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Introduction to

Widya Pujarama, S.I.Kom., M Communication
Pertemuan 1
Class Contract

Subject: Komunikasi Lintas Budaya/Intercultural


Schedule: Tuesday 3.30pm

Class Contract

Students are strongly suggested to be actively involved in class

activities, lecturer (s) may facilitate the class with appropriate

Doing other unrelated activities in class are STRONGLY PROHIBITED in

scheduled class.

Mahasiswa dan dosen wajib berbicara sesuai dengan

etiket dan sopan santun, baik saat tatap muka maupun
berkomunikasi melalui media.
Pakaian sopan, bebas rapi, NO sandal jepit, celana
pendek, rok mini, pakaian transparan, atau topi.
Class Contract


Students or lecturer may eat and drink during class, BUT it

should not bother your surroundings and the class activities.

Penalti 1poin per mahasiswa per pelanggaran untuk nilai

UTS atau UAS jika kelas yang sebelumnya bersih menjadi

Penalti 5 poin untuk UTS atau UAS setiap pelanggaran

bagi merokok dalam kelas maupun menjelang/setelah
Class Contract

Class coordinator:

1. Mengatur pembagian kelompok

2. Tanggung jawab terhadap LCD

3. Memulai jarkom bila ada pengumuman dari dosen.

Nama Koordinator kelas KAB Selasa

Ndaru: 082247425964

a. Dimensions of culture

b. Definition of culture

c. Functions of culture

d. Definition of Intercultural Communication

e. Reasons of intercultural communication study

f. Justifications for importance of Intercultural
communication study.
a. Definition of Culture

Cultura/cultus agri culture, the cultivation of the soil

From its root meaning of an activity, culture became
transformed into a condition, a state of being cultivated
(Freilich, in Ting-Tomey & Chung, 2012).
To be a desirable and ideal member of [a] particular system.

Culture: a learned meaning system that consists of

patterns of traditions, beliefs, values, norms, meanings,
and symbols that are passed on from one generation to
the next and are shared to varying degrees by interacting
members of a community (Ting-Tomey & Chung, 2012).
b. Definition of Culture

Some important terms:

- Nilai/value-nilai budaya yaitu serangkaian prioritas yang
menunjukkan mana yang perilaku yang baik dan buruk,
diinginkan dan tidak diinginkan, tindakan yang fair dan tidak fair
(sifatnya tidak nyata).
- Norma or cultural norm-norma budaya = pengharapan
kolektif yang menyatakan perilaku mana yang tepat dan tidak
tepat (sifatnya nyata)
- Symbol = tanda, artifact, kata-kata, gesture atau perilaku
yang memiliki makna tertentu.
b. Dimensions of culture

1. Primary dimension:

Physical variations, such as ethnicity,

gender, age, skin color, weigh or height.
2. Secondary dimension:
social variation, such as education, working
experience, income, etc.
c. Functions of Culture

Identity meaning (who am I ?)

group belonging
group boundaries
Ecological adaptation
Cultural communication
Crosss-cultural vs Intercultural

Cross-cultural: the communication process that is

comparative in nature
Intercultural: the communication process between
members of different cultural communities.
Unit of analisis: Inter Personal Communication.
Key of KAB/KLB: Individual self actualisation based
on oneself and social environment.
a. Definition of
Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication is
defined as the (1) symbolic exchange
(2) process whereby individuals from
two (or more) (3) different cultural
communities (4) negotiate shared
meanings in (5) an interactive
situation (Ting-Tomey,1999).
b. Reasons of Intercultural Communication
Adjusting to Global Workforce Heterogeneity

Adapting to Domestic Workforce Diversity

Comprehending the Role of Technology in Global

Enhancing Intercultural Relationship Satisfaction

Fostering Global and Intrapersonal Peace

Deepening Self-awareness and Other-awareness

Next Week

Create a written definition regarding your

experiences of culture and some

Write diligently in the same paper, your

intercultural impressive experience and
what you have learned from it!

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