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HR Policies, Procedures And


HR policies are guides to action. They serve as roadmaps for

managers on a number of issues such as recruitment, selection and
promotion. They cover almost all functions of Human Resource
Management. A good HR policy should be easy to understand,
based on facts, equitable, reasonably flexible, precise and related
to objectives.

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Types of HR policies

 Functional policies
 Appealed policies
 Stated or Explicit Policies
 Unstated or Implicit Policies
 Internal policies
 External policies

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Advantages of HR policies

 Delegation
 Uniformity
 Better control
 Standards of efficiency
 Confidence
 Speedy decisions
 Coordinating devices

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Features of a sound HR policy

 Related to objectives
 Easy to understand
 Precise
 Stable as well as flexible
 Based on facts
 Appropriate number
 Just, fair and equitable
 Reasonable
 Review

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Coverage of HR policies

 social responsibility policies

 employment policies
 promotion policies
 development policies
 relations policies

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Formulation of HR policies

 identifying the need

 collecting data
 specifying alternatives
 communicating the policy
 evaluating the policy

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Evaluating the impact of HR policies

The impact of human resource policies can be measured through their


 Commitment: how long an employee stays with a firm

 Competence: appraised through performance appraisal techniques
 Congruence: nature and frequency of grievances, disagreement,
discord and conflict
 Cost effectiveness: measured through human resource accounting

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


HR department in a line organisation

Chief Executive

Personnel Manager

Recruiting Officer Training Manager Compensation Welfare Officer

Assistants Assistants Assistants

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


HR department in a functional

Chief Executive

Personnel Manager

Recruiting Officer Training Manager Compensation Welfare Officer


Assistants Assistants Assistants Assistants

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


HR department in a line and staff


Chief Executive

Personnel Manager

Recruiting Officer Training Manager Compensation Welfare Officer

Assistants Assistants Assistants

Line relationship
Staff relationship

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


HR department in a divisionalised
M a n a g in g D i r e c t o r

G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

M anager M anager M anager M anager M anager

M a r k e tin g F in a n c e P r o d u c tio n R & D H u m a n R e s o u rc e s

M anger M anager M anager

S o u t h e r n R e g io n C e n t r a l R e g io n N o r th e r n R e g io n

D e p u ty M a n a g e r D e p u ty M a n a g e r D e p u ty M a n a g e r
M a rk e tin g P r o d u c tio n H u m a n R e s o u rc e s

B ra n c h M a n a g e r B ra n c h M a n a g e r B ra n c h M a n a g e r
N agpur N e w D e lh i Bom bay

O ff ic e r O ffic e r O f fic e r
M a rk e tin g P r o d u c tio n H u m a n R e s o u rc e s

D e n o te s L in e R e la tio n s h ip s
D e n o te s S ta ff R e la tio n s h ip

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


HRdepartment in a matrix structure

M a n a g in g D ir e c to r

G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

M anager M anager M anager

A u t o m o b ile M a c h in e s E le c t r i c a ls

S u p p o r tin g F u n c tio n a l A s s is ta n c e to P r o je c ts

P ro d u c tio n M a r k e t in g P e rs o n n e l F in a n c e

P e rs o n n e l
G ro u p

H e a v y In d u s t r ia l
M a c h in e s
P e rs o n n e l
G ro u p
L ig h t
I n d u s tr ia l
M a c h in e s
P e rs o n n e l
G ro u p
A g r i c u lt u r a l
M a c h i n e s & To o l s

F lo w o f W o r k P e rfo r m a n c e

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Roles Played by a HR Manager

 Administrative roles
 Policy maker
 Administrative expert
 Advisor
 Housekeeper
 Counsellor
 Welfare officer
 Legal consultant

 Operational roles
 Recruiter
 Trainer, developer, motivator
 Coordinator/linking pin
 Mediator

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Roles Played by a HR Manager

 Employee champion
 Placing people on the right job
 Charting a suitable career path
 Rewarding good performance
 Resolving differences
 Adopting family-friendly policies
 Ensuring fair and equitable treatment
 Striking balance between employee expectations and
Organisational requirements
 Representing workers' problems and concerns to management

 Strategic roles
 Change agent
 Strategic partner

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Qualities And Qualifications Of A HR

HR professionals must have a thorough knowledge of the
organisation and its overall functioning. To deliver effective results,
they need considerable amount of knowledge, skills and expertise in
tax laws, finance, statistics, social sciences etc apart from the
training that they receive from reputed B-schools.
 Personal attributes
 Intelligence
 Educational skills
 Discriminating skills
 Executing skills
 Experience and training
 Professional knowledge Cont…

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Qualities And Qualifications Of A HR

 Qualifications
 Business mastery
 Change mastery
Professionalisation of personnel management in India
Attributes of a profession
    Well defined body of knowledge
    Formal education and training
    Minimum qualifications
    Representative body
    Service above self
    Ethical conduct

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles


Qualities And Qualifications Of A HR

Over the years, personnel management has emerged as a highly
respected profession in India. The reasons are fairly obvious;

 Growth of management institutes

 A growing body of literature
 Professional bodies
 Self-regulatory institutions overseeing the operations of
personnel people
 Code of conduct

Personnel management: functions, policies and roles

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