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Understanding functional somatic

symptoms in Indian setting - A new model

In modern medicine, clinical disciplines only consider symptoms associated with

a physical sign or a laboratory finding as significant.
When these are absent, a pathophysiology, which is known or at least
presumed, lend some respectability for the symptoms.
Training undergraduates and post graduates in clinical sciences, only cases with
demonstrable findings and laboratory evidences are thought to be worthy of
any serious diagnostic considerations. They are never taken up for a bedside
discussion or a case conference.
Actual clinical settings, either in general practices or in specialty settings, the
situation is quite different.
A significantly high proportion of patients present with complaints which are not
justified by the presence of a corresponding physical sign or a laboratory finding
As far as the management of these patients is concerned, initially investigations
are suggested with enthusiasm and curiosity from the part of the physician to
unearth an elusive mysterious diagnosis.
Young doctors are carried away by the medical fairy tales of great clinicians of
yesteryears making rare diagnoses
As the patient continues to present with new set of symptoms in every visit or
persist with the same complaints and the investigations continue not to reveal
anything significant, the initial interest and enthusiasm gives way to frustration
and helplessness.
This can lead on to unpleasantness and loss of trust in the doctor-patient
The patient who initially had complied to every suggestion for a new
investigation or procedure with a hope of getting a diagnosis may start
accusing the doctor of forcing unnecessary investigations (with ulterior motives)
The physician on the other hand may try to believe and explain the symptoms
as resulting from vague constructs like allergy, wear and tear due to ageing,
psychosomatic, perimenopausal symptoms etc.
A physician is also likely to experience guilt over his inability to help the patient,
over his incompetency as a clinician, and over the expenses which the patient
had to incur.
As a reaction formation to these feelings, she may start seeing the patient as a
malingerer who is eating up her valuable time and using up the limited medical
resources unnecessarily.
On the patients side also the emotions can run high. He feels betrayed and not
cared by his doctor.
On the relentless pursuit of finding a meaning to his symptoms he may start
believing in equally imprecise constructs like low blood pressure, high ESR,
eosinophilia, which may be inadvertently and covertly agreed by the physician
who is equally, if not more, at a loss to explain the symptoms.
In India, undergraduate and post graduate medical and psychiatric training is
inadequate to understand and effectively deal with these cases which are
considered to be functional
The reasons for medically unexplained physical symptoms remaining one of the
areas least explored despite their common occurrence may include the
1. Traditionally these conditions are not considered part of core psychiatry. The
nosology and classification of these conditions are confusing and controversial.
2. Psychiatrists who are trained in mental hospitals are least exposed and not having
adequate expertise in this area.
3. Reluctance from the part of patients to seek psychiatric help.
4. Difficulties encountered by general practitioners and specialists in making a referral
for psychiatric help.
Authors from the West have proposed many models in understanding functional
somatic symptoms.
Linda Gask described a practical model for the detection, acknowledgement and
management of these conditions which can be easily learned and used in primary
The three stage model emphasizes the importance of shared care between the
psychiatrist and the primary health care team.
These models are either directed to psychiatrists or primary care physicians.
Incorporating the research from the developing world,
WHO also has come out with training packages addressing the need of such
Each of these models has their own strengths and problems.
Every centre need to develop and evolve models suiting their needs and limitations as
there cannot be a single ideal universal algorithm which may suit a condition as
complex and diverse as functional somatic symptoms.
The non- psychiatrist medical professional may consider the following
possibilities when he is encountering medically unexplained somatic
1. Symptoms which are in excessive (disproportionate to) the real disease
2. Anxiety disorders and Depressive disorders presenting with physical symptoms
3. No known physical or common mental disorders to account for the somatic
4. Acute and dramatic presentation of physical symptoms without a medical
5. Concern and conviction of a disease when none exists
6. Deliberate feigning of diseases
Symptoms which are in excessive
(disproportionate) to the real
This constitutes one of the most frequently encountered situations in clinical
This pattern of excessive complaining and dissatisfaction may baffle and
annoy the physician who expects the patient to show a corresponding
improvement directly proportional to the physical signs and lab reports.
This may be due to the following factors.
a) Normal regressive behavior associated with any medical illness
b) Propensity of certain temperamental - personality types to perceive symptoms
in high intensity
c) Autonomic responses associated with anxiety leading to physical symptoms
d) Reward-punishment contingencies perpetuating illness behavior

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