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Developing self-management

Choose the correct answer from the box that describes the personal health
issues. Write
your answer on the blank.
Otitis media Stunted growth
Obesity Vision
Scoliosis Blisters Underweight
_______________1. It is a medical condition in which a person's spine has a
sideways curve.
_______________2.It is a reduced growth rate in human development.
_______________3.It is a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood,
or pus) within the upper layers of the skin.
_______________4.It is defined as ''abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that
presents a risk to health''
_______________5.It refers to eye movement control and eye coordination.
Word/s Connect- Draw a line to connect the concepts in column A with the related
words in column B.
Column A Column B
Oral Care food, medicine, drinks
Proper Nutrition mouth, teeth, gums
Good Posture running, jogging, walking
Physical Activity hand washing, bathing
Personal Hygiene pillow, blanket
Rest and Sleep stance, sitting position
Developing self-management skills
Proper Nutrition- can be acquired when
an individual eats a variety of healthy food
to get all the nutrients that the body
needs in order to grow, develop and
function properly. It also gives the body
the energy for the day and protection
against diseases.
Good Personal Hygiene- helps
protect your body from illnesses
and boost your self-confidence
allowing you to feel good about
yourself towards other.
Regular Physical Activity or
Exercise- helps your body
combat diseases for it improves
muscular and cardiovascular
endurance and reduces stress
and anxiety. It also builds bones
and muscles.
Enough Rest and Sleep-
sleeping eight to ten hours
at night will help you feel
refreshed and ready for the
next days activities.
Good Posture- helps your body
to function efficiently for it
prevents fatigue, muscular
strain and back pain. It also
adds to your good physical
appearance for it projects poise,
confidence and dignity.
Proper Oral Care- gives you
confidence especially in dealing with
others. It includes brushing teeth and
gums daily, undergoing regular dental
checkup, and getting treatments such
as fluoride application, extraction,
fillings, braces and other orthodontic
The different self-management skills
include practicing and maintaining proper
nutrition, good personal hygiene, enough
rest and sleep, regular physical activity,
good posture, and proper oral care.
Many health issues and concerns can be
prevented from becoming serious health
problems if good self-management skills
are practiced and developed.
Classify each practice with the self-management skills that help you develop and
maintain healthy body. Write the letter of the correct answer.
a. Proper Nutrition d. Good Personal Hygiene
b. Regular physical activity e. Good Posture
c. Proper Oral Care f. Enough Rest and Sleep
______1. Take a bath every day.
______2. Sit up straight and dont slouch.
______3. Brush your teeth and floss every after meal.
______4. Avoid staying late at night. Sleep for eight to ten hours.
______5. Do a regular exercise to make your bones and muscle
______6. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid eating junk foods.

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