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Plane section remains plane after bending. (strain
There exist a perfect bond between concrete and
steel (strain in steel & surrounding concrete)
Concrete stress is proportional to strain only under
low and moderate loads ( stress ≤ 0.5f’c) – (thereafter
stress distribution is?)
After the appearance of first hairline or visible crack,
the concrete strength in tension is neglected
Concrete is assumed to be crushed at strain of 0.003
The external forces acting at any cross section are
balanced by the internal resistive forces. This
condition remains valid up to failure of structure
Steel is assumed to be uniformly strained at the level
of centroid of steel
 If strain in steel in steel is less than the yield strain,
stress in steel is Esɛs . For stress greater than Fy, the
stress will be considered independent of strain and
equal to Fy.
As = Area of steel on tension side
b = width of compression face of the beam
d = Distance of centroid of tension steel from
extreme compression fibre
h = total depth of member
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete
fc = Allowable stress in concrete, f’c/FOS
fy = Yield strength of steel
fs = Allowable stress in steel, fy/FOS
jd = lever arm between comp and tensile force
kd = depth of neutral axis from extreme comp fibre
ϵc .ϵs =Strain in concrete / steel ϵcu =0.003
ρ = steel ratio =As/bd
Cc/T = Resultant compressive /tensile force
f = tensile stress in concrete ≤ f
 Limitations of Plain Concrete Beam
 Consider the reinforced concrete beam shown in fig. 3.2 (a).
When the load on such a beam is gradually Increased from
zero to the magnitude that will cause the beam to fail,
several different stages of behaviour can be clearly
 At low loads, as long as the maximum tensile stress in
concrete is smaller than the modulus of rupture, the entire
concrete is effective in resisting stresses, in compression on
one side and in tension on the other. In addition, the
reinforcement, deforming the same amount as the adjacent
concrete is also subject to tensile stresses. At this stage, all
stresses are small and proportional to strain
 Stress in steel compared to stress in concrete
Fig. 3.2 Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam under Increasing Loads
 When the load is further increased, the tensile strength of
concrete is soon reached and tension cracks develop. These
cracks propagate upwards or close to the level of neutral plane,
which in turn shifts upward with progressive cracking. The general
shape and distribution of these tension cracks is shown in fig. 3.2
 The width of these cracks is very small (hair line cracks) and not
objectionable from view point or appearance. At a cracked
section, say at section a-a the concrete does not transmit any
tensile stress and the steel is called upon to resist entire tension.
At moderate loads, if the concrete stress does not exceed approx
f’c/2, the stress and strain continue to be closely proportional.
 Stress distribution
Fig. 3.2 Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam under Increasing Loads
When the load is still further increased, the stress
and strain rise correspondingly and are no longer
proportional. The nonlinear relation between
stresses and strains is that given by the concrete
stress strain curve
When the load carrying capacity of the beam is
reached, failure can be caused in one of the two
(Can you guess these two modes of failure?)
Failure Mode -1:
If relatively moderate amount of steel is used, at
some value of load, the steel will reach its yield
point. At that stress, the reinforcement yields suddenly
and stretches a large amount ( see stress strain curve
of steel) and the tension cracks in the concrete widen
visibly and propagate upward, with simultaneous
significant deflection of beam. When this happens, the
strain in the remaining compression zone of the
concrete increase to such a degree that crushing of
concrete occurs causing “secondary compression
failure” at a load only slightly larger than that which
caused the steel to yield. Such yield failure is gradual
and is preceded by visible sign of distress, such as
widening and lengthening of cracks and marked
increase in deflection.
Failure Mode -2:
If large amount of reinforcement is used, the
compressive strength of concrete may be exhausted
before steel starts yielding. Concrete will fail by
crushing when strain becomes large enough to
disrupt the integrity of concrete – normally in the
range of 0.003 - 0.004. Compression failure of
concrete is sudden, of an almost explosive nature
and without warning.
(Which failure mode is preferred and why?)
Stresses Elastic and Section uncracked
 As long as tensile stresses in the concrete beam is smaller
than modulus of rupture, no tension crack develops and
stress strain distribution is as in elastic homogeneous beam.
The only difference is the presence of another material, i.e.
the steel reinforcement
 For equal strain in steel and surrounding concrete the
following can be written:
ϵs = ϵc
fs/Es = fc/Ec
fs = (Es/Ec).fc = n.fc
This means that, before cracking of concrete, the steel stress
is equal to the stress in adjoining concrete multiplied by the
modular ratio. If steel area is to be replaced with an
equivalent concrete area, an additional concrete area equal
to (n-1)As is to be used.
One can take account of this fact in calculation by
replacing the actual steel and concrete cross
section with a fictitious section thought of as
consisting of concrete only and is called as
“transformed section”. In this “transformed section”
the actual area of steel is replaced with an
equivalent concrete area equal to n.As located at
the level of the steel. Fig.3.3 shows the uncracked
transformed area of the beam.
 Once transformed section is obtained, the usual
method of analysis of elastic homogeneous beam
apply. The section properties like location of neutral
axis, moment of inertia, section modulus are
calculated and stresses are computed as usual.
Fig. 3.3 Uncracked Transformed Section

