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.They have fixed and clear meaning It becomes the foundation of al-Quran.
. Muhkam means clear verses, and does not require information from other verses.
Examples of this type of ayat are:

.Surah ash-Shura,ayah 11 means: [Absolutely there is nothing like Him]

.Surah al-Ikhlas, ayah 4 means: [There is nothing which is equal to Him]
it has a general meaning and is open to few interpretations.
The general rule is, if we want to understand a Mutasyabihat verse we have to interpret it based on a Muhkam
Examples of this type of ayat are:

According to the rules of the Arabic language, this ayah is among the mutashabihat verses
The word istawa has 15 meanings in the Arabic language,
some of which befit Allah such as to subjugate, to preserve, and to maintain
On the other hand, the word can also imply physical meanings, which do not befit Allah such as to sit,
to settle, and to stabilize

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