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Teori Model

Keperawatan Keluarga

Desy Indra Yani
Bagian Keperawatan Komunitas
Fakultas Keperawatan
Universitas Padjadjaran

The relationship between theory, practice, and
research is that through this knowledge nurses can
consider options and interventions to support
By understanding theories and models, nurses are
prepared to think more creatively and critically
about how health events affect family clients.
Theories and models provide different ways of
comprehending issues that may be affecting families.
Simply put, theories offer choices for action


Inductive reasoning is a process that moves from
specific pieces of information toward a general idea; it is
thinking about how the parts create the whole.
Deductive reasoning goes in the opposite direction of
inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is where
the general ideas of a given theory generate more
specific questions about what filters back into the
cycle, and helps refine understanding of the theory and
how to apply the theory to practice (White, 2005; White
& Klein, 2008).

Apa itu teori?
Untuk apa teori?

Teori adalah cara sistematik dan terorganisir
untuk menjelaskan suatu fenomena terutama
hubungan antara fenomena, memperkirakan
dan mempengaruhi hasil.
Teori digunakan untuk make sense of the world
Membuat prediksi suatu fenomena (LoBiondo-
Wood & Haber, 2002; Polit & Hungler, 1998)

the building blocks of theory, are words that create mental
images or abstract representations of phenomena of study.
Concepts, or the major ideas expressed by a theory, may exist
on a continuum from empirical (concrete) to abstract (Powers &
Knapp, 2005).
The more concrete the concept, the easier it is to figure out
when it applies or does not apply (White & Klein, 2008, p. 8).
For example, one concept in Family Systems Theory is that
families have boundaries. A highly abstract aspect of this
concept is that the boundary reflects the energy between the
environment and the system. A more concrete understanding of
family boundaries is that families open and/or close their
boundaries in times of stress.

Propositions are statements about the relationship
between two or more concepts (Powers & Knapp, 2005).
A proposition might be a statement such as: Families as a
whole influence the health of individual family members.
The word influence links the two concepts of families as a
whole and health of individual family members.
Propositions denote a relationship between the subject
and the object. Propositions may lead to hypotheses.
Theories are generally made up of several propositions.

A hypothesis is a way of stating an expected
relationship between concepts or an expected
proposition (Powers & Knapp, 2005).
The concepts and propositions in the hypothesis are
derived and being driven by the original theory.
For example, using the concepts of family and
health, one could hypothesize that there is an
interactive relationship between how a family is
coping and the eventual health outcome of family
Model Konseptual

A conceptual model is a set of general propositions that integrate concepts
into meaningful con- figurations or patterns (Fawcett, 2005)
Conceptual models in nursing are based on the observations, insights, and
deductions that combine ideas from several fields of inquiry.
Conceptual models provide a frame of reference and a coherent way of
thinking about nursing phenomena.
A conceptual model is more abstract and more comprehensive than a
Like a conceptual model, a conceptual framework is a way of integrating
concepts into a meaningful pattern, but conceptual frameworks are often
less definitive than models.
They provide useful conceptual approaches or ways in which to look at a
problem or situation, rather than a definite set of propositions.
Praktek Keperawatan Keluarga
(Hanson & Kaakinen, 2001).

Teori/ model keperawatan

Teori terapi keluarga
Teori ilmu keluarga sosial

Perbedaan antara Ketiga
Teori (Hanson, 2001)
Kriteria Family Social Family Therapy Nursing Theories

Tujuan teori
Deskriptif &
Deksriptif & Deskriptif &
explanatori (model prescriptive (model prescriptive (model
akademik), praktek) menuntun praktek)
menjelaskan fungsi disfungsi dan mebimbing
dan dinamika menunjukkan tindakan pengkajian
keluarga terapeutik keperawatan dan
usaha2 intervensi
Fokus displin Interdispin (walau Perkawinan dan terapi Fokus keperawatan
utamanya soslogikal) keluarga dan kesehatan
mental keluarga
Target Utamanya keluarga Utamanya pada Utamanya pada
populasi normal (orientasi pada keluarga bermasalah keluarga yang sehat
normal) walau pendekatan baru dan masalah
fokus pada kekuatan penyakit
Pendekatan Teoritis

Teori Keperawatan/ Model
Teori Ilmu Sosial keluarga Teori Terapi Keluarga
Orientasi Sistem Perkembangan Teori sistem keluarga
Sistem perilaku (Johson) Orientasi pd sosisoloogi Teori sistem klg Bowerian
Konseptual sistem (Neuman) (Duvall) Teori keluarga struktural
Orientasi perkembangan Orientasi pd psikologi (Minuchin)
Perawatan diri (Orem) (McGoldrick &Carter) Teori komunikasi/ interaksi
Orientasi interaksi & sistem Sistem keluarga
Model adaptasi (Roy) Mainstream Perilaku
Model sistem terbuka (King) ekologi Psikodinamik
Orientasi sistem & Struktur-fungsional interkaksi Pengalaman-humanistik
perkembangan Teori peran Intervensi krisis keluarga
Model proses kehidupan Teori stress & koping klg
(Roger) Institusional-histeris
Teori konflik
Teori pertukaran sosial
Teori pembelajaran sosial
The Family System

