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Intervening Variable

An intervening variable is one that surfaces between the time the

independent variable start operating to influence the dependant
variable and the their impact is felt on it.
It comes between the independent and dependent variables and
shows the link or mechanism between them.
a factor that affects the observed phenomenon but cannot be
seen, measured, or manipulated, thus its effect must be inferred
from the effects of the independent and moderating variables on
the dependent variable; (imaginary or hypothetical variable
which cant be seen, just can be felt)
Surfaces between the time X starts influencing the Y. Time
factor. In fact is a function of X.
IV IVV DV. IVV may be DV for IV in the first place, then
it is IV for DV.
Relationship among the independent, dependent,
moderating and intervening variables
Diagram relationship between workforce diversity, organizational
effectiveness, managerial expertise & Creative Synergy

. . .

Independent Variable Intervening variable Dependent Variable

Moderating Variable
A theory of suicide states that married people are less likely
to commit suicide than single people.
marital status (independent variable)
suicide (dependent variable)
The assumption is that married people have greater social
integration (e.g. feelings of belonging to a group or family).
Hence a major cause of one type of suicide was that people
lacked a sense of belonging to group (family).
Degree of social integration (intervening variable)
Five-day work week results in higher productivity.
What exactly is that factor which theoretically affects the
observed phenomenon but cannot be seen?
The introduction of five-day work week (IV) will increase
job satisfaction (IVV), which will lead to higher
productivity (DV).
Output of the organization increase or
decrease due to employee attitude
So the output dependent variable and
employee attitude independent variable
The knowledge of child can be increase
due to book readings
The child knowledge is dependent, book
reading independent, we can say the
parents literacy is moderating, and
informal education program from
Government is intervening variable to both
child & parents
The effective reward system can control
the turnover rate of employees.
Here the reward system can be called
independent, turnover rate dependent,
Training program intervening and manager
expertise are moderating.
List and label the variables in following
The manager of P&G observes that the morale
of employees in her company is low. She thinks
that if their working conditions are improved,
pay scale raised and vocation benefits made
attractive. The morale will be boasted But she
doubts thats pay increase would not effect
morale of those employees who have
supplemental income.
Relationship between theoretical
framework and Preliminary Data
Literature survey identifies the variables
that might be important, as determined by
previous research findings.
Where as theoretical framework
elaborates the relationships among the
variables, explains the theory underlying
these relations, and describes the nature
and direction of relationships.

A hypothesis can be defined as a logically

conjectured relationship between two or more
variables expressed in the form of a testable
A useful hypothesis is a testable statement
which may include a prediction
How Are Hypotheses Written?
Chocolate may cause pimples.
Salt in soil may affect plant growth.
Plant growth may be affected by the color of the light.
Bacterial growth may be affected by temperature.
Ultra violet light may cause skin cancer.
Temperature may cause leaves to change color.
All of these are examples of hypotheses because
they use the tentative word "may.". However, their
form is not particularly useful.
Both an hypothesis and a problem contribute to the
body of knowledge which supports or refutes an
existing theory. An hypothesis differs from a
problem. A problem is formulated in the form of a
question; it serves as the basis or origin from which
an hypothesis is derived. An hypothesis is a
suggested solution to a problem. A problem
(question) cannot be directly tested, whereas an
hypothesis can be tested and verified.
Statement of Hypotheses: Formats/Types

If-Then Statement
To test differences between two or more groups

If employees are paid higher, then they will be highly

motivated and vice versa.
Descriptive Hypothesis
Descriptive hypothesis contains only one variable
thereby it is also called as univariate hypothesis:
Proposition that typically states the existence, size,
form, or distribution of some variable. e.g.
Researchers usually use research questions rather
than descriptive hypothesis.
i. Majority of the students registered in RM class are
highly motivated.
ii. What is the level of commitment of the officers in
your organization?
Relational Hypothesis
These are the propositions that describe a
relationship between two variables. The
relationship could be non-directional or
directional, positive or negative, causal or
simply correlational.
a. Directional

Direction of relationship between variables (+tive

/-tive) is indicated or the nature of differences
between two groups on a variable (more than/
less than) is indicated

Level of job commitment of the officers is positively associated with

their level of efficiency.
The higher the level of job commitment of the officers the lower their level
of absenteeism.
The greater the stress experienced in the job, the lower
the job satisfaction of employees.
b. Non-directional

Do indicate a relationship or difference but no

indication of the direction

Level of job commitment of the officers is

associated with their level of efficiency.

The relationship may be very strong but whether it is positive or negative

has not been postulated
c. Correlational Hypothesis
Variables occur in some specified manner without
implying that one causes the other. e.g.
Level of job commitment of Officers is positively associated
with their level of efficiency. Direction. Not causal
Smoking is related with Cancer.
Here we do not make any claim that one variable causes the
other to change. That will be possible only if we have
control on all other factors that could influence our
dependent variable.
d. Explanatory Hypothesis
Also called causal hypothesis.
Imply the existence of, or a change in, one variable causes
or leads to a change in the other variable. This brings in
the notions of independent and the dependent variables.
Cause means to help make happen.
So the independent variable may not be the sole reason for
the existence of, or change in the dependent variable.
This may be possible in an experimental design of
i. High motivation causes high efficiency.
ii. Smoking causes cancer
Null and Alternate Hypotheses
The null hypothesis is expressed as no (significant
relationship between two variables or no (significant)
difference between two groups or the relationship between
the variables is zero. That is how symbolically null
hypothesis is denoted as H0. For example:
H0 = There is no relationship between the level of job commitment
and the level of efficiency. Or
H0 = The relationship between level of job commitment and the
level of efficiency is zero. Or The two variables are independent of
each other.
Experts recommend that we test our hypothesis indirectly
by testing the null hypothesis.
Rejection of the null hypothesis leads to the acceptance of
the alternative hypothesis.
Alternative Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis, which is the

opposite of the null, is a statement
expressing a relationship between two
variables or indicating difference between
H0: M = W
H0: M - W = 0

where H0 represent null hypothesis

M is the mean motivational level of the men.
W is the mean motivational level of women

The alternate for the preceding example would statistically be set as follows.
HA: M < M

HA: M > M

where HA represents the term alternate hypothesis.

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