Applications Internet

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Application of Internet

Major Application Areas of Internet

• World Wide Web
• e-mail
• Chatting
• Newsgroup
• Telnet
• Online Banking
• Airline/Railway Reservation
• Audio- Conferencing
• Video- Conferencing
• Searching
• Advertisement
• Job Search
• Education / Online Examination
World Wide Web
– The World Wide Web (commonly abbreviated as "the Web") is a
very large set of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the
– With a Web browser, one can view Web pages that may contain
text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between
them using hyperlinks.
– the World Wide Web was begun in 1992 by the English physicist Sir
Tim Berners-Lee.
– The World Wide Web enabled the spread of information over the
Internet through an easy-to-use and flexible format.
– World Wide Web is not synonymous with Internet. The Internet
consists of a worldwide collection of computers and sub-networks
exchanging data using wires, cables and radio links, whereas the
World Wide Web is a huge set of documents, images and other
'resources' linked by an abstract 'web' of hypertext links and URLs.
• Electronic mail—often abbreviated as e-mail or email—is any
method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text-based
human communications with digital communications systems.
• Historically, a variety of electronic mail system designs evolved
that were often incompatible or not interoperable.
• The standardization efforts of Internet architects succeeded in
building a single standard based on the
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
• Modern e-mail systems are based on a store-and-forward
model in which e-mail computer server systems, accept,
forward, or store messages on behalf of users, who only connect
to the e-mail infrastructure with their personal computer or other
network-enabled device for the duration of message
transmission or retrieval to or from their designated server.
• While, originally, e-mail consisted only of text messages
composed in the ASCII character set, virtually any media format
can be sent today, including attachments of audio and video
• Internet e-mail messages consist of two
major sections:
– Header — Structured into fields such as
summary, sender, receiver, and other
information about the e-mail
– Body — The message itself as unstructured
text; sometimes containing a signature block
at the end
• The header is separated from the body by
a blank line.
• Header
– Each message has exactly one header, which is structured into
– The message header usually includes at least the following
• From: The e-mail address, and optionally the name of the sender
• To: The e-mail address[es], and optionally name[s] of the
message's recipient[s]
• Subject: A brief summary of the contents of the message
• Date: The local time and date when the message was written .
• Bcc: Blind Carbon Copy
• Cc: Carbon copy
• Content-Type: Information about how the message has to be
displayed, usually a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions )type
• Body
– It is the original message generated by the user.
– It contains text, images and other information.
• Various e-mail Protocols are:
• IMAP (Internet Message Access
Protocol )
• POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3 )
• SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol )
• MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) it is a format used with

