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By :

M. Luthfi Utomo (13)

Rania Tasya Ifadha (16)
Salsabila Zuhra C. N. (18)
A caption, also known as a cutline, is text
that appears below an image. Most captions
draw attention to something in the image that is
not obvious, such as its relevance to the text.
Captions can consist of a few words of
description, or several sentences. Along with
the title, the lead, and section headings,
captions are the most commonly read words in
an article, so they should be succinct and
Caption also include a short title or
heading of an article in a magazine or
newspaper. Words shown on a cinema or
television screen to establish the scene of a
story are also called captions.
There are several criteria for a good
caption. A good captions clearly identifies
the subject of the picture without detailing
the obvious. It is succinct, establishes the
pictures relevance to the article, provides
context for the picture, and draws the
reader into the article.
A note to remember :
There are several criteria for a good caption. A good
caption clearly identifies the subject of the picture without
detailing the obvious. It its succinct, establishes the pictures
relevance to the picture, provides context for the picture, and
draws the reader into the message.
So related to the structure of a caption, it can be written
in the form a word(s), a phrase(s), or a sentece(s).
From the picture beside, you can
create different kind of caption.
You can write poor boy to show
your sympathy to the boy. You
can also write down, Show me
your driving licence to create a
satire commenting on the police
officer. You might want to write,
Oh, my goodness, to echo the
boys mind why the police should
stop him while he is only riding his
bicycle or the police is thinking
why the boy you wear the safety
helmet for motor rider. Many other
expressions are possible. You can
also put the words in different
positions to create the best layout.
Sheila: "Hi Sheryl. What are you doing?"
Sheryl: "I'm still working for my assignment but i still can't understand the
Sheila: "Oh, really? What kind of materials?"
Sheryl: "Caption. Do you have any idea about it?"
Sheila: "Of course. Caption is text that appears below an image."
Sheryl: "Can you give me the example?"
Sheila: "Okay. For example, there's a picture of 2 people, holding hands.
There's caption in there. It is friendship, and there's some explanation
about it."
Sheryl: "Oh, i get it now. Thanks Sheila."
Sheila: "Don't mention it."
Clara: "Hey, Greg. What are you doing?"
Greg: "Oh, hi Clara. I'm just looking at this caption and i think it's cool."
Clara: "Really? What caption?"
Greg: "There's a picture of nature and there's some description that we
should take care of them and not going to destroy them."
Clara: "Hey, that's a good caption."
Greg: "Yeah... what kind of caption do you like?"
Clara: "well, i like caption in conversation."
Greg: "Why?"
Clara: "I think it makes a story. And, I like story."
Greg: "I see..."
1. Caption text should be concise
2. A good caption identifies the subject with
detailing the obvious
3. Caption cant be written in a form of a word

1. Message : caption shows about your curiosity about what he is doing

2. Message : caption shows about his daily activity
3. Message : caption shows your joke about what he is doing

1. Message : caption shows about relationship between the boy and the goat
2. Message : caption shows about his daily activity
3. Message : caption shows your joke about what he is doing
Succinct : Ringkas
Obvious : Jelas
Establish : Menetapkan

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