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Texas Principal Competency Reflection

Competency 1: The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the
development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is
shared and supported by the school community.

Participating in Site Based Decision Making Meetings its important

to develop and maintain effective campus culture. I gained first hand
knowledge of the progress our school making in terms of construction
on the new building. I am able to meet with and work with all stake
holders as we plan for our new campus.
I wish I were more involved, maybe sitting in on meetings with the
architects, and the builder.
Competency 2: The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all
members of the school community, respond to diverse interests and needs, and mobilize
resources to promote student success.

Communication plays an important role in the success of a campus. I learned the

importance of developing a partnership with parents and the community for the betterment
of our campus. Through programs like No Place For Hate, our School Wide Read, our
Family Camp Out and other community-based events, I received an opportunity to
demonstrate my appreciation towards this competency.
Competency 3: The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness,
and in an ethical and legal manner.

This competency expands on the need for administrators to be

legally knowledgeable and to exhibit this wisdom daily. One of the
key aspects of this competency is being an advocate for all children.
Every child needs tools in their corner to help them to succeed. This
internship allowed me to function as our campus IAT chairperson.
Competency 003 taught me the importance of applying rules and
procedures in a fair and reasonable manner in legally sounded
Competency 4: The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of
curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of
curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied
assessments to measure student performance.

It is important that all learners receive a quality education. I serve on our

campus curriculum Language Arts team and I am the campus IAT. I
understand and appreciate the role of the instructional leader. I had the
opportunity to train our staff on the IAT/RTI referral process.
Competency 5: The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain
an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student
learning and staff professional growth.

This competency covers the need for great instructional leaders. It also calls for
leaders to help staff members grow. I wish I had the opportunity to shadow my
mentor as she mentored and coached instructional staff. Competency 005 calls for
the implementation of ideas and strategies to foster an instructional program
healthy for the campus culture.
Competency 6 The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and
development system to improve the performance of all staff members, select and
implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the
legal requirements for personnel management.

This competency focuses on the needs of teachers and staff. Even though
this internship did not afford me the opportunity to participate in staff
evaluations, I have taken advantage of this opportunity in other job
assignments. I feel strongly about constructive immediate feedback,
professional learning, and being able to model for and guide teachers. This
summer I had the opportunity to attend professional development for
IAT/RTI in an administrator capacity. This training gave me a broader
knowledge of the role of the administrator as the chairperson of this team.
Competency 7 The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-
making, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning

This competency focuses on the management skills of the administrator in

terms of problem solving and decision making. During this internship, I
received many opportunities to demonstrate my understanding and
appreciation towards this competency. I must say that this competency
proved to be one of the hardest to implement. For example, this
competency asks that administrators use problem-solving to
collaboratively make decisions for the campus. This semester, my mentor
asked me to redesign our master schedule to accommodate all grade levels
PK-8 grades. I had to collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure that
everyones needs were met.
Competency 08 The principal knows how to apply principles of effective
leadership and management in relation to campus budgeting, personnel,
resource utilization, financial management, and technology use.

This competency focuses on the administrator allocating funds through a

budget that is conductive to the campus needs. During this internship,
through the SDMC, I had the opportunity to examine my campus budget
and understand where our funds come from, where they go, and why our
funds are apportioned the way they are. During this internship I learned that
our campus receives funds from local means and from the government. I
also learned that every budgeted item must be coded and must be paid
through the correct funds. I wish I had gotten more experience in this area.
Budgeting must be a collaborative effort with all stakeholders.
Competency 09 The principal knows how to apply principles of
leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support
systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.
This competency covers the safety and physical plant of the school. During
this internship, it became evident to me that I do not have much knowledge
of this competency. During my internship I had the opportunity to be apart
of operations of the physical building on a small scale by scheduling
janitorial and maintenance staff (we were one of the few campuses that
elected to have school on Fridays). I also attended professional
development to become certified to serve lunch because on Fridays, our
campus did not have access to our shared cafeteria. This competency asks
that the administrator knows how to react and resolve crisis management.
During this internship, I wish I had that opportunity.
Overall Refection
Over the last year, I have learned the importance of collaboration
with the school community. The only way that a school can achieve
academic goals and ensure the efficient and effective operation of
the campus is to collaborate with one another. No one, teacher or
administrator, can be an island isolated from the school community.
We must ALL work together to create the best learning environment
for our stakeholders.

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