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Group 4
Executive summary:
This study will produce practical solutions and findings that
are applicable to the betterment of the FTM food fiesta.
Knowing the benefits that help the manager motivate its
employee in all their task, for the success of the restaurant.
Studying and implementing TQM practices in the
FTM food fiesta is a big help for solving the problem
and helping the FTM to be able to beat its competitors.
FTM is one of the oldest restaurant of Bayombong, so
after conducting the survey we identified the problem
of FTM that is restaurant has a modern-looking
equipment with the total of 1.6.
Executive summary:
problem has a 3 causes this are:
cleaning equipment
cooking equipment
In this causes we made an alternatives
solutions in each problem:
Cleaning equipment solution is requisition/
purchase a modern equipment
Executive summary:
cooking equipment is inventory and purchase
appliances is assessment and purchase.
3 causes we choose the main cause and made a
general solution and implementation that can
solve the problem, and this cleaning equipment
weve made a step by step general solution and
implementation as shown in the flow chart.
II. Statement of the problem
After conducting a survey the first part shows the
demographic profile of respondents. A total of 10
respondents participated in the study, there is a total of
6 males (60%) and 4 females (40%).
Age ranges from 17-25 years old,
number of time dine in, 5 times are 3 (30%), 2 is (20%),
N/A (20%) and the rest 1 is (10%).
For the religion the highest is RC with the total of 7
(70%), the rest is 3 (30%).
The civil status of our respondent is 10 (100%) single.
II. Statement of the problem
The second part of the survey is the SERVQUAL
dimensions and their overall mean scores are as
tangible is 1.88
reliability is 1.76
responsiveness is 1.98
assurance is 1.8
empathy is 1.98.
II. Statement of the problem
Tangible factors overall scores are as follows:
Restaurant has modern looking equipment
the physical facilities are visually appealing
Employees are neat-appearing (2.1)
Materials associated with the service are
visually appealing (1.8).
II. Statement of the problem
Reliability factors overall mean scores are as follows:
When the restaurant promises to do something by a
certain time, it does so (1.6)
When a customer has a problem, the restaurant shows
a sincere interest in solving it (1.8)
The restaurant performs the service right the first time
Services are provided at the time the restaurant
promises to do (1.8)
The records are error-free (2.1).
II. Statement of the problem
Responsiveness factors overall mean scores are as follows:
Employees tell customers when services will be
performed (1.9)
Employees give prompt service to customers
Employees are willing to help customers (2.1)
Employees are never too busy to respond to
customers requests (1.8).
II. Statement of the problem

Assurance factors overall mean scores are as

The behavior of employees instills confidence in
customers (1.7)
Customers feel safe in their transactions (1.8)
Employees are consistently courteous (2.1)
Employees have the knowledge to answer
customers questions (1.9).
II. Statement of the problem
Empathy factors overall mean scores are as follows:
Restaurant gives individual attention to the
customer (1.9)
Employees give personal attention to customers
Restaurant understands specifics needs of its
customers (3.2)
Restaurant has customers interest at heart (1.9)
Operating hours are convenient to all customers (1.9).
II. Statement of the problem
For the overall dining experience, most of the
respondents rated poor (70%) and the rest
answered Good (30%).

With regards to recommend potential

customer most answered yes (70%) and the
rest answered No (30%), and N/A is (10%).
III. Causes of the problem
The first cause of our problem is cleaning
equipment this include:
1) Lack of cleaning equipment
2) cleaning equipment are not working well
3) Greasy and dusty wall.
III. Causes of the problem
The second cause of our problem is cooking equipment this
Cooking equipment are old

Lack of cooking equipment and,

cooking equipment are not working.
The last cause of our problem is the appliances this
Lack of repair and maintenance
lack of air conditions, and
ceiling fan was broken.
III. Causes of the problem
1. Cleaning equipment

Functionality of cleaning equipment

Availability of cleaning equipment

Glass walls

Availability of cooking equipment Availability of air condition

Cooking equipment
Are old
ceiling fan

Cooking equipment are not modern Repair and maintenance

2. Cooking equipment 3.Appliance

IV. Decision criteria and alternative solution
The solution for cleaning equipment is the
requisition, the employee should be updated on
the new technologies for cleaning equipment.
Cooking equipment is the inventory to know if
how many cooking equipment is needed, if how
many cooking equipment is needed for
IV. Decision criteria and alternative solution

The solution for this appliances is to assess

what is the need and why restaurant need to
buy it. Restaurant need more installation of
air condition, repair and maintenance of
ceiling fan and others.
V. Recommended solution, implementation and justification

After the study and analysis of survey gathered

in this case study, researcher arrived at the
following recommended solution and
This recommend solution and
implementation will be used by the restaurant
staff. This cleaning equipment should be
purchased as soon as possible and as soon as
there is a budget for purchasing cleaning
V. Recommended solution, implementation and
But before the purchasing we need to
analyze, and how it is important contribution
and solution to the problem, cleaning
equipment to avoid waste of money and time.
And in order to have a new and modern
cleaning equipment to adopt to the new
technologies and to be able to beat
V. Recommended solution, implementation and
This solution and recommended action will be
best and effectively works because our
problem here is cleaning equipment: Lack of
cleaning equipment, cleaning equipment are
not working well, Greasy and dusty wall so by
this kind of new automatic technologies the
problem will surely be solved.

equipment and

Planning A


Flowchart, Budget/ Allocate fund

Purchase of Equipment

Equipment are modern- looking

Complaint End

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