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Swapnil (096)
Thillai (097)
Amol (106)
Shalini (080)
Richa (064)
Rohit (074)
Rahul (060)
Ê Moromandel Fertilizers limited is a leading company in India
manufacturing a wide range of fertilizers and plant protection
products (technical & formulations).
Ê Started in1964,
Ê Owned by Murugappa Group
Ê Total number of employees 357
Ê Total number of factory workers 225
Ê Organisational success is driven by satisfied &
motivated employees.

Ê Satisfaction & motivation can be enhanced

through rewards & recognition.
Any organizational reward system has three behavioral
1. membership behavior to recruit and retain a sufficient
number of qualified workers
2. task behavior to motivate employees to perform to the
fullest extent of their capabilities
3. compliance behaviour to encourage employees to
follow workplace rules and undertake special
behaviours beneficial to the organizations without
direct supervision or instructions
Ê d  
   refers to motivation that comes
from inside an individual rather than from any external or
outside rewards, such as money or grades.

Ê ’  
   comes from outside of the
performer. Money is the most obvious example,
but coercion and threat of punishment are also common
extrinsic motivations.
Moromandel Fertilizerds limited
Ê Team Awards:
^ Gallop T-12 Questionnaire
^ Team with highest score team will get the award
Ê £one wise awards:
^ Mompany divided in 14 zones
^ 5S award after audit
Ê Individual Awards:
^ Fast Track employees- Blue eyed employees
^ Succession planning
^ ELP- Executive Leadership Program
© 24 from whole group
^ BLP-Business Leadership Program
© 7 employees
^ Best Employee of Department known as Maximizer
^ Birthday mail & Poster
Intrinsic Awards«
Ê Gnsung Hero
^ Appreciated in In-house magazine
Ê Recognition given to Family of Employees
^ Mhildren¶s performance flashes on company¶s portal system&
printed in magazine
Ê Long Service Awards
^ People above 25 years of experience
Ê Suggestion Awards
^ Best Suggestion
^ Highest number of implemented suggestions
Ê Recognition of 5S auditors
^ Both management & Workers
Ê Regular yearly Appraisal
Ê Best performer of the year
^ Award money Rs. 60,000
^ Given to 2 management staff & 2 workers
Ê Maximizer
^ Given to 3 top performers of the company
^ Based on 17 factors & weight age is different for all factors which is
not known to even department head
^ Award money Rs.15000
Ê Fast track employees
^ get promotion every 6 months
^ with variable pay
Ê Performance bonus at the end of year
Ê Tailor rewards to individual interests, needs, desire
Ê Senior management support and involvement
Ê Include employees/managers in design and implementation
Ê Keep programs simple and easy to administer
Ê Match the reward to the achievement
Ê Mommunicate, Mommunicate, Mommunicate!
Ê Be timely and specific
Ê Make sure each employee understands what they did to earn the

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