Chapters 2 Heat Conduction PP

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Chapters 2.

Heat Conduction Equation

2.1 Introduction

Heat flow across various layers in a chip is governed by heat

conduction equation. To understand heat conduction
equation is a necessary step for calculating the temperature
drop across each layers. In this chapter, the mean objectives

• To derive the heat conduction equation

• To study the associated boundary conditions

• To study the solutions of the steady state, one-dimensional

heat conduction problems

2-2 The general heat conduction equation
(1) Heat conduction across an elemental volume, T = f(x,y,z,t)
• Q&x is the rate of heat flow into the elemental control volume
dxdydz across the element surface dydz at x.

Q&x Q&x +dx

dy z
dz x Q&x = (−k )dydz
x dx x+dx ∂x

• The rate out flow of heat across the element surface dydz at
x+dx is
& & & & ∂Q&x ∂T ∂ ∂T
Qx +dx = Qx + dQx = Qx + dx = [( −k ) + (−k )dx]dydz
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x

• The net rate of heat energy that flows into the control volume from the x
∂ ∂T
Q&x −Q&x +dx = (k )dxdydz
∂x ∂x
• Similarly, the net rates of heat energy that flow into the control volume from
the y and z directions are, respectively,

∂ ∂T
Q&y −Q&y +dy = (k )dxdydz
∂y ∂y

∂ ∂T
Q&z −Q&z +dz = (k ) dxdydz
∂z ∂z
• The net rate of heat that flows into the control volume from all directions
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
[ (k ) + (k ) + (k )]dxdydz
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z

(2) Internal heat generation in the elemental volume
The rate of heat generation inside in volume is gdxdydz
g& is the rate of energy generation per unit volume (W/m3)

(3) Applying the principle of conservation of energy for a closed system,

the net heat input to the elemental volume is equal to the increase of
internal energy.
∂T ∂T
E&i −E&o = mcv → Q&net = ( ρ dxdydz )cv
∂t ∂t
The general heat conduction equation is
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
( k + k + k )dxdydz + gdxdydz
& = ρ dxdydzcv
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
k + k + k + g&= ρ cv
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

2-3 Special forms of heat conduction equations
• Constant thermal conductivity, k = constant
∂2T ∂2T ∂2T g& ρ c ∂T
+ 2 + 2 + =
∂x ∂y ∂z k k ∂t
• No heat 2generation source within the system
∂ T ∂2T ∂2T ρc ∂T 1 ∂T
+ + = =
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 k ∂t α ∂t

α = k /ρc
is called thermal diffusivity. It indicates how fast the heat
diffuses in the medium.
• Steady state∂2Theat∂2conduction
T ∂2T g&with internal heat generation
+ 2 + 2 + =0
∂x ∂y ∂z k

• ∂2T ∂2T ∂ 2T
+ no
Steady state2 and +internal T = 0generation in the medium
= ∇heat

∂x ∂y2

It is a Laplace equation
2-3 One-dimensional heat conduction equations

• One-dimensional (There is no
∂2T g& 1 ∂T
temperature gradient in y & z 2
+ =
directions), unsteady, constant k ∂x k α ∂t
with internal heat generation.

• One-dimensional, steady state, d 2T g&

constant k with internal heat 2
+ =0
dx k

• One-dimensional, steady state, d 2T

constant k and no internal heat dx 2

2-4 The general heat conduction in cylindrical coordinates

1 ∂ ∂T 1 ∂2T ∂2T g& 1 ∂T

• Cylindrical coordinates with r + + + =
r ∂T ∂r r2 ∂φ2 ∂2z k α ∂t
constant k

• One-dimensional (there is no 1 ∂ ∂T g& 1 ∂T

temperature gradient in z and Φ r + =
directions), unsteady, constant k, r ∂r ∂r k α ∂t
and with internal heat generation
1 d dT g&
r + =0
One-dimensional, steady state, r dr dr k
and constant k with internal heat

d dT
One-dimensional, steady state, r =0
constant k, and no internal heat dr dr

2.4 Boundary conditions for steady state, one-dimensional heat conductions

Below is a plane wall with a thickness L. The left hand surface is located at x
= 0 and the right hand side is located at x = L. The temperature or heat flux
at any point on the wall may be specified as boundary conditions. The
common boundary conditions for 1-dimensional, steady state hea
conduction problems are:
• Constant surface temperature : If the
temperature at x = 0 is constant x
T = T(0) = constant = To 0 L
• Constant surface heat flux : if the heat flux across the plane x = 0 is
constant. dT
k( ) x =0 = q&= const.

