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What are some of the important pitfalls that

Boeing must avoid in pursuing this project?

Usually Boeing is very secretive of their projects, but for 787
project, it has to share the ideas with a team of 150 members
Hence transition in its culture is huge
Challenging for Boeing to design a wing that could fit well in both
size(197 foot Dreamliner & 20 foot shorter range)
High-bypass engines could save fuel but the challenge here is to
mount it without adding weight which could offset their efficiency
Boeing could face trouble in decision making or designing some
parts of its aircrafts, since this is their first time, in working as a
group with other customers
Some airlines want Boeing to give the pilots Airbus-like side stick
controls, but Boeing old-style yokes were safer This led to
disagreement between them
Being on track with regard to the scheduling and delivering the
Is Boeing creating its own new competitors
from Japan and China? Is this inevitable? Is it
the right course of action?
With the current global systems integrator strategy , Boeing gave
up its unique position of superior knowledge of building a
commercial aircraft
Usually Boeing maintained its secrecy under lock and key, but now
it shared a manual regarding its secrecy creating a potential
competitor for the future
Japanese company learnt many aspects through the previous
contracts, now with this project, they had filled the critical nuances
of making an aircraft
Creating a potential competitor in the form of China, which had
long declared its objective of developing a civil aerospace industry
Boeing should come up with a patent formulae with regard to their
design & technology, so that it would provide them a much needed

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