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Marinella Koskela r0489128

Ajla Kozljak r0479404

Gil Boeckx r0453273
Specializing in Cosmetic Ingredients since 1997.
Our goal is to provide exclusively high quality products along with an
outstanding customer service
Founded in 1997 in Washington
Ingredients for making personal care products and color cosmetics
Internet-based mail order business
All activities in Washington
Warehouse in Snoqualmie, WA
Shipping in over 150 countries worldwide
Key value-add capabilities
Natural and Organic Products
Cruelty-free Products
Other information
Companys employees; including formulators, chemists,
cosmetologists, medical doctors, and customer service specialists
Companys customers; cosmetic manufacturers, laboratories,
universities, spas, pharmacies, medical doctors, beauty studios, hair &
nail studios, and individuals interested in producing their own
cosmetics and personal care products
Key learning
How internet-based mail order business operates

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