• Adiabatic or insulated surface, there is no hat flow across the
plane x = 0 dT
( ) x =0 = 0
• Convection boundary condition at x = L, the ambient fluid
temperature is T.∞The heat flow rate from the internal point of
the plate to the surface x = L is equal to the convection heat
transfer rate to the ambient air
(−k ) x =L = h(TL −T∞ )
• Interface boundary condition T∞

dT dT
−(k )1i = −(k ) 2i 0 L
dx dx
T1i = T2i

• Symmetric boundary condition 1 2

( ) symmetric = 0
There is no heat flow across the symmetric plane.
Example 2-13 heat conduction in the base of an iron
• Given : P = 1200W, L = 0.5cm, A = 300cm2, k = 15W/mK, q&= constant
= 20oC h = 80W/m2K

q& L = 0.5cm
T h

• Find - Temperature distribution x air
- T(0) and T(0.5cm)
• Assumption : the area is much larger than the thickness. One-dimension
application is possible, steady state operation, and constant k
• Solution
- Governing
2 equation and boundary conditions
d T
dT P 1200(W ) W
x = 0, q&= −k ( ) x =0 = const. = = −4 2
= 40, 000( 2 )
dx A 300 x10 (m ) m
x = L, −k ( ) x =L = h[T ( L) −T∞ ]
- The solution : integrating once = c1
Applying boundary condition 1
−k ( ) x =0 = −kc1 = q&= 40, 000
c1 = = −2666.6(o C / m)

Integrating again T = c1 x + c2
Applying boundary 2 −kc1 = h[T ( L) −T∞ ] = h[c1 L + c2 −T∞ ]
c2 = − 1 + T∞ −c1 L = 533.3o C
The temperature profile T = −2666.6 x + 533.3

Temperature at x = 0 T (0) = 533.3o C

Temperature at x = 0.005m
T (0.005) = −2666.6x0.005+ 533.3o C = 520o C
Ex. 2-18 Variation of temperature in a resistance heater

• Given : ro = 5mm, k = 100W/mK,

g = 5000W/m3, To = 105oC
• Find (1) temperature distribution ro
(2) maximum temperature
To= 105oC
• Assumptions
- steady state
- very long — one-dimensional
- k = constant
- uniform internal heat generation
• The governing equation & boundary conditions.

- Heat conduction equation 1 d dT g&

r + =0
- the boundary conditions r dr dr k
(1) constant surface T at r = ro T (r0 ) = T (5m m )= 105o C
(2) symmetric Temperature dT
( ) r =0 = 0
distribution at the center dr
dT g& 2
- Integrating once r = − r + c1
dr 2k
- Applying second boundary condition r = 0; = 0 ⇒ c1 = 0
dT g&
- Rearranging the equation =− r
dr 2k
g& 2
- Integrating again T= r + c2
g& 2
- Applying the first B. C. r = ro;T = To ⇒ c2 = ro + To
g& 2 2
- The temperature distribution T= (ro −r )+ To
- The max. temperature occurs at x = 0
g& 2 5x108
Tmax = ro + Tro = (0.005)2 +105= 136.25o C
4k 4x100
• The following pages will not be taught

2.5 Solution of steady one-dimensional heat conduction problem

(3) Heat conduction in a long solid circular cylinder with heat generation
• Assumptions
- One-dimensional and uniform internal heat generation
- k = constant
- Convection heat transfer coefficient is h and ambient fluid
temperature is T∞.
- Steady-state
• The 1-D heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates
d dT g&
r =− r
dr dr k
• The boundary conditions
dT dT
r = 0: = 0,............r = ro :−k = h(Tr −T∞ )
dr dr o

• The solution : Integrating once and apply the first boundary condition,
dT g& 2
r = − r + C1 C1 = 0
dr 2k
• Repeat integration and get The temperature gradient at ro.
g& dT g&
T = − r 2 + C2 ( ) ro = − ro
4k dr 2k
Applying the second boundary condition
dT g&
−k ( ) ro = h(Tro −T∞ ) ⇒ ro = h(Tro −T∞ )
dr 2
• Temperature at ro Tro = T∞ +
g& 2
C2 = Tro + r0
g& 2 2
• The temperature profile is T = (ro −r ) + Tro
g& 2 2 gr &
or T= (r0 −r ) + o + T∞
4k 2h
• The maximum temperature occurs at the center, r = 0.


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