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Piaget (1936) has a theory about Piagets developmental theory

cognitive development which

explains how a child constructs a
mental model of the world. He
COGNIVIST was different from many others
that were around at the time due
to a number of different

disagreed with the idea that reasons: -
intelligence was a fixed trait, - His theory is concerned with
and regarded cognitive development children, rather than all
as a process which occurs due to learners.
biological maturation and - It focuses on development,
interaction with the environment. rather than learning
throughout our life, so it
Before the work of Piaget, the does not address learning of
accepted belief was that children information or specific
were simply less competent behaviours (such as mental
thinkers than adults, but he illness.)
showed that there were many - He proposed that there were
differences between the age groups stages of development that
that had not previously been were discreet and marked by
identified. cognitive differences rather
than just a gradual
There are three basic components development that carries on at
to Piagets research, which have the same rate throughout the
now been adopted by many DIFFERENT APPROACH: childs life.
cognitivists: The approach by Lev Vygotsky is
- Schemas (building blocks of cognitive in nature yet falls LANGUAGE ACQUISITION THEORY:
knowledge based on past into a different category from For Piaget, the acquisition of
experience) Piagets theory. He says that language takes place through
- Adaptation processes that enable there is no correlation between emotional and internal
the transition from one stage to cognitive and linguistic processes. He linked it to the
another (these include the development. cognitive development of a

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