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Nama : Heri Noviandi

Semester : 5B
Prodi : English Education Teaching Program
NPM : 15052041
Subject : Aplikasi Komputer

LECTURE AUTHOR : Hari Sumardi, S.Pd., M.Si

Materi Kelas X

Expressing Gratitude
(Ungkapan Terimakasih)

If we thought specifically about it, many of us
would find that we dont give or hear
expressions of gratitude as often as we
should. If you feel this way, you are certainly
not alone. Remembering to express gratitude
can help us and our family members.
Gratitude begins with an inner feeling. When
we're grateful for the good things happening
around us, especially when were with those
we love, expressing it helps the feelings of
love and tenderness to grow. Expressing
gratitude can bring a calm sense of well-being.
Gratitude includes saying thank you and being
polite. But it goes beyond these expectations.
Expressing gratitude is the beginning of courtesy,
generosity, concern, and appreciation for family
members and others.
A deeply felt and fully expressed gratitude is an
effective way to positively influence attitudes and
behavior--our own and those of others. Learning
to feel and express gratitude can have a
significant effect on the happiness and success of
every family member.
So how do we help our families feel and
express gratitude? First, watch the brief video
on Expressing Gratitude by clicking on the
arrow in the window. Then read the
information under the two tabs The Big
Picture and Things to Try. These sections
contain information to help you improve your
own and your family members' ability to
express gratitude more effectively.
My pleasure. (dengan senang hati)
Youre welcome. (sama-sama)
No problem (tidak apa apa)
Im glad that i can help you. (aku senang bisa
Don't mention it (tidak masalah)
Forget it. (lupakanlah)
Thats what friends are. (itulah arti teman)
Its all right. (baiklah)
Its nothing. (tidak apa-apa)
Thats okay. (ok)
Contoh Dialog Expressing Gratitude:

Heri : Arif, I gotta go now.

Andi: But the partys just started, Bagus.
Heri : I know. But I have to get up very early tomorrow.
Thanks a lot for this amazing party.
Andi : Youre welcome. I may throw another one next
Heri: That would be great. Your parties are famous all
around the campus.
Andi : Make sure you are free next Sunday.
Heri : I will. Thanks again, man. See you tomorrow.
Sanif : Masya Alloh, I will miss my flight if I am not rush to go to airport
now. Masya Alloh, aku akan tertinggal pesawat kalau aku tidak segera
ke bandara sekarang.
Hanif : So, what are you waiting for? Jadi, kamu sekarang sedang
menunggu siapa?
Sanif : But my car is still being fixed in garage. I cant go by bus, the time
will not enough. Tapi mobil ku sedang diperbaiki dibengkel. Aku tidak
mungkin naik bis, waktunya tidak akan cukup.
Hanif : If you dont mind, I can usher you to the airport by motorcycle.
Kalau kamu tidak keberatan aku akan mengantar mu ke bandara
dengan naik motor.
Sanif : Actually, I am not accustomed to go by motorcycle, it will make my
hair ruins. But I have no choice. Lets go then. Sebenarnya aku gak
biasa naik motor, ini akan membuat rambut ku berantakan, tapi aku
harus memilihnya, ayo kita jalan.
Hanif : Okay, do you have helmet? Ok. Kamu punya helm?
Sanif : Yes, wait a minute, I am taking it. By the way, thank you very much
for your kindness. Ya, tunggu sebentar ya. Aku mau ambil. Ngomong-
ngomong, makasih ya atas kebaikan kamu.
Hanif : Its my pleasure. Tidak apa-apa, ini adalah kesenangan ku.
Cindy : oh, I have a headache, can you get me Bodrex please? Its on
the table
Tiny : _________ here it is
Cindy : Thank you
1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is...
a. Of course you are
b. I doubt
c. Never mind
d. Certainly
e. I am grateful
2. You help someone with a heavy bag . They say thank you and you
a. No, Thanks
b. Youre welcome
c. I appreciate
d. I am Grateful
e. You blame me
Yozy : today your birthday praty, right?
Dany : yes, how do you know about it?
Yozy : have a wonderful day. I have a gift for you..
Dany : oh my god i really like it ______
Yozy : Nevermind.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is...
a. It is disappointing me!
b. It is not special!
c. Iam very statisfied
d. You shouldnt have
e. Youre too generous

4. What is the suitable respone expression Thank you so much!

a. Welcome home
b. Youre welcome
c. Come here
d. Come in please
e. Go away

Jack : oh no! I forgot post letter

Rudy: let me help you, because im goint to post office
Jack : youve been very helpful
5. The underlined expression expressess...
a. Satisfaction
b. Dissatisfaction
c. Agreement
d. Thanks
e. dislike
Nicole : Harry, I gotta go now
Harry : but the pratys just started, Nicole
Nicole : i know, but i have to get up very early morning.
Thanks a lot for amazing party.
Harry : Youre welcome. I may throw another one next
Nicole : that would be great. You parties are famous all
around the campus
6. The underlined phrase means...
a. The party was great
b. The party was funny
c. The party was poor
d. The praty was bored
e. The Party was dreadful
7. Rima : thank you for your attention
Boby : .......
a. Your welcome
b. Iam very sorry
c. Please excuse me
d. Thanks
e. Help me

8. Iwan : Thank you for coming

Dahlia : ....
a. Sorry
b. No problem
c. I dont know
d. I dont think so
e. It was boring
9. X : hi , i bought some cookies for you
Y : ....
a. Thanks very much
b. Im really sorry
c. How are you
d. I did
e. I apologize for it

10. Jane : thanks for the drink

Yuni : ...
a. Idont mention it
b. Thank you
c. Sure
d. Sorry
e. Go away
Bagaimana? Sekarang kalian sudah
mengerti kan bagaimana
mengucapkan terimakasih dalam
bahasa inggris?
There is no such thing as gratitude
unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is
plain, old-fashioned ingratitude."

~Robert Brault

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