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The breast is located on the anterior thoracic
It extends horizontally from the lateral border of
the sternum to the mid-axillary line.
Vertically, it spans between the 2nd and 6th
intercostal cartilages.
It lies superficially to the pectoralis major and The surface anatomy of the
serratus anterior muscles. breast. Note that the axillary
tail has not been labelled in
2 regions: this diagram.
1. Circular body largest and most prominent part
of the breast.
2. Axillary tail smaller part, runs along the inferior
lateral edge of the pectoralis major towards the
axillary fossa.
Anatomical Structure
Mammary Glands
The mammary glands are modified sweat glands.
They consist of a series of ducts and secretory
lobules (15-20).
Each lobule consists of many alveoli drained by a
single lactiferous duct. These ducts converge at
the nipple like spokes of a wheel.
Connective Tissue Stroma
The connective tissue stroma is a supporting
structure which surrounds the mammary glands. It
has a fibrous and a fatty component.
The fibrous stroma condenses to form suspensory
ligaments (of Cooper). These ligaments have two
main functions:
Attach and secure the breast to the
dermis and underlying pectoral fascia.
Separate the secretory lobules of the
Anatomical Structure cont.
Pectoral Fascia
The base of the breast lies on
the pectoral fascia a flat sheet of
connective tissue associated with
the pectoralis major muscle. It acts
as an attachment point for the
suspensory ligaments.
There is a layer of loose connective
tissue between the breast and
pectoral fascia known as
the retromammary space.
This is a potential space, often used in
reconstructive plastic surgery.
Lymphatics Drainage
Is of great clinical importance due to its
role in the metastasis of breast cancer
3 groups of lymph nodes that receive
lymph from breast tissue
1. the axillary nodes (75%)
2. parasternal nodes (25%)
3. posterior intercostal nodes
The skin of the breast also receives
lymphatic drainage:
Skin drains to the axillary, inferior deep
cervical and infraclavicular nodes.
Nipple and areola drains to the
subareolar lymphatic plexus.
Anterior and lateral cutaneous
branches of the 4th to 6th
intercostal nerves.
Sensory nerve fibers
Autonomic nerve fibers - regulate :
Smooth muscle in dermis of areola and nipple
Smooth muscle of blood vessel tone)

Nerves do not control the secretion

of milk.
This is regulated by the hormone
prolactin, which is secreted from
the anterior pituitary gland
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer. After
lung cancer it has the second highest death rate due to
cancer. It is more common in women than men.
Peau dorange
Common presentations associated with
breast cancer are due to blockages of
the lymphatic drainage.
Excess lymph builds up in the
subcutaneous tissue, resulting in clinical
features such as nipple deviation and
retraction, and prominent skin between
small dimpled pores (peau dorange).
Larger dimples are generally caused by
cancerous invasions and fibrosis.
This causes traction of the suspensory
ligaments, causing them to shorten.
1. 40-60% of women have
axillary lymph adenopathy at
time of diagnosis
2. Involved lymph nodes are
rounder and more reflective
than normal at US
3. Internal mammary lymph
nodes are more often
involved than axillary lymph
nodes of the inner quadrant
4. Internal mammary lymph
nodes are usually resected
at mastectomy
5. Supraclavicular nodal
Commonly occurs through the
lymph nodes.
It is most likely to be the axillary
lymph nodes that are involved.
They become stony hard and fixed.
Following this, the cancer can
spread to distant places such as
the liver, lungs, bones and ovary.
Hematogenous spread
To assess a suspected breast cancer a
triple assessment is carried out. This
involves :
1. clinical examination,
2. imaging using a mammogram and
ultrasound scan and
3. finally a biopsy.
The staging of breast cancer uses the
I-IV system or the Tumor Node
Metastasis (TNM) system.

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