Threat To World: Racism

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Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant
of human traits and capacities and that racial differences
produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Racial typically points out taxonomic differences b/w

different groups of people, even though anybody can be
racialised, independently of their somatic differences.
Racism become closely intertwined with
nationalism from 19th century, leading to the
ethnic nationalist discourse which identified the
‘race’ to the ‘nationality’.

Recent example is about ‘racial attacks

From 2004 to 2009 the number of indians studying
in Australia rose from 30,000 to 97,000 .

In 2007-2008 international education contributed

13.7 billion Australian dollars to the Australian
Economy, measured through all categories of
Exports earnings, including tuition fees, living
Expenses and tourism associate with visits from
Indian reaction
 The issue has been raised in diplomatic
talk between Australian prime minister
KEVIN RUDD and Indian prime minister
,the Indian govt declared that it with
would formulate a policy to deal with racial
discrimination against indians abroad.
 Economic crises and downfalls often cause
rising fascism and racism against minorities.
 In India itself resulting in racist-like violence
between various ethnic groups and ultra-
nationalist partise in the country.

Racial discrimination is treating people differently through a process of social
division into categories

Institutional racism
(also known as structural racism, state racism or systemic racism) is racial
discrimination by governments, corporations, educational institutions or
other large organizations .
 Economic
 Historical economic or social disparity is
alleged to be a form of discrimination which is
caused by past racism and historical reasons,
affecting the present generation through
deficits in the formal education and kinds of
preparation in the parents' generation, and,
through primarily unconscious racist attitudes
and actions on members of the general
 In Zimbabwe, there
has been increasing
racism against the
white farmers, due to
poverty and
lack of land ownership
by Africans.
Recism :Equally prevalent in
 In ASIA miilions of people suffer discrimination
because of the descent or caste.

 Among victims are Burakumin in japan and

DALITS in the Indians subcontinent.

 DALITS in india suffer a range of human rights

violations,despite legal safeguards they precisely
reported to be torture,arbitary arrest,extra juducial
execution and harassment.
International Human Right
laws against RECISUM
The Elimination of All Forms Of Racial
Discrimination was adopted in 1965
By the UN General Assembly.

ITAims to promote DE FACTO Racial

equality,to enable the various ethnic,racial or
national groups to enjoy all the Human rights
on the equall basis.
Global action against
 UNITED NATION has struggled to find measures to
combat racial discrimination and ethnic violence the
conventions and declarations are:-
 Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the
crime of GENOCIDE-1948.
 Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination -1963
 21 MARCH designated International Day for Elimination
of Racial Discrimination-1996
 First world conference to combat Racism and Racial
Discrimination , Geneva 1978
World Conference against Racism ,Racial Discrimination ,Xenophobia and Related
Intolerance 2001 in durban , south africa

DDPA(Durban Declaration and Program of Action) provided the framework for guiding
govt. , non govt organisation and other institution in their efforts to combat racism and
racial discrimination.

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