Spring Framework: Dependency Injection Ioc Container Bean Creation Spring Beans Autowiring Springmvc

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Spring Framework

Dependency Injection
IOC container
Bean Creation
Spring Beans
Dependency Injection
Java components / classes should be as independent as
possible of other Java classes.

Dependency Injection is the way in which we make java

components/ classes independent of each other.

Dependency Injection can be achieved without spring

framework also.

Spring framework makes easier to achieve Dependency

Types of Dependency Injections:

1.Setter Injection
2.Constructor Injection

Setter Injection and Constructor Injection:

A class A has a dependency to class B if class A uses
class B as a variable.
If class B is injected to class A

via a setter - this is then called setter injection

via a constructor then called constructor injection
Factory Pattern
Spring uses factory pattern for creation of spring beans

Object Object Factory

Configuration file
Application context and Web application context

Application Context is an interface, therefore it

cannot be instantiated.

To instantiate one of the (non-abstract) classes that

implement the application Context interface.

Web application context is also an interface and is

used in Spring MVC applications.

Beans, instantiated in Web application Context will

also be able to use Servlet Context.
Spring IOC container:

The Inversion of Control is the process by which

application defines the dependency and these
dependencies are then satisfied in runtime by the
Spring Framework.

The IOC container is the main component of the

Spring framework.

The core container of the Spring Framework provides

dependency injection and bean lifecycle
Autowiring by name

Autowiring by type

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