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Is at the top of Europe. Is near Norway and Sweeden. Is in the EU.


The flag of Finland also called siniristilippu, dates from the beginning of the
20th century. On a white background, it features a blue Nordic cross, which
represents Christianity.

The symbol of the EURO is a cloudberry,the golden berry of northen Finland.


The current population of Finland is 5,531,881 as

of Tuesday, December 12, 2017, based on the
latest United Nations estimates.
Finland population is equivalent to 0.07% of the
total world population.

The climate of Finland is influenced most by latitude: Finland is located between

60 and 70 N. Because of Finland's northern location, winter is the longest
season. Only in the south coast and the southeast is summer as long as winter.

Finland contains many species of mammals, birds, and fish, but only a few
reptiles and amphibians. EX: wolfs,reindeers,huskies and polar bears.
Forests, chiefly pine, spruce, and birch, are economically the most significant
Finnish cuisine appeals to both the eye and the taste buds, and has something
special for every month of the year. In Finland, design textiles and tableware
are an important element in the art of good eating.
Sweeden ,Norway and Russia.

While not technically a part of Scandinavia, Finland boasts

some of the same traits as its neighboring countries.
Incredible scenery, unspoiled nature and a relatively liberal,
modern political system are all positive attributes of Finland. In
the winter the Northern Lights can be seen in the
northernmost part of the country while in warmer months
many Finns love to head to their summer cottages to enjoy
some swimming, fishing, barbecuing but most of all the sauna.
When visiting Finland, it is natural to head to Helsinki, but your
itinerary should also include other destinations beyond the
capital. From small towns to natural wonders, this list
highlights the best places to visit in Finland.

In the early summer season of Finland, you may see the

following incredible sight: A group of young boys or girls
were walking with a person who was dragged by a rope in
a public place. This person who was dragged by the rope
was wearing a mask and the scruffy dress, you may not
believe that this person is going to be the bride or the
groom in the near future. In Finland, the early summer is
the best season for wedding, these young people are
actually sending off their friends who were going to get
married, ending their single life and starting a new life.
Finnish have to obtain their parents recognition no
matter their engagement or wedding in the early
stage. The brides parents and the grooms parents will
shake hands with each other to confirm the two
formal wedding concluded by marriage. The
formation of Finnish 's wedding customs will not only
be affected by the folk tradition, but also influenced
by some religious rules of the church.

Some typical games of Finland are skie, kayak, baseball.


Iceland is at the top of Europe. Is an island.


The flag of Iceland was officially described " and

describes in Law No. 34, set out on 17 June 1944,
the day Iceland became a republic. The law is
entitled "The Law of the National Flag of Icelanders
and the State Arms the Icelandic flag as follows:
The civil national flag of Icelanders is blue as the
sky with a snow-white cross, and a fiery-red cross
inside the white cross.

The krna is the currency of Iceland. Iceland is the smallest

country to have its own currency and monetary policy.
Like the Nordic currencies (such as the Danish krone,
Swedish krona and Norwegian krone) that participated in
the historical Scandinavian Monetary Union, the name
krna (meaning crown) comes from the Latin word corona
("crown"). The name "Icelandic crown" is sometimes used,
for example in the financial markets. The word eyrir derives
from Latin aureus ("golden"), there being historically
100 gold pieces to a crown.a
The current population of Iceland is 336,303 as of Monday,
December 18, 2017, based on the latest United Nations
Iceland population is equivalent to 0% of the total world
Iceland ranks number 180 in the list of countries (and
dependencies) by population.
The population density in Iceland is 3 per Km2 (9 people per
The total land area is 100,250 Km2 (38,707 sq. miles)
96.8 % of the population is urban (324,336 people in 2017)
The median age in Iceland is 36.3 years.

The climate of Iceland is subarctic near the southern

coastal area and tundra inland in the highlands. The island
lies in the path of the North Atlantic Current, which makes
its climate more temperate than would be expected for its
latitude just south of the Arctic Circle.

A typical game of iceland is sky.

Around 1,300 species of insects are known in
Iceland. This is low compared with other countries
(over one million species have been described
worldwide). Notably, Iceland is essentially free of
mosquitoes. The only native land mammal when
humans arrived was the Arctic fox, which came to
the island at the end of the ice age, walking over
the frozen sea.
The flora of Iceland comprises 470 species of indigenous
and nationalized, vascular plants, including 37 species of
Cryptogams, 1 Gymnosperm, nearly 290 of Dicotyledons,
and 145 of Monocotyledons. About 97% of these species
are found in Norway, 87% in the British Isles, and 66% in
Greenland. The character of the Icelandic flora is more
North European and Scandinavian than arctic. The
western element of vascular plants not growing elsewhere
in Europe is very small, but the eastern one is about 9
times larger (about 72). The governing element is,
however, the circumpolar one.
Iceland cuisine, the cuisine of iceland, has a long history. Importanta parts of
Iceland cuisine are lamb, dairy, and fish, the latter due to icelandss being
surrounded by ocean.
Iceland havent got boarders because is
an iceland
Can I bring my vehicle to Iceland?
Those who intend to dwell in this country for a year or a shorter
period for employment, study or travel may import a vehicle
registered abroad without having to pay duty or import charges. At
the end of this period the importer of a vehicle must either have
completed its customs clearance or exported the vehicle.

What can I bring?

Travelers may bring clothing and other travel gear which they bring into
Iceland for their personal use, as long as it is deemed suitable and
normal for the purpose of the journey and the length of the stay.

How long may I stay in Iceland?

Depending on where you come from, the allowed stay varies from three
months to indefinitely.

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