• On the Internet, chatting is talking to other people who

are using the Internet at the same time when you are.
• The term chat room, or chatroom, is primarily used by
mass media to describe any form of
synchronous conferencing, occasionally even
asynchronous conferencing. The term can thus mean
any technology ranging from real-time online chat over
instant messaging.
• Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRC) is the protocol used
for chatting.
• IRC was originally created by a gentleman from Finland
named Jarkko Oikarinen, based on his experience with
chat applications on BBSes(bulletin board system )
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used
to exchange and manipulate files over a TCP computer
network, such as the internet. An FTP client may
connect to an FTP server to manipulate files on that
• The objectives of FTP, are:
– To promote sharing of files (computer programs and/or data).
– To encourage indirect or implicit use of remote computers.
– To shield a user from variations in file storage systems among
different hosts.
– To transfer data reliably, and efficiently.
• A newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet
system, for messages posted from many users in
different locations. The term may be confusing to some,
because it is usually a discussion group.
• Typically, a newsgroup is focused on a particular topic of
interest. Some newsgroups allow the posting of
messages on a wide variety of themes, regarding
anything a member chooses to discuss as on-topic, while
others keep more strictly to their particular subject,
frowning on off-topic postings.
• The news admin (the administrator of a news server)
decides how long articles are kept on his server before
being expired (deleted). Different servers will have
different retention times for the same newsgroup; some
may keep articles for as little as one or two weeks,
others may hold them for many months.
• Telnet is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP
protocol for accessing remote computers.
• Telnet (Telecommunication network) is a
network protocol used on the Internet or
local area network (LAN) connections.
• Typically, Telnet provides access to a
command-line interface on a remote machine.
• The term telnet also refers to software which implements
the client part of the protocol.
• Telnet is a client-server protocol, based on a reliable
connection-oriented transport. Typically this protocol is
used to establish a connection to TCP port 23, where a
Getty-equivalent program (telnetd) is listening.
Online Banking
• Online banking (or Internet banking) allows customers
to conduct financial transactions on a secure website
operated by their retail or virtual bank.
• The common features fall broadly into several categories
– Transactional (e.g., performing a financial transaction such as
an account to account transfer, paying a bill, wire transfer... and
applications... apply for a loan, new account, etc.)
• Electronic bill presentment and payment - EBPP
• Funds transfer between a customer's own checking and
savings accounts, or to another customer's account
• Investment purchase or sale
• Loan applications and transactions, such as repayments
– Non-transactional (e.g., online statements, check links, co
browsing, chat)
• Bank statements
Airline/Railway Reservation
• Plan you trip on Indian Railways Trains,
Check Availability, Seats Availability,
Reservation, Enquiry, PNR, Passenger
Status, etc.
Audio- Conferencing
• Audio Conferencing service allows multiple participants
to converse with each other regardless of their location
through the normal fixed line telephone or cellular phone.
An audio conference subscriber can add two or more
participants in a particular conference. The customers
can schedule their audio conferences through the Web
or through IVR.
• On demand conference can be made. The chairperson
can invite several users one by one in the conference
without using the web. He/she has to just dial a number
followed by certain number and the called party number
for doing a conference call.
Video- Conferencing
• Video conferencing is a powerful tool and provides a
virtual meeting environment that gives the benefit of real
• A videoconference (also known as a
videoteleconference) is a set of interactive
telecommunication technologies which allow two or more
locations to interact via two-way video and audio
transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called
visual collaboration and is a type of groupware
(groupware or workgroup support systems is software designed to help people
involved in a common task achieve their goals. )
• The invention of ISDN technology has made the world of
video conferencing a much better one. Compared to an
IP connection, ISDN is a much quicker, more reliable
and quicker way to get all you need out of your video
• This id done with the help of search engine. A search
engine is an Internet tool that locates web pages and
sorts them according to specified keywords.
• Keyword Searching
• Refining Your Search
• Relevancy Ranking
• Meta Tags (Some search engines are now indexing Web
documents by the meta tags in the documents' HTML (at the
beginning of the document in the so-called "head" tag).
• Concept-based Searching (This information is out
dated, but might have historical interest for
• Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and
World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing
messages to attract customers.
• Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on
– search engine results pages,
– banner ads(It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the
advertiser. The advertisement is constructed from an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), JavaScript
program or multimedia object employing technologies such as Silverlight, Java, Shockwave
or Flash, often employing animation, sound, or video to maximize presence ),
– Social network advertising(a term that is used to describe a form of
Online advertising that focuses on social networking sites. One of the major
benefits of advertising on a social networking site (facebook, myspace, friendster,
bebo, orkut...and many others) is that advertisers can take advantage of the
users demographic information and target their ads appropriately)
– online classified advertising ( It is a form of advertising which is particularly
common in newspapers, online and other periodicals, e.g. free ads papers,
Classified advertising differs from standard advertising or business models in that
it allows private individuals (not simply companies or corporate entities) to solicit
sales for products and services.)
– e-mail marketing (is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a
means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience)
– e-mail spam (also known as junk e-mail, is a subset of spam that involves nearly
identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail. )
Job Search
Online Search
• The Internet created a new, fast and effective way to
search for jobs. Now the job search is easier than ever
before. There are hundreds of online job databases
ranging from major national sites like, and to regional resources like Both types of resources should be included
in your online job search, especially if you need to find a
job in a specific geographic area. The national databases
do not necessarily include all of the local job listings for
your area.
• The job search engines are a good place to start. It's
like one-stop shopping; these sites let you search
many of the major job databases all at once. Using
them will save time searching the individual job
Education / Online Examination
• Online education refers to any form of learning/teaching that takes
place via a computer network. The network could be a local bulletin
board system (BBS) or it could be the global internet and world wide
web. The network could also be a local area network (LAN) or an
intranet within a particular organization.
• The most common function used in online education is electronic
mail (email) that allows students and teachers to send messages to
each other.
• In addition, most networks also provide conferencing capabilities
that let participants conduct multi-person discussions either in real-
time (often called "chats") or on a delayed basis (asynchronous).
There are also more elaborate systems for group interaction as
many "groupware" programs.
Education / Online Examination
• Learning and teaching online is much different
than a traditional classroom experience (even
when used as part of a conventional class).
Since most communication takes place via
written messages (or files), writing skill and the
ability to put thoughts into words are paramount.
• It can contain stored/ recorded video files.
• Sometime the teacher may present online for
query solving.
• Examination and results can be displayed

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