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RNN based NLP

[a forest of smaller narratives were mixed into the main tale, along with ruminations on theology, philosophy, science, law, politics, life wisdom. profound poetr
kauravas more heroic than pANDavas? internal inconsistencies
but that is not the end of the story. there is another little odd twist in the poem, we are told: a subtle sort of topsy-turvydom underlying the story and vitiati
inversion theory
this criticism, which bases itself on the supposed want of unity in the characters, is an effort to prove not merely a change but a complete inversion (in our pre
Buhler: epigraphic and other evidence for mahAbhArata dates
they are, as was pointed out by BARTH, not only at variance with the probable course of the religious and literary history of India, but they also stand in crass
dishonourable conduct by the pANDavas
bhiSma, droNa, karNa and duryodhana were all killed in the war by subterfuges or tricks which violate the strict axle of chivalrous and knightly combats. but the
the riddle of kr^SNa
it will be noticed that DAHLMANN had no explanation to offer of the paradox of kr^SNa, who looms so large in the world of the epio poets as to overshadow the enti
The question of the historicity
Opinion is sharply divided on this point. The work claims itself to be an Itihasa, a history; but criticism, both ancient and modern, has been loth to take this s
[a forest of smaller narratives were mixed into the main tale, along with ruminations on theology, philosophy, science, law, politics, life wisdom. profound poetr
kauravas more heroic than pANDavas? internal inconsistencies
but that is not the end of the story. there is another little odd twist in the poem, we are told: a subtle sort of topsy-turvydom underlying the story and vitiati
inversion theory
this criticism, which bases itself on the supposed want of unity in the characters, is an effort to prove not merely a change but a complete inversion (in our pre
Buhler: epigraphic and other evidence for mahAbhArata dates
they are, as was pointed out by

BARTH, not only at variance with the probable course of the religious and literary history of India, but they also stand in crass contradiction with positive and
dishonourable conduct by the pANDavas
bhiSma, droNa, karNa and duryodhana were all killed in the war by subterfuges or tricks which violate the strict axle of chivalrous and knightly combats. but the
the riddle of kr^SNa
it will be noticed that DAHLMANN had no explanation to offer of the paradox of kr^SNa, who looms so large in the world of the epio poets as to overshadow the enti
The question of the historicity
Opinion is sharply divided on this point. The work claims itself to be an Itihasa, a history; but criticism, both ancient and modern, has been loth to take this s

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