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Shannon Boyle
German-speaking country
Capital: Vienna
CentralEuropean Time Zone (One hour
ahead of Ireland)
Currency: Euro
Joined the EU: 1 January 1995
Life Expectancy: 82 years old
Population: 8.747 million
Religion: Roman Catholic at 73.6%
President: Alexander Van der Bellen

Education in Austria
0-6: Nursery (Kinderkrippen)
6-10: Primary School (Volksschule or Grundschule)
10-14: Secondry School (Hauptschule, or Kooperative
14-15: Polytechnical school (Polytechnische Schule)
14+: Apprenticeship or College
Only 8% of schools are private or fee paying
Alpine Skiing
Sport Ice Hockey

Soccer Rugby
Popular Dishes
Rindsuppe Tafelspitz Gulasch
Manyfamous composers such as Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, and Joseph Haydn, Franz
Schubert were born in Austria.
Thatalso further suggests Austria was very
important during the Baroque eerie as those
composers strongly influenced a lot of musicians
around the world.
Yodeling,a form of singing that involves rapid
and repeated changes of register was developed
in the Alps.
Austria became a country in 1804
62% of Austria is covered by the Alps
Austria has some of the highest standards of living in the
Hitler was Austrian not German
1/4 of the population lives in Vienna
The world's largest emerald is on display in Vienna (2860
The central cemetery in Vienna has over 2.5 million
graves which is more than the city's living population
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