A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has a
width b = 10”, total depth, h = 25” and effective
depth d = 23”. It is reinforced with 3#8 bars on the
tension side. f’c= 4000 psi, fy = 60000 psi.
Assuming the section as uncracked, determine the
stresses caused by a bending moment of 45 kip ft.
b =10”

d = 23” h = 25”

3# 8
● ● ●
Tensile stress fct exceeds the modulus of rupture –
cracks formed
If the concrete compressive stress is less than
approx ½f’c and the steel stress has not reached
the yield point (materials behave?)
This situation generally occurs in structures under
normal service condition/loads
 Stresses and strain be computed from transformed section

 Location of neutral axis:

b(kd)2/2 – n.As (d - kd) = 0 -------- (1)

Having obtained kd by solving this quadratic eqn, moment

of inertia and other properties of transformed section can be
The value of k can also be found from the strain
diagram as under,
From similar triangles ABC and ADE,
ϵs/ϵc =(d-kd)/kd =(1-k)/k B ϵc C
ϵs= (1-k)/k. ϵc kd
½fc.b.kd = As. fs=ρbd.єsEs d
½ϵc.Ec.bkd =ρbd.[(1-k)/k].ϵc.Es
½k = nρ(1-k)/k E ϵ D
k2+2nρk -2nρ = 0 Strain Diagram
k =√[ (ρn)2+2ρn]-ρn
Minimum reinforcement in beams
If the flexural strength of the cracked section is less
than the moment that produced cracking of the
previously uncracked section, the beam will fail
immediately without warning of distress upon
formation of first flexural crack. To prevent such
failure, ACI Code 10.5.1 requires certain minimum
reinforcement to be provided in beams. The amount
of steel should not be less than:
Asmin = 3(√f’c/fy) bw.d ≥ (200/fy) bw.d
where bw = width of beam web.
For a statically determinate T beam with flange in
tension, Asmin shall not be less than;
Asmin = (6√f’c/fy).bw.d
Permissible stresses in concrete and steel
The following maximum permissible stresses will be
used in concrete and steel while using working
stress method.
Maximum extreme fibre stress in comp= 0.45 f’c
Maximum extreme fibre stress in tension = 6√f’c
Permissible stress in grade 40 steel= 20,000 psi
“ “ “ “ 60 “ “ = 24,000 psi
fs for # 3 bar in one way slabs of less than 12 ft span
= 0.5 fy
Design Value of Factor k
In design problems, the area of steel is not known.
The depth of the neutral axis may be calculated by
● Assuming simultaneous occurrence of maximum
permissible concrete and steel stresses.
● Using maximum allowed steel ratio.
In the first case, under reinforced behaviour is
ensured by the code. The code specifies suitable
value for allowable stresses considering the under
reinforced behaviour, which means that yielding of
steel should occur before crushing of concrete.
Simultaneous Failure of Concrete and Steel
●The strain diagram is used to calculate the value
of k, assuming that maximum permissible concrete
strain(ϵc) is reached when steel reaches the
permissible strain(ϵs).
єc C
d - kd

