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Elizabeth Natalia G - 151408607

Making a product right the first time

lowers total costs and improves
Improved productivity may affect each of these costs
Prevention cost:
The costs incurred to avoid or minimize the number of defects at
first place
Ex: improvement of manufacturing processes, workers training,

Internal and
Prevention and external failure
appraisal cost costs

Appraisal Cost:
The cost that are incurred to identify defective products
before they are shipped to customers (Ensuring required
quality standards).
Ex: cost for team of inspectors
Internal Failure Costs:
The costs that are incurred to remove defects from the
products before shipping them to customers.
Ex: cost of rework, rejected products, scrap etc.

Internal and
Prevention and external failure
appraisal cost costs

External Failure Costs:

External costs arise if defective products have been shipped
to customers
Ex: warranties, replacements, lost sales because of bad
reputation, payment for damages arising from the use of
defective products etc.
Internal and
Prevention and
external failure
appraisal cost costs
• With initial improvements in • A major impact of improved quality
productivity, it is possible that is a reduction in internal and
prevention and appraisal costs external failure costs.
will increase. • In the long run, decreasing costs in
these two categories usually offset
• Process improvement the increase in prevention and
procedures may also increase appraisal costs.
costs in these two categories • Less scrap -> more time is
(prevention and appraisal cost) available for productive output ->
• As process quality improves, it Company’s profitability increases
leads to efficient and simplified -> External failures reduced ->
operations increasing customer satisfaction
Impact of Quality
on competitive
An improvement in quality can lead to increased market
shares, competitive position, and profitability
Market Share Competitive
• Satisfied customers spread the • All organizations want to stay
word about good quality, which competitive and to improve
leads to additional customers. their market position, but
• Market share goes up as the simply improving quality or
quality level goes up productivity may not be
sufficient since competitors are
doing the same.
• Organizations must monitor
their relative position within
the industry as well as the
perception of customer.
Three independent operations are performed sequentially in the manufacture of a
The first-pass yields (proportion conforming) for each operation are given by , , and ,
respectively. The unit production costs for each operation are , , and , respectively.

Operati Operati Operati

on 1 on 2 on 3

What is the unit cost per conforming

■ The first-pass yield (proportion conforming) at the completion
of all three operations = (0.9)(0.95)(0.8) = 0.684
■ The total production cost of all three operations are $30
■ Thus, if 1000 parts are manufactured at a cost of $30 each,
only 684 of them are conforming
■ Thus, the unit cost per conforming product = $30/0.684 =
■ This is about 46% increase over the unit production costs
■ As the level of quality is improved in the operations, the unit
cost per conforming product may be reduced, its limiting
value being $30, at which point the conformance rate for
each operation is at 100%
Suppose, through quality improvement efforts, the first-pass yield
for each operation is improved to the following levels: , , and
Relative to the first problem, determine how much improvement in
capacity has taken place.
■ The first-pass yield at completion of all three operations
now = (0.94)(0.96)(0.88) = 0.794
■ Relative level in capacity = 0.794/0.684 = 1.161
■ Compared to the previous operation level, indicating an
increase in available production capacity of 16.1%

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