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Chapter 9 & 10

Seminar on Business And Society

Khadeen Jackson
International College of the Cayman Islands
Melisa Hamilton
Chapter 9: Influencing the Political
Business as a Political Participant
Many business executives and managers see their role in the political process as vital to
the progress (and possibly survival) of their company
2011 Harris poll showed concern about business influence

Role of Interest Groups and Coalitions

Interest groups, representing varying concerns and populations, have a voice in the
political process
Labor unions have a longstanding role in U.S. politics
Ad hoc coalitions
Influencing the Business-Government Relationship
Business leaders and scholars agree that firms must participate in the political process

Companies therefore must formulate a Corporate Political Strategy

Types of Corporate Political Strategy
Information strategy
Financial-incentives strategy
Constituency-building strategy

Promoting an Information Strategy

Direct communications
Expert witness testimony
Promoting a Financial Incentive Strategy
Political action committees
Economic leverage

Promoting a Constituency Building Strategy

Stakeholder coalitions
Advocacy advertising
Trade associations
Legal challenges

Managing the Political Environment

The role of the public affairs department is to manage the firms interactions with
governments at all levels and to promote the firms interests in the political process
Eight of the 10 most frequently performed activities by public affairs officers and
departments involve a political action tactic and attention has increased for most of these
political activities during the past few years.
More than half of the senior public affairs executives, 55 percent, sit on the corporations
strategic planning committee
Business Political Action: A Global Challenge

Critical that managers be aware of the opportunities for and restrictions on

business involvement in the political processes in other countries

Other governments struggle with same issues as U.S. - participation in the

political environment, campaign financing, and maintaining a fair ethical
climate throughout the public policy process
Chapter 10: Sustainable Development and
Global Business
Business and Society in the Natural Environment
Business and society operate within the natural
environment. The extraordinary planted on which we
live provides that abundant recourses human use to
thrive, but it also impose constraints. We have only
one earth, and its resource is finite. For a human
society to survive over time it must operate
sustainably, in a way that does not destroy or deplete
these natural recourses for future generations.
Sustainable Development -Ensure a better quality of life for
everyone, now and for generation to come.
Two core ideas

Threats to the Earths Ecosystem

Water Resources
Fossil fuels
Fertile Land
Force of Change
The population Explosion
World income inequality and Economic Development

The Earths Carrying Capacity

Carrying capacity
Ecological footprint
Technological innovation
Changing patterns of consumption
Getting the price right
Global Environmental Issues
A commons is a shared resources, such as land, air or water that a group of people use
Ozone Depletion
Climate change
Black carbon
Beef production
Decline of Biodiversity

Threats to Marine Ecosystems

Fish population
Coral reefs
Coastal development
Class Activity

Chapter 9. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

Chapter 10. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2017, from

Daylight saving time plans shelved. (2016, January 22). Retrieved November 07,

2017, from

Ebanks-Petrie, G. (Dec. 2005). Cayman Islands Department of Environment: The Environment as an

Intregal Part of National Plans and Pollicies. Retrived on November 05, 2017, from



Lawerence, T. A., and James, W. (2014). Business and Society Stakeholder, Ethics, public Policy

Fourteen Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill.

The National conservation law, 2013(Law 24 of 2013). (February 5, 2014). Supplement No. 1 published

with Extraordinary Gazette No. 9. Retrieved on November 10, 2017 from


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