
Pyr/o: fever
Pros: before; forward
Proct/o: anus and rectum
Sclerosis: harden
Syn: together
Sider/o: iron
Scoli/o: crooked; bent
Spondyl/o: vertebra
Steat/o: fat, sebum
Terat/o: monster
Tel/o: complete
Tele/o: distinct
Tachy: fast
Staphyl/o: clusters
Stenosis: tightening; stricture
Steth/o: chest
Bacilli: rod shaped
Cauter: burn
Celi/o: belly
Tropin: act on
Tripsy: crush
Agglutin/o: clumping
Phe/o: dark
Kerat/o: horny
Crino: secrete
Eosin/o: rosy
Hypn/o: sleep
Lux/o: slide
Thalass: sea
Lepsy: seizure
Leptic: seize(to): take hold
Xen/o: stranger
Xanth/o: yeallow

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