Triangle ABC and AED are similar,

ϵc/kd = ϵs/(d-kd)
ϵc(d-kd) = ϵs.kd
fc(d-kd)/Ec = fs.kd/Es (ϵ = f / E)
fc(d-kd) = fs.kd/n (n=Es/Ec)
Using selected steel ratio. The maximum steel ratio
permitted by ACI Code is given below. A steel
ratio(ρ) equal to ρmax or a fraction of ρmax but
greater than ρmin is selected. The value of “k” is
then calculated using expression already developed.
ρmax = 0.318xβ1xf’c/fy
k=√[(ρn)2 +2ρn] – ρn
Value of “k” calculated corresponds to max possible
depth of N.A. and may conservatively be used.
A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has a
width b = 10”, total depth, h = 25” and effective
depth d = 23”. It is reinforced with 3#8 bars on the
tension side. f’c= 4000 psi, fy = 60000 psi.
Determine the stresses caused by a bending
moment of 90 kip ft.
b =10”

d = 23” h = 25”

3# 8
● ● ●
Comparison of Result of Example 1 and 2

B.M(Kft) N.A.(Inch) fc (Psi) fs (psi) I (In4)

45 13.15 482 2888 14736

90 7.59 1390 22262 5960

Size of the Beam
It is selected keeping in mind the following
As a rule of thumb, depth of beam should be ℓ/12.
It also satisfies the deflection criteria.
In most cases (singly reinforced beams), the depth
of beam should be such that maximum steel ratio
permitted by the ACI Code is not exceeded.
Shear force can also dictate beam size in certain
Depth of rectangular beams should be multiple of
2” or 3”. In T-beams the web depth should satisfy
this criteria.
Beams are economical in depth to width ratio of 1.5
to 2.5.
The economical span range of beams is normally up
to 30 to 35 ft.
The number of different sizes of beams on a project
should be kept minimum.
Width of beam should be equal to or less than
width of column.
Minimum width of beam should be 10”. A 12” wide
beam can normally accommodate 4 rebars in a
single row. Add 2” width for every additional rebar.
It is also important to predict the ultimate strength of
the beam so that an appropriate margin of safety
can be assured by making this strength larger than
the largest load that can be expected during lifetime
of the structure. At or near the ultimate loads,
stresses are no longer proportional to strain.
Fig.3.6 represents the distribution of internal
stresses and strains when the beam is about to fail.
Beam will fail either by tension yielding of steel
(fs=fy) or by crushing of concrete at outer
compression fibre (єu=0.003).
 In addition to these two criteria, it is not really
Fig 3.6 Stress and Strain Distribution at Ultimate Load
necessary to know the exact shape of stress
distribution. It is important to know, for a given
distance “c” of the neutral axis, the total resultant
force “C” and its vertical location i.e. distance from
the outer compression fibre.
In a rectangular beam, the area under compression
is “b.c” and total compression force C = fav.b.c. The
fav that can be developed depends on cylinder
strength f’c. if fav= α f’c, then C = α.f’c.b.c. For a
given distance “c” to the neutral axis, the location of
the compressive force “C” can be defined as some
fraction β of this distance.
 From extensive testing, it has been found that;

α = 0.72 for f’c ≤4000 psi and decreases by 0.04

for every 1000 psi above 4000 up to 8000 psi and
for f’c > 8000 psi, α =0.56
β= 0.425 for f’c ≤ 4000 psi and decreases by 0.025 for
every 1000 psi above 4000 up to 8000 psi and for
f’c>8000 psi, β = 0.325

(why α and β decrease for high strength concrete)

In 1937, C.S. Whitney, proposed the replacement of
stress distribution by an equivalent rect. stress
distribution at ultimate load as shown in fig.3.8.

