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Shear design

Lesson outcome
By the end of this lesson student should be able to:

Explain the behaviour of shear.

Identify types of shear failure
Design for shear reinforcement.
1. Determination of nominal cover
2. Calculation of the effective depth, d.
3. Design load calculation.
4. Moment & shear analysis SFD and BMD
5. Design of main reinforcements.
6. Design of shear reinforcements.
7. Deflection check.
8. Crack check.
9. Detailing.
Design of Shear Reinforcement
Shear failure is another factor that has
to be considered in the design process.
The shear stress that comes with the
changes in bending moment produces
corner/edge tension
The tensile stress causes cracks near
the support of a beam.
Shear Failure
Bending behaviour
Shear behaviour
Types of shear failure
Shear reinforcement
No shear reinforcement required
Shear reinforcement required
Vertical shear reinforcement
Inclined shear reinforcement
Shear link specifications
The use of minimum shear link
Compute V,Ed (Vmax),
Vef (at face)

Compute VRdc

VRd,c > Vmin

S < Smax
S max =

Set S = S max Set S = S given


Design based on (Asw/S)

Accept the shear link min

Example 4: (Simply supported Beam Design)
Design the longitudinal and link reinforcement for the beam show below. Assuming
Class XC1 exposure. The beam is made of Class C25/30, concrete of bulk density
25kN/m3 and Grade 500 steel. g = 25.5 kN/m

qk = 20 kN/m b = 300

h = 600
6000 mm

i) Design Moment, M
Loading: Permanent Action
Self weight (s/w) = Density x size beam
= 25 kN/m3 x (0.6 m x 0.3 m)
= 4.5 kN/m

Total Permanent Action = s/w + gk

= 4.5 + 25.5
= 30 kN/m
Variable Action
Total variable action = 20 kN/m
Design Ultimate Load, w
w = 1.35gk + 1.5qk
= 1.35(30) + 1.5(20)
= 70.5 kN/m

Design Moment, M
M = wl2/8
= (70.5 x 62) / 8
= 317.25 kNm

ii) Calculate Effective Depth, d

For Class XC1 exposure, cmin,dur = 15 mm (Table 4.4N)
Assume bar is 25 mm (Table 4.2), hence cmin,b is 25 mm
cmin = max [cmin,b ; cmin,dur + cdur, cdur,st cdur,add ; 10]
cmin = max [25 ; 15 ; 10], take max value of cmin = 25 mm
Therefore; cnom to main steel = cmin + dev
= 25 mm + 10 mm
= 35 mm
Assume link = 8 mm,
Hence, effective depth, d= h cnom link bar/2
= 600 35 8 25/2
= 544.5 mm
545 mm
iii) Design Longitudinal Reinforcement
K = M / fckbd2
= 317.25 x 106
25 (300) (545)2
= 0.142 < 0.167
so, used singly reinforcement (compression steel is not required)

z = d 0.5 + (0.25 K / 1.134)

= d 0.5 + (0.25 0.142 / 1.134)
= 0.853d < 0.95d,
so take z = 0.858d

As = M / 0.87fykz
= 317.25 x 106
0.87(500) (0.853 x 545)
= 1569 mm2
From Table A.1, provide 4H25, As = 1960 mm2

iv) Checking max and min steel areas

As,min = 100As/bd > 0.13%
= 100(1960)/(300 x 553) > 0.13%
= 1.18% > 0.13% ok
As,max = 100As/bh < 4.0%
= 100(1960)/(300 x 600) < 4.0%
= 1.1% < 4.0% ok

v) Check min spacing of reinforcement

Clear distance between bars, s
s = (width,b 2cnom 2no of link - no of bar)
No. of spacing
= 300 (2x35) (2x8) - (4x25)
= 114
= 38 mm > min[bar ; dg (say 20 mm)+5 mm ; 20]
b = 300
d = 553

h = 600

As = 4H25
vi) Shear reinforcement design
Assume that the support is 350 mm

Vmax = wL/2 = 70.5 x 6 / 2 = 211.5 KN

VRd,c = [0.12 k (100 1 fck)1/3 ]bw d

k = 1 +(200/d) = 1 + (200/544.5) = 1.61 < 2 (ok)

1 = Asl/(bw d) = 1960/(300 x 544.5) = 0.01< 0.02 (ok)

VRd,c = [0.12(1.61)(100x0.01x25)1/3](300)(544.5)
= 92.3kN

Vmin = [(0.035)k3/2 (fck)]bw d

= 0.035(1.61)3/2 (25)1/2](300)(544.5)
= 58.4 kN

Since VRd,c > Vmin and VRd,c < Vmax therefore shear link is required
Based on = 22o
V,Rd,max (22) = [0.36*bw*d(1-fck/250)*fck]/[cot + tan ]
= [0.36(300)(544.5)(1-25/250)(25)]/[cot 22o + tan 22o]
= [1323 / 2.5 + 0.4]
= 456.2 kN

Since V,Rd, max(22) > VEf, therefore

Determine shear link

Asw/s > VEd /[0.78 d fyk cot ]
> 160.77x103 /[0.78*544.5*500*cot(22)]
> 0.303

Asw = (*d2)/4]*2 = (*82)/4*2 = 100.5 mm2

100.5/s > 0.303
s < 100.5/0.303
< 332 mm
Select spacing, s = 300 mm (Table A.4)
Maximum link spacing
Smax = min(600, 0.75d(1+cot))
= min (600, 0.75d(1+cot(90)))
= min (600, 0.75 (544.5))
= min (600, 408.38)

Since s = 300 < smax , therefore the link spacing is ok

Check min shear link areas

[Asw/s]min > [0.08fck /fyk]*(bw sin )
> [0.08(25)/500](300)(1)
> 0.24

[Asw/s]actual = 100.5/300
= 0.332 > [Asw/s]min

H8@300 c/c is acceptable

FINAL EXAM Mar 2013 shear design

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