The Family Systems Theory is an approach that
allows nurses to understand and assess families as
an organized whole and/or as individuals within
family units who form an interactive and
interdependent system (Hanson & Kaakinen, 2005).
Family Systems Theory is constructed of concepts
and propositions that provide a framework for
thinking about the family as a system.
in family nursing, we look at a three-generation
family system (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2007).
The Family System

One of the major assumptions of Family Systems
Theory is that family systems features are designed
to maintain stability, although these features may be
adaptive or maladaptive.
At the same time, families change constantly in
response to stresses and strains from both the
internal and external environments.
Family systems increase in complexity over time,
and as a system, families increase their ability to
adapt and to change (White & Klein, 2008).
The Family System

All parts of the system are interconnected
The whole is more than the sum of its parts
One way of visualizing the family as a whole is to
think of how each family member acts during a family
ritual or routine.
The Family System Theory

All systems have some form of boundaries or borders between the system
and its environment
Families control the in-flow of information and people coming into its family
system to protect individual family members or the family as a whole.
Boundaries are conceptualized as a continuum ranging from closed to open or
any variation in-between.
Boundaries are physical or abstract imaginary lines that families use as barriers
or filters to control the impact on the family system (White & Klein, 2008).
Family boundaries include levels of permeability in that they can be closed,
flexible, or too open to information, people, or other forms of resources.
Systems can be further organized into subsystems.
he subsystems of the family, which may in- clude parent to child, mother to
child, father to child, child to child, grandparents to parents, grandparents to
grandchildren, and so forth.
These subsystems take into account three dimensions of families: structure,
function (including roles), and processes (interconnection and dynamics).
By understanding these three dimensions, family nurses can streamline
interventions to achieve specific family outcomes.

The focus of the nurses practice from this perspective is family as the
Nurses work to help families maintain and regain stability.
Assessment questions of family members are focused on the family as a
Interventions by family nurses must address individuals, subsystems
within the family, and the whole family all at the same time.
One strategy would be to assess the family process and functioning, and
offer intervention strategies to assist families in their every- day
The goal of using a family systems perspective is to help the family reach
stability by building on their strengths as a family, using knowledge of the
family as a social system, and understanding how the family is an
interconnected whole that is adapting to the changes brought about by the
health event of a given family member.
The Family System Theory

Strengths Weaknesses
theory covers a large array of Because this theoretical
phenomena, and views the family and
its subsystems within the context of its orientation is broad and
suprasystems (the larger community general, it may not be
in which it is embedded) specific enough for
this is an interactional and holistic
theory that looks at processes within
beginners, to define family
the family, rather than at the content nursing interventions.
and relationships between the
It is important for family
The family is viewed as a whole, not
nurses to be able to under-
as merely a sum of its parts. stand conceptually how
it is an excellent data-gathering important the family as a
method and assessment strategy. whole is to the practice of
family nursing.
Developmental and Family Life
Cycle Theory

It provides a framework for nurses to understand
normal family changes and experiences over the
members lifetimes
the theory assesses and evaluates both individuals
and families as a whole.
Families develop and change over time
Families experience transitions from one stage to
Developmental and Family
Life Cycle Theory

STrengths Weakness
it provides a systematic As family structures
framework for predicting continue to change in
what a family may be response to the culture
experiencing at any stage in and ecologic system,
the family life cycle.
trajectories of families
Family strengths and likely will not fit within
available resources are the traditional
easier to identify because
they are based on assisting developmental
families to achieve framework (White &
developmental milestones. Klein, 2008).
Bioecological Systems Theory

Bioecological Systems Theory

This theory seems to combine both

Developmental Theory and Systems Theory to
understanding individual and family growth. The bio/
Strengths: aspects of human/ family growth
it represents a comprehensive and holistic and development are not detailed
view of human/family developmenta enough to define how
bio/psycho/socio/ cultural/spiritual approach
to the understanding of how humans and individuals/families can
families develop and adapt to the larger society. accomplish or adapt to these
It includes both the nature (biological) and contextual changes over time,
nurture (environmental contexts) aspects of given their biological imperative.
growth and development for both individuals
and families. Aspects to the theory require
The bioecological perspective provides a further delineation and testing,
valuable com- plement to other theories that may that is, influence of biological and
offer greater in- sight into how each aspect of the
holistic approach affects individuals and families cognitive processes, and how
over time. they interact with the
The Family Cycle of Health
and Illness Model

Family Assessment
and Intervention Model

Teori Orem

Theory of self care
Self-care requisites
Self-care consists of universal
Self-care consists of developmental,
Health care (health deviation) needs
Therapeutic self-care demands
Deliberate actions
estimative and transitional operations
production and evaluation operations
Teori Orem

The theory of self care deficit self-care agency
Self-care agency:
A set of power components enabling performance of
self-care operations
Five sets of foundational capabilities and dispositions
The self-care operational capabilities
judgment and decision-making
Productive operations of self care agency
Teori Orem

Helping methods
Acting or doing for others
Guiding others
Supporting another
Providing an evironment
Teaching another

The theory of nursing system.