Actual and Equivalent Stress Distribution

From fig.3.8,
C=α.f’c.c.b=Ƴ.f’c.a.b from which Ƴ=α.c/a
with a=β1.c, this gives Ƴ=α/ β1.
Stress intensity factor Ƴ, is independent of f’c and
can be taken as 0.85.(ACI Code
C = 0.85 f’c.a.b
If location of force “C” is to remain same then,
β.c=a/2 or a=2 β.c and with c=a/β1 gives us
β1=2β and according to ACI Code
β1=0.85-0.05(f’c-4000)/1000 and 0.65≤β1≤0.85
The equivalent rect stress distribution can be used
for deriving the equations. The failure criteria is
same i.e. yielding of steel at fs=fy and crushing of
concrete at єu=0.003.(ACI Code 10.2.3)
Balanced strain condition.
A balanced strain condition exist at a cross section
when steel strain is equal to єy when the strain in
concrete simultaneously reaches єu=0.003. ACI
code 10.3.2. From similar triangles, єu
c/d = єu/(єu+ єy)
c = єu.d/(єu+ єy) ----- (I) c
for equilibrium, T= C
=0.85f’c. β1c.b
put value of c from (I) above,
ρb= 0.85 β1.f’c/fy.(єu/ єu+ єy)
For Es= 29x106 psi and єu= 0.003, we get
ρb= 0.85 β1.f’c/fy.(87000/87000+ fy)
 At the final stage, when the steel is yielding and the
concrete is about to be crushed, we may calculate
the depth of N.A. from compression face.
0.85 f’c.b.a = As.fy
a = As.fy/(0.85 f’c.b) -------- (I)
Taking moment about resultant force C, the nominal
flexural strength Mn of the section,
Mn = (d - a/2) ---------- (II)
if moment is taken about tension steel,
Mn f’c.b.a.(d-a/2)
Putting value of “a” in (II) from (I), We get,
Mn=ρbd2 fy(1 - 0.59ρfy/f’c)
Types of Sections Based on Flexural Behaviour
The sections may be classified into three types
depending upon how much ductility is provided by
them. The strength reduction factor ɸ, is accordingly
different for these types of sections.
Tension Controlled Section. The section in which
the net tensile strain in the extreme tension steel is
equal to or greater than 0.005, when the
corresponding concrete strain in compression just
reaches a strain of 0.003. ACI Code 10.3.4
Let dt= depth of steel closest to tension face
from the compression face.
And ϵt= strain in steel closest to tension face on
outer side of bar.
ϵt/0.003 = (dt-c)/c Єu=0.003
ϵt= 0.003 (dt-c)/c
If this strain is greater than
or equal to 0.005, the section dt
is tension controlled. dt-c
0.003 (dt-c)/c ≥ 0.005 єt

0.003 {(dt/c)-1} ≥ 0.005

0.003dt/c ≥0.005+0.003
dt/c ≥8/3 or
c/dt ≤ 3/8
The net tensile strain does not include strain due to
prestress, creep, shrinkage or temperature.
Compression Controlled Section. Sections where
net tensile strain in extreme tension steel is less
than or equal to its yield strain, ϵy, when the
concrete strain in compression just reaches a strain
of 0.003. ϵy may be taken equal to 0.002 for grade
60 steel.
0.003(dt-c)/c ≤ ϵy
c/dt ≥ 0.003/(ϵy +0.003) ≥ 0.60
Transition Section. When the tensile strain in
extreme tension steel is between the limiting values
for compression controlled and tension controlled
sections, the section behaves as a transition
between the two types of sections. The ɸ factor in
such cases is varied linearly for smooth transition
from compression controlled to tension controlled
For member with ties,
the value of ɸ must be between 0.65 and 0.90
For grade 60 steel the equation can be simplified as
ɸ = 0.65 +(ϵt-0.002) 83.33
= 0.483 + 83.33 ϵt
To make sure that every flexural member fails by
yielding of steel by sufficient warning before failure,
ACI Code 10.3.5 require that if axial load on the
member is less than 0.1f’c.Ag, the net tensile strain
at nominal strength should not be less than 0.004
i.e. ϵst ≥ 0.004 which means
0.003 (dt-c)/c ≥ 0.004
(dt/c)-1 ≥4/3 or dt/c ≥7/3 or
c/dt≤3/7 a/dt≤ β1x3/7 ----- (i)
For singly reinforced beams with one layer of
steel reinforcement, dt=d
For C = T, 0.85 f’c.b.a=As.fy=ρb.d.fy
ρ = 0.85(f’c/fy).a/d=0.85(f’c/fy).β1.3/7
ρmax=0.364 β1.f’c/fy

