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January 21 - February 19

•Friendly and humanitarian
•Honest and loyal
•Original and inventive
•Independent and intellectual
•Intractable and contrary
•Perverse and unpredictable
•Unemotional and detached
Symbol: the Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Saturn / Uranus
Ruling House: Eleventh House
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: ankles
Keyword: FRIENDS
Date with destiny: Gemini, Libra
Run for the hills: Taurus, Scorpio What makes you tick: philanthropy
Where you glow: in a picket line Fitness forecast: yoga
Play date: attending a technology
Perfect jobs: environmentalist,
computer whiz
Best accessory: a time machine
A sure thing: being original
Destination: Costa Rica
Pleasure: innovation, originality,
Pain: conservatism, being
categorized, emotional outbursts
What's my line? Think outside the
February 20 – March 20
•Imaginative and sensitive
•Compassionate and kind
•Selfless and unworldly
•Intuitive and sympathetic
•Escapist and idealistic
•Secretive and vague
•Weak-willed and easily led
What makes you tick: writing poetry
Fitness forecast: meditation
Play date: going to the theatre
Perfect jobs: TV producer, bartender
Best accessory: a toe ring
A sure thing: taking in stray animals
Destination: Morocco
Pleasure: romance, helping others, compassion
Pain: reality, mean people, insensitivity
What’s my line? Make love not war.
Symbol: the Fish
Ruling Planet: Jupiter / Neptune
Ruling House: Twelfth House
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Body Parts: feet
Keyword: SUBCONSCIOUS 
Date with destiny: Cancer, Scorpio
Run for the hills: Gemini, Sagittarius
Where you glow: helping others.
March 21 – April 20
 • Adventurous and Energetic

• Pioneering and courageous

• Enthusiastic and Confident
• Dynamic and Quick-Witted
• Selfish and Quick-Tempered
• Impulsive and Impatient
• Foolhardy and daredevil
What makes you tick: excitement
Fitness forecast: tae kwon do

 Play date: rock climbing

Perfect jobs: firefighter, aerobics instructor
Best accessory: hats
A sure thing: wearing red
Destination: Carnival in Rio
Pleasure: action, new beginnings, assertion
Symbol: the Ram Pain: follow-up, sharing, losing
Ruling Planet: Mars
Ruling House: First House
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: head, face
Keyword: SELF
Date with destiny: Leo, Sagittarius
Run for the hills: Cancer, Capricorn
Where you glow: pulling the strings
What's my line? Get out of my way!
April 21 – May 21
•Patient and reliable
•Warmhearted and loving
•Persistent and determined
•Placid and security loving
•Jealous and possessive
•Resentful and inflexible
Symbol: the Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Second House
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: neck, throat
Date with destiny: Virgo, Capricorn
Run for the hills: Leo, Aquarius
Where you glow: on the trading floor.

What makes you tick: a Rolex

Fitness forecast: massage
Play date: test-driving that new BMW
Perfect jobs: stockbroker, bank manager
Best accessory: a scarf
A sure thing: tending an herb garden
Destination: Norway
Pleasure: luxury, beauty, chocolates
Pain: flexibility, low quality, being rushed
What’s my line? Show me the money!
May 22 – June 21
•Adaptable and versatile
•Communicative and witty
•Intellectual and eloquent
•Youthful and lively
•Nervous and tense
•Superficial and inconsistent
•Cunning and inquisitive
What makes you tick: Trivial Pursuit
Fitness forecast: doubles tennis
Play date: tandem skydiving
Perfect jobs: librarian, lawyer

 Best accessory: a shrug

A sure thing: doing two things at once
Destination: Greece
Pleasure: options, ambidextrous, knowledge
Pain: being on time, commitment, red tape
What's my line? It takes two to tango.

Symbol: the Twins

Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: Third House
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Body Parts: lungs, arms
Date with destiny: Libra, Aquarius
Run for the hills: Virgo, Pisces
Where you glow: multi-tasking
June 22 – July 22
•Emotional and loving
•Intuitive and imaginative
•Shrewd and cautious
•Protective and sympathetic
•Changeable and moody
•Overemotional and touchy
•Clinging and unable to let go
Symbol: the Crab
Ruling Planet: the Moon
Ruling House: Fourth House
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: breasts, digestion
Keyword: HOME
Date with destiny: Scorpio, Pisces
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: hosting a party

What makes you tick: nostalgia

Fitness forecast: swimming
Play date: redecorating
Perfect jobs: chef, nursery school teacher
Best accessory: hand-knitted scarf
A sure thing: best dish at the potluck
Destination: Orlando
Pleasure: baking, comfort, children
Pain: snide remarks, forgetfulness, crab jokes
What’s my line? Home is where the heart is.
July 23 –
August 21
•Generous and warmhearted
•Creative and enthusiastic
•Broad-minded and expansive
•Faithful and loving
•Pompous and patronizing
•Bossy and interfering
•Dogmatic and intolerant
What makes you tick: leading
Fitness forecast: Tae-Bo
Play date: attending a movie premier
Perfect jobs: actor, cruise ship host
Best accessory: hairbrush

 A sure thing: basking in the glow

Destination: Singapore
Pleasure: daydreams, generosity,
Pain: keeping up appearances, losing,
being bossed around
What's my line? There's no business like

Symbol: the Lion show business.

