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Abstract: The Homeostasis Of Breathing

Objective: Demonstrate homeostasis in the body through -------------------------------------------

breathing levels. Adam Muzzarelli,Matt Sargent, Ryan Loeber, Thomas Towey
Design: 2 test persons ran for 30 seconds twice and were STEM MARIN; San Marin High School; Novato, California
tested for their breathing rates every 30 seconds to see Procedure
how long it would take to regulate their breathing after the 1. Locate a space where your test person can
HYPOTHESIS: If you perform physical activity then your breathing rate will increase and
run. run a 100 meter dash without obstructions.
then it will take two minutes for your breathing rate to return to normal.
Subject: Two male 15 year old San Marin High School 2. Measure the test persons breathes per
Students.Variable Measured: Measured the breathing minute before they run
rates of the two subjects before and after the runs. Introduction: 3. Do this by holding your hand 20cm in front of
Analysis: After running the two subjects breathing rates Homeostasis is the balance in the body that regulates things from temperature to glucose levels. Homeostasis in Material List:
their face and count their number of exhaled
increased and shortly after 2 minutes past the run their organisms has been proven to be one of the key processes in the body that keep us alive. Our test shows how fast the body 1. 2 Stopwatches
breaths per minute
regulates breathing levels after a high stress activity. Breathing involves two processes, inhalation and exhalation. The 2. 2 Timers
rates subsided back to their normal levels. 4. Have the testperson run the 100 meter dash
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute describes breathing as the following process: When you breathe in, your diaphragm 3. 2 Test Persons
Results: The tests showed that the breathing rates for the first time
contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, into which your lungs expand. As your lungs
increased in a short amount of time after a strenuous 4. Place to Run
expand, air is sucked in through your nose or mouth. The air travels down your windpipe and into your lungs. Through the 5. Directly after their run count their number of
activity and took a longer time to fall back to regular 5. Calculator
very thin walls of the alveoli, oxygen from the air passes to the surrounding capillaries. Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is exhales in 15 seconds and times by 4 to find
breathing rates. This shows that creating homeostasis in carried through a network of capillaries to the pulmonary vein. This vein delivers the oxygen-rich blood to the left side of the breathes per minute
the body takes time to adjust to new changes to the body. heart. The left side of the heart pumps the blood to the rest of the body. There, the oxygen in the blood moves from blood 6. Have the testperson run the 100 meter dash
Implication: Breathing rates increase after strenuous vessels into surrounding tissues.When you breathe out your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into the chest cavity. As for the second time
activity quickly and fall back down to normal rates after a the space in the chest cavity gets smaller, air rich in carbon dioxide is forced out of your lungs and windpipe, and then out of 7. Repeat step 5
longer period of resting and accumulating to this new your nose or mouth. Our test shows how fast the body regulates breathing levels after a high stress activity.By running at a 8. Start a timer directly after this test to measure
change. long distance quickly the body's heart rate increases and in turn increases the breathing the rate. To show homeostasis we when the test persons breathing comes back
recorded how long it took to get our test persons breathing levels to return to what they were before they ran.
to normal
Conclusion: 9. Test their breathing every minute with the
Throughout this project we discovered how breathing rates increase as physical activity increases, and then go back down same test that is in step 5
Time Test Person A Test Person B Test Person C
after the activity has stopped. We found that it took longer to return to the normal breathing rate after stopping physical 10. Repeat step 9 until the breathing of the test
0 24 24 28
activity than for the breathing rate to heighten because of physical activity. Things that went well was our ability to follow or
person matches their normal breathing before
30 48 44 28 procedure. Our procedure was very clear and easy to follow which made our experiment run smoothly. Some things that
may have gone poorly were errors in timing. It was hard to get the time exactly perfect, as there is always going to be they ran
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some margin of error when a human is timing. Another error we may have experienced would be the time spent 11. Record the time it took for the test person's
90 44 48 28
calculating the test persons breaths in between runs because this time would allow for the test persons breathing to start breathing to get back to normal to see
120 36 36 28 to return to normal levels. Improvements that we could make would be to use more accurate timing methods that would
150 36 32 28 rule out human errors. Another improvement we could have made to our project would be to have a visual representation
that depicts breathing more visually, allowing the testers to record data more accurately. This investigation may relate or 12. Repeat to test for accurate results
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lead to further investigations about different physical activities and how fast each one increases the heart rate.
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