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Lesson 1: Getting started

1. Green house gas
2. Emission (n)
3. Fertiliser (cn)
4. Deforestation (n)
5. Carbon footprint (n)
6. Infectious disease (n)
7. Ecological balance (n)
8. Heat- related illness(n)
Ex 2: Answer the questions
1.It is global warming.
2.They intend to include three parts: 1)the causes, 2)the
effects, 3)the solutions.
3.Greenhouse gas emissions from factories and vehicles;
use of chemical fertilizers, and deforestation.
4.Climate change allows for infectious diseases to spread
more easily; contributes to heat-related illnesses and
death; has severe impact on water supplies, threatens
food production and upsets ecological balance.
5.They should change their daily habits.

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