Ruling Planet: the Sun
Ruling House: Fifth House
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: heart, back
Date with destiny: Aries, Sagittarius
Run for the hills: Taurus, Scorpio
Where you glow: center stage
August 22 – September 23
•Modest and shy
•Meticulous and reliable
•Practical and diligent
•Intelligent and analytical
•Fussy and a worrier
•Overcritical and harsh
•Perfectionist and conservative
Symbol: the Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: Sixth House
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Body Parts: stomach, intestines
Keyword: HEALTH
Date with destiny: Taurus, Capricorn
Run for the hills: Gemini, Sagittarius
Where you glow: crunching numbers
What makes you tick: efficiency
Fitness forecast: Pilates
Play date: cleaning up the neighborhood
Perfect jobs: copy editor, nurse
Best accessory: lint brush
A sure thing: perfect pleats
Destination: Switzerland
Pleasure: organization, routine, dedication
Pain: messiness, inefficiency, lateness

What's my line? A stitch in time saves nine.

September 24 – October 23
•Diplomatic and urbane
•Romantic and charming
•Easygoing and sociable
•Idealistic and peaceable
•Indecisive and changeable
•Gullible and easily influenced
•Flirtatious and self-indulgent
What makes you tick: charm
Fitness forecast: rowing
Play date: flying first class to Paris
Perfect jobs: beautician, personal shopper

 Best accessory: a bottle of water

A sure thing: flirting
Destination: Fiji
Pleasure: cooperation, fair play, conversation
Pain: disharmony, solitude, decision-making
What's my line? Beauty is in the eye of the

Symbol: the Scales
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Seventh House
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: kidneys
Date with destiny: Gemini, Aquarius
Run for the hills: Cancer, Capricorn
Where you glow: mediating
October 24 –
November 22
•Determined and forceful
•Emotional and intuitive
•Powerful and passionate
•Exciting and magnetic
•Jealous and resentful
•Compulsive and obsessive
•Secretive and obstinate
Symbol: the Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Mars/Pluto
Ruling House: Eighth House
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: sex organs
Keyword: SEX
Date with destiny: Cancer, Pisces
Run for the hills: Leo, Aquarius
Where you glow: investigating

What makes you tick: chess

Fitness forecast: sex
Play date: chatting on the Internet
Perfect jobs: private investigator, surgeon
Best accessory: magnifying glass
A sure thing: magnetism
Destination: The Netherlands
Pleasure: mystery, calling the shots, passion
Pain: exposure, simplicity, interruption
What's my line? Yeah, Baby!
November 23 –
December 22
•Optimistic and freedom-loving
•Jovial and good-humored
•Honest and straightforward
•Intellectual and philosophical
•Blindly optimistic and careless
•Irresponsible and superficial
•Tactless and restless
 What makes you tick: airplane tickets
Fitness forecast: archery
Play date: horseback riding
Perfect jobs: tour guide, park ranger
Best accessory: a backpack
A sure thing: being the class clown
Destination: anywhere
Pleasure: travel, philosophy, optimism
Symbol: the Archer Pain: responsibility, details, commitment
Ruling Planet: Jupiter What’s my line? Don’t fence me in.
Ruling House: Ninth House
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Body Parts: hips, thighs
Date with destiny: Aries, Leo
Run for the hills: Virgo, Pisces
Where you glow: globetrotting
December 23 –
January 20
•Practical and prudent
•Ambitious and disciplined
•Patient and careful
•Humorous and reserved
•Pessimistic and fatalistic
•Miserly and grudging
Symbol: the Sea Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: Tenth House
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Body Parts: skin, teeth, bones, knees
Date with destiny: Taurus, Virgo
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: in charge

What makes you tick: hard work

Fitness forecast: golfing
Play date: dining at an exclusive restaurant
Perfect jobs: news anchor, anthropologist
Best accessory: personal digital assistant
A sure thing: managing a stock portfolio
Destination: Japan
Pleasure: patience, respect, success
Pain: disorganization, miscalculation, boredom
What’s my line? The one with the most toys wins.
Submitted by
Aleisha Coons,
The University of Vermont

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