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History of Lithuania


The first settlers of Lithuania arrived in approximately

12,000 B. C.
Between the 5th and 8thcenturies tribal groupings
formed in the western territories: Prussians, Yotvingians,
Curronians, Zemgalians, Lithuanians and Latgallians.
In 1009, the name of Lithuania was mentioned for the
first time in the written account of the mission of St.
Time line of invasions
Legacy of invaders

Lithuania was occupied by Russia and Germany.

Germans didn't have enough time to influence Lithuania because
germans were in Lithuania's grounds only for 7 years combined.
Russian had the most influence in Lithuania's history because Russia
was in Lithuania's ground for 180 years combined.
Russia had a lot of linguistic influence e.g. most of people aged 35
and above speaks fluent russian, some even better than lithuanian.
While occupied russia exiled a lot of smart and rich lithuanian to
Siberia to avoid upsprings in later years.
Last upspring

Last upspring was in 1990.

When The Supreme Council of
the Republic of Lithuania
signed the Act on the
restoration of Lithuania's

Lituania is quickly losing its population due to unemployment and wage

differences. Most youth migrates to countries like United Kingdom,
Norvegia and Germany to find well paid jobs. Most of youth stay there and
only some of them come back to Lithuania when they stabilized their
financial status. Since 1990 Lithuania lost around 16% of its population due
to migration which is 680000 people. In 2016, 50000 people left Lithuania to
look for a better life and if this trend continues lithuanians will be extinct
by 2060.

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