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BY: Bhupender Yadav

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines, rather
than humans or other animals (natural intelligence, NI). In computer
science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of intelligent
agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that
maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term
"artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive"
functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as
"learning" and "problem solving".
Mainly AIs are referred to help people ease there work in many ways but
can also be dangers in many may. Giving AI the ability to think for it self can
be disastrous ,it might start to think that humans are useless
If an AI can overcome its own programming it can even start a nuclear war
in future
Many of the famous people like Stephen hawking are against the use of
One recent case of AI overcoming its programming is told below:
Researchers at Facebook noticed that Artificial Intelligence they had
created has started to make up their own code .Initially it looks like
absolute gibberish, but it became clear that the machines nicknamed
Bob and Alice were actually communicating with one another.
In a Frankenstein twist on their research, the robot abruptly stopped using
English and could only be understood by other AI.
Bob was reported to have said: I can i i everything else. To which Alice
replied: balls have zero to me to me to me
It is thought that the robots were trying to resolve problems they had
encountered because I and to me reflects problems one AI is having and
the response from a so-called negotiating agent. Although some reports
insinuate that the bots had at this point invented a new language in order
to elude their human masters, a better explanation is that the neural
networks were simply trying to modify human language for the purposes
of more successful interactions - whether their approach worked or not
was another matter
The researcher quickly shut downed the programs as soon as they came to
knew bout it
This might not seem as a big problem but in the near future it can
potentially danger the existence of human lives, as they can even decide to
kill all the humans for there own existence.

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