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Weather is the condition

of the atmosphere in a
place for a short period
of time.
Climate is the average
weather condition of a
place for a longer period
of time.
Different Climate in the 3
Torrid Zone-------- Tropical Climate
( wet and dry seasons)
Temperate Zone Temperate
Climate(winter, spring, summer,fall)
Frigid Zone-------- Cold Climate
(very cold; snow all year)
Factors Affecting Climate
rays of the sun
bodies of water
amount of rainfall
wind system

- The height of a place above sea level.

*The climate in higher places is cooler
than in lowlands.
*As height increases, air becomes thinner
or less dense (cant hold much heat)
*For every 1 000 ft increase in height, the
temperature drops by 3.5 C. ( 1 000 km -
--- decrease of 7 C)
* Example: Baguio and Tagaytay
- the distance of a place North or
South of the equator.
The nearer the place is to the
equator, the hotter it is; the farther
the place is, the cooler it gets.
The equator receives direct
sunlight, thus the temperature in
places near it is high.
3. Rays of the Sun
- The amount of sunlight a place
Equator: direct rays from the sun (more
Temperate zone: slanting rays from the
sun (less heat)
North/South Pole: very little heat from
the sun
4. Bodies of Water
- Oceans, seas, and other bodies of water control the
earths temperature.
- Places near bodies of water are cooler than areas
surrounded by other land areas.
- Land absorbs and loses heat quickly, while water
absorbs and loses heat slowly.
Land Breeze (Night time) cold air comes from the
Sea Breeze (Day time) - cold air comes from the
Land Breeze
Sea Breeze
5. Amount of Rainfall
Tropical areas are hot, with monthly temperature
above 64.4 F or 18 C and they receive large
amount of rainfall.
Temperate zone, there are differences in temperature
and precipitation patterns. Winter can be quite cold
because of heavy snowfall with at least one month,
averaging below freezing point (-3C or 26.6 F). The
warmest month has an average temperature of 50F
or 10C.
Polar areas are extremely cold. They are quite dry
although water is abundant in the form of solid ice.
6. Wind System
- Wind is moving air. It is formed by the unequal heating of the
Earths surface.

- The Philippines geographical location contributes to its

prevailing wind systems:

a. Northeast Monsoon Hanging Amihan; from Nov to March;

blows from Siberia towards the Philippines; brings the cold
temperature from northern hemisphere(winter).

b. Southwest Monsoon Hanging Habagat; from June to

October; develops because of the cold air mass coming from
the south, Australia, where it is winter. This cold front meets the
warm front in the Philippines and causes the rainy season in the
western part of the country.

c. Trade Winds from March to early May; blows from the North
Pacific Ocean and reach the Philippines from the east. It brings
rain only to the eastern part of the country.
Habagat & Amihan Trade Winds
- Philippines is located in the Torrid Zone, with tropical climate and also with:

* 4 types of climate :
Type 1- Two pronounced and 2 season: dry from December to May, and wet
from June to September (Ilocos, Zambales, Central Luzon)
Type 2- No dry season with maximum rainfall in Dec to Jan. (Catanduanes,
Camarines Sur/Norte, Samar, Leyte, eastern Mindanao)
Type 3- Short dry season that lasts only from 1 to 3 months with no very
pronounced maximum rain period. (Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya,
Kalinga, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao)
Type 4- Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year. (Batanes,
Northeastern Luzon, western part of Camarines Sur/Norte, Albay,
western Leyte)

* 2 seasons (wet and dry)

- The Philippines has very little changes in temperature but there are great
changes in rainfall because of its topography.

* Climate Change- is a broader term that refers to long term changes in climate,
including average temperature and precipitation.

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