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Who is a customer?

 Customer is the end user using my product

 No Customer, No Business, No Job!

 Warren Blanding, the CEO of the Customer Service

Institute puts it simply, “The only assets that count are
customers; The only growth a company will experience,
the only profit it will make, the only market share increase
it will enjoy-will come from CUSTOMERS
A customer…

 Being a customer is pretty easy.

It is difficult to be a satisfied one. And customer
satisfaction is one of the key aspects that every
organization is concerned with. Most have learnt the
hard way that if they don't take care of their
customers, their competition will (whoever said the
customer is the king knew what he was talking
Very Important in today’s era of Competition

 Customer service works by the rule of 10’s. If it costs

you Rs10,000 to get a new customer, it takes only 10
seconds to lose one, and 10 years to get over it or
for the problem to be resolved.
 Hence, you need to work to 10 times as hard as
competitors to keep your customers.
 Typically, 80% of your sales come from your regular
20% of the customers
Customer Focused Services
Better, cheaper, faster.
( a common corporate mantra)

It's odd how often existing customers are forgotten in the

rush of daily business.
Sales and marketing is paying attention to bringing
potential new customers into the fold.
Operational departments are working hard to efficiently,
effectively fill orders.
Almost two thirds of customers who stop doing business
with companies say it's simply because they feel ignored.
They feel like their business doesn’t matter to the
companies they are patronizing. (South West Airlines)
South West Airlines
 Motto: Customer Satisfaction delivered with warmth,
friendliness and Individual Pride
 More than 36 years ago, Rollin King and Herb Kelleher got
together and decided to start a different kind of airline.
They began with one simple notion: If you get your
passengers to their destinations on time, at the lowest
possible fares, and make sure they have a good time
doing it, people will fly your airline. And they were right.
 What began as a small Texas airline has grown to become
one of the largest airlines in America. Today, Southwest
Airlines flies almost 100 million passengers a year to 63
great cities all across the country, and we do it more than
3,300 times a day.
Designing Customer Focused Services

Specific areas addressed include:

 Understand today's customer service challenges

 Find out why customers quit doing business with you
 Manage your "moments of truth"
 Learn how to handle complaints
 Apply customer service lessons
Designing the Customer Focused Services

 Setting a Clear Customer Experience Strategy

 Often organisations confuse defining a customer
experience strategy with creating a "slogan". How
many companies create a slogan without any
supporting initiatives
 Understand the overall organisational vision and
 Define the organisation's customer service direction,
slogan and values
Designing Programmes

 Convenience for the customer- Convenience is

king in a busy world and the companies that make it
easiest for their customers are the ones that will
 Big Apple, Reliance Fresh, Petrol Pumps
Designing Programs
 Customer Feedback
 Treat 'em well
 Incentive Programs(Instant Gratification)
 Loyalty Programs
 Birthdays and Anniversaries
 Information

Delivering the Customer Focused Services

 Ensure customer service is defined as a key

responsibility for the business/department
 Share the customer experience strategy via a
comprehensive communications program
 Selecting the Correct People
 It's really hard to teach an elephant to dance!,
 organizational systems need to be aligned with that
goal, and excellence in customer service be
 Strategic measurement systems are also necessary
to close this gap.
At Papa John’s
– World Class Customer Experience(WCCE)
Book “Moments of truth’ by Jan Carlzon, the President
of Scandinavian Airlines coined and explained
However, all great services and products are expected
to provide a WCCE.

Our core value-Attitude, Positive Mental Attitude is

immensely valuable to providing a WCCE
Steps to keep a Positive Attitude

 Think Positive
 Relax
 Show your best
Top ten Customer Service Rules
 Bring ‘em back alive
 Service and Smiles
 Over Deliver
 Never say ‘no’
 Customer feedback
 Help unhappy customer ‘Listen, Listen,
 Customer oriented programs
Sum Up

•If your customers don't trust you, they won't come

back. Period.

•But, if they do, you can survive the roughest seas.

Thank You

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