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Introduction Sea-level change

Sedimentology concepts Sequence stratigraphy concepts
Fluvial environments Marine sequence stratigraphy
Deltaic environments Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy
Coastal environments Basin and reservoir modeling
Offshore marine environments Reflection

EaES 455-10 1
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

The nonmarine realm is considered here to include all

environments landward of the shoreline (fluvial, delta plain,
coastal plain)
Updip (nonmarine) sections of stratigraphic sequences not only
record RSL changes (downstream control), but also climatic
and tectonic signals from the hinterland (upstream control)

EaES 455-10 2
EaES 455-10 3
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

The fluvial longitudinal profile (graded profile) is crucial,

because changes herein determine whether incision or
aggradation occurs, including the formation of sequence
boundaries; it responds to changes in RSL (base level), as well
as climate and tectonics (sediment supply)
Fluvial scour represents local, autogenic erosion of the channel
bed (e.g., in sharp bends or at confluences)
Fluvial incision constitutes the regional, allogenic degradation
of the longitudinal profile, commonly including both lowering of
the channel bed and the genetically associated floodplain
Distinction of incision vs. scour is crucial!

EaES 455-10 4
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EaES 455-10 6
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

The fluvial longitudinal profile (graded profile) is crucial,

because changes herein determine whether incision or
aggradation occurs, including the formation of sequence
boundaries; it responds to changes in RSL (base level), as well
as climate and tectonics (sediment supply)
Fluvial scour represents local, autogenic erosion of the channel
bed (e.g., in sharp bends or at confluences)
Fluvial incision constitutes the regional, allogenic degradation
of the longitudinal profile, commonly including both lowering of
the channel bed and the genetically associated floodplain
Distinction of incision vs. scour is crucial!

EaES 455-10 7
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EaES 455-10 9
EaES 455-10 10
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

The fluvial longitudinal profile (graded profile) is crucial,

because changes herein determine whether incision or
aggradation occurs, including the formation of sequence
boundaries; it responds to changes in RSL (base level), as well
as climate and tectonics (sediment supply)
Fluvial scour represents local, autogenic erosion of the channel
bed (e.g., in sharp bends or at confluences)
Fluvial incision constitutes the regional, allogenic degradation
of the longitudinal profile, commonly including both lowering of
the channel bed and the genetically associated floodplain
Distinction of incision vs. scour is crucial!

EaES 455-10 11
EaES 455-10 12
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Whenever the longitudinal profile is graded to a more or less

stable RSL for any prolonged time interval, and given sufficient
sediment supply, a coastal prism will develop, representing a
delta plain (possibly laterally connected to a more extensive
coastal plain), with a very low gradient that increases rapidly
across the shoreline
The coastal prism is highly sensitive to erosion during RSL fall;
therefore, incision and the formation of sequence boundaries is
likely to occur even if RSL does not fall below the shelf edge

EaES 455-10 13
EaES 455-10 14
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Fluvial incision leads to valley cutting; paleovalleys (also

known as incised valleys) are valleys that have been
subsequently filled with sediment
Even during incision a fluvial deposit is always left behind
(terraces); rivers act as conveyor belts, not as vacuum cleaners!
Unequivocal recognition of paleovalleys requires incision that must
substantially exceed channel depth, with interfluves topped by
mature paleosols
The distinction between paleovalleys and channel belts is tricky
RSL fall does not necessarily always lead to the formation of well-
developed sequence boundaries (e.g., fluvial systems do not
always respond to RSL fall by means of incision); sequence
boundaries may therefore be very indistinct and difficult to detect

EaES 455-10 15
EaES 455-10 16
EaES 455-10 17
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Fluvial incision leads to valley cutting; paleovalleys (also

known as incised valleys) are valleys that have been
subsequently filled with sediment
Even during incision a fluvial deposit is always left behind
(terraces); rivers act as conveyor belts, not as vacuum cleaners!
Unequivocal recognition of paleovalleys requires incision that must
substantially exceed channel depth, with interfluves topped by
mature paleosols
The distinction between paleovalleys and channel belts is tricky
RSL fall does not necessarily always lead to the formation of well-
developed sequence boundaries (e.g., fluvial systems do not
always respond to RSL fall by means of incision); sequence
boundaries may therefore be very indistinct and difficult to detect

EaES 455-10 18
EaES 455-10 19
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Paleovalleys are commonly occupied by estuaries during

transgression; their stratigraphy is a sensitive recorder of RSL
A typical vertical succession, depending on the position in dip
direction, includes:
A basal, fluvial FSST/LST overlying a sequence boundary
An overlying TST that is either fully marine, estuarine, or tide-
influenced fluvial
A capping HST that is again more fluvial-dominated

EaES 455-10 20

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EaES 455-10 22
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

In view of the difficulty to identify parasequence stacking

patterns, identification of systems tracts in upper deltaic to
fluvial environments is problematic; however, there is a close
relationship between fluvial style, alluvial architecture, and
systems tracts
FSST/LST: destruction of accommodation; high channel-deposit
TST: rapid creation of accommodation; low channel-deposit
proportion, possibly with tidal influence
HST: moderate accommodation; intermediate channel-deposit

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EaES 455-10 27
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

In view of the difficulty to identify parasequence stacking

patterns, identification of systems tracts in upper deltaic to
fluvial environments is problematic; however, there is a close
relationship between fluvial style, alluvial architecture, and
systems tracts
FSST/LST: destruction of accommodation; high channel-deposit
TST: rapid creation of accommodation; low channel-deposit
proportion, possibly with tidal influence
HST: moderate accommodation; intermediate channel-deposit

EaES 455-10 28
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Coastal prisms are essentially composed of TSTs and HSTs, and

in view of their sensitivity to erosion during RSL fall, the
FSST/LST has a relatively high preservation potential; this is
particularly the case when subsidence rates are low
Vertical stacking of relatively amalgamated channel belts,
characteristic of the FSST/LST, leads to sequence boundaries
that are hard to identify (cryptic sequence boundaries)
Climatic and tectonic controls can operate in an opposite
direction than RSL, rendering nonmarine sequence-stratigraphic
interpretations considerably more difficult than their marine

EaES 455-10 29
EaES 455-10 30
Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy

Coastal prisms are essentially composed of TSTs and HSTs, and

in view of their sensitivity to erosion during RSL fall, the
FSST/LST has a relatively high preservation potential; this is
particularly the case when subsidence rates are low
Vertical stacking of relatively amalgamated channel belts,
characteristic of the FSST/LST, leads to sequence boundaries
that are hard to identify (cryptic sequence boundaries)
Climatic and tectonic controls can operate in an opposite
direction than RSL, rendering nonmarine sequence-stratigraphic
interpretations considerably more difficult than their marine

EaES 455-10 31

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