Wholly compensatory system
Partially compensatory system
supportive educative program
Teori Orem

Suatu sistem/ unit interaksi orang-orang yang berkaitan
dengan pernikahan, kelahiran, atau ikatan sosial kuat
lainnya dengan komitmen dan attachment antara
anggota yang meliputi kewajiban dan tujuan utuk
menciptakan, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan
perkembangan sosial, mental, fisik dan emosional
adalah setiap anggotanya
Interaksinya adalah interdependent
Kemandirian dan ketergantungan tergantung pada tahap
perkembangan dan status kesehatan anggota keluarga
Teori Orem

Keluarga sebagai basic conditioning factors
Faktor yang mengkondisikan self-care system, the therapeutic self-
care demand, & self-care agency
Keluarga sebagai tempat/ struktur untuk dependent care
Mengkondisikan the dependent care system dan dalam dependent
care system diciptakan
Keluarga sebagai unit pelayanan
Keluarga memiliki fungsi-fungsi tertentu berkaitan dengan
self-care dan dependent care semua anggota yang melebihi
atau berbeda dari memenuhi kebutuhan self-care secara
Teori Stres Keluarga

Stres keluarga penyakit
ABCX model (Hills 1949)
BagaimMencari stresor dan kesulitasn
B. Menyediakan sumber-sumber kekuatan dalam
penyelesaian masalah (koping, dukungan sosial,
C. Mendefinisikan keseriusan kejadian stresor
X. Kemampuan keluarga beradaptasi dengan stres
A. keluarga dengan kejadian stresful
Teori Stres Keluarga

Persepsi terhadap stresor
Sumber kekuatan keluarga
Koping keluarga
Gangguan fungsi keluarga
Pengalaman sebelumnya
Membantu keluarga dalam peningkatan sumber-sumber
& support system
Modifikasi persepsi
Teori Struktural

Keluarga sebagai sistem terbuka
Hubungan antar keluarga dan sistem sosial lain
Pendekatan pada struktur keluarga & fungsi keluarga
Melihat keluarga sebagai institusi sosial yang bersifat
Teori Struktural

Asumsi :
Keluarga sebagai sistem sosial dengan syarat
Keluarga sebagai kelompok kecil memiliki sifat
generik yang lazim
Sesbagai sistem sosial menyelenggarakan fungsi
Keluarga memiliki norma dan nilai-nilai
Teori Perkembangan

Menguraikan perkembangan keluarga dari waktu ke
Tahap-tahap perkembangan keluarga berbeda satu
dengan lainnya
Terdapat saling ketergantungan yang tinggi
Dituntut adanya porubahan
Teori Perkembangan

Asumsi Dasar
Keluarga berkembang dan berubah dari waktu ke
Adanya peningkatan kematangan dan interaksi -->
tindakan dan reaksi terhadap tuntutan lingkungan
Adanya pembagian tugas sesuai konteks budaya dan
Kecenderungan untuk memulai secara jelas
Teori Perkembangan
Keluarga pemula

Child bearing
Keluarga dengan anak pra sekolah
Keluarga dengan anak sekolah
Keluarga dengan anak remaja
Keluarga dengan anak dewasa muda (launching)
Orangtua usia pertengahan
Keluarga dalam masa pensiun dan lansia
Teori Sistem

Keluarga sebagai suatu sistem
Sebuah kombinasi elemen-elemen dalam interaksi
yang seimbang
Keluarga sebagai unit fokus pada mengobservasi
interkasi antara anggota keluarga dan antara
keluarga dengan penyakit/ masalah bukan
mempelajari anggota keluarga secara individual
Teori Sistem

Konsep Teori Sistem diaplikasikan pada keperawatan
1. Sebuah sistem keluarga adalah bagian dari supra sistem
yang lebih besar dan terdiri dari banyak sub sistem
supra sistem: tetangga, organisasi, komunitas
sub sistem: orangtua-anak, perkawinan, sub sistem
Boundary: apa yang ada di dalam & diluar sistem
Terlalu terbuka: sistem kehilangan identitas & integritas
Terlalu tertutup: kebutuhan berinteraksi dengan dunia luar
Teori Sistem

2. Keluarga sebagai suatu kesatuan lebih besar dari
jumlah dari bagian-bagian keluarga
Mempelajari keutuhan keluarga memungkinkan
utk mengobservasi interaksi antar keluarga dapat
lebih menjelaskan secara keseluruhan fungsi anggota
3. Sebuah perubahan pada seorang anggota keluarga
memngaruhi seluruh anggota keluarga
Pengaruh penyakit pada anggota keluarga mempengaruhi
semua anggota keluarga & berbagai hubungan keluarga
Teori Sistem

4. Keluarga dapat membuat keseimbangan
perubahan dan stabilitas
5. Perilaku anggota keluarga adalah terbaik
dimengerti dari sebuah gambaran melingkar dari
pada hubungan linier
Mempengaruhi gaya bertanya perawat pada saat
Linier menggali karakteristik deskriptif
Sirkuler menggali karateristik inteasksional
Family Nursing Roles

Variables that influence family health care

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