For design, it is better to keep the minimum strain

equal to 0.005 to give some margin against the
possibility of being below the strain limit of 0.004,
while steel bars are selected. Also, due to reduced
factor of safety at a strain of 0.004, no considerable
economy is obtained. The maximum steel ratio for
singly reinforced section with limiting strain of 0.005
may be found as under;
єt ≥ 0.005 (from strain diagram)
0.003x(dt-c)/c ≥ 0.005
(dt/c) -1 ≥ 5/3, dt/c ≥ 8/3
(c/dt) ≤ ⅜ or (a/dt) ≤ β1. ⅜
For singly reinforced beam with one layer of
steel, dt=d
≤ 0.85β1x⅜xf’c/fy

ρmax= 0.318 β1.f’c/fy. ----- for tension controlled

Net tensile Strain and c/dt Ratio
In a reinforced concrete beam, the failure that is
initiated by yielding of tension steel is known as
tension failure and the section is called under –
reinforced section. It is further divided into a tension
controlled section and transition section. The
capacity of such a section is derived below.
● Maximum strain in concrete = 0.003
● Extreme fibre concrete stress = 0.85 f’c
● Stress in steel = fy
● Strain in steel = єs > єy = fy/Es
Refer to figure
C = T »0.85 f’c.b.a = As.fy a C
a= As.fy/(0.85 f’c.b) ---(I)
The nominal moment capacity d d-a/2
of beam can be determined
from steel strength and not T
from concrete strength.
Stress and force diagram
Mn=As.fy(d - a/2) ---(II)
put value of “a” from (I) in (II)
Mn=As.fy{d-As.fy/(2x0.85 f’c.b)} ---- (III)
put As=ρ.b.d in eqn (III), we get
Mn= ρ.b.d.fy {d- ρ.b.d .fy/(1.7 f’c.b)}
Mn = ρ.b.d2.fy{1.0.59ρ.fy/f’c} ----- (IV)
For perfect and most economical design, Mu=ɸ.Mn.
Where ɸ= Strength (capacity) reduction factor and
its value is 0.90 when tensile steel strain is ≥0.005.
Minimum depth of rectangular section. It may be
determined by calculating the moment of resistance
when ϵt=0.005. It is also approx valid for ϵt=0.004.
At ϵt ≥ 0.005, a= ⅜β1.d
Mu= ɸMn=0.9x0.85 f’c.b.a(d-a/2)
=0.765 f’c.b(0.375 β1.d){d-(0.375 β1.d/2}
For f’c ≤ 4000 psi, β1=0.85
=0.205 f’c.b.d2
dmin=√Mu/(0.205 f’c.b).
If effective depth of beam is selected ≥dmin, the
beam will behave as under-reinforced section and ρ
will be lesser than ρmax. Total depth= dmin+2.5”
A reinforced concrete beam that would fail by
crushing of concrete first rather than by yielding of
tension steel is called over-reinforced beam.
Concrete crushing is assumed to occur at extreme
concrete strain of 0.003. The stress in steel remains
less than yield stress, fy. The crushing of concrete
occurs suddenly and chunks of concrete in the
maximum compression region are blown off as the
load exceeds the ultimate capacity. The over-
reinforced or compression failure is a sudden failure
and without warning. A beam should never be
designed as over-reinforced. However, for the
analysis of accidental over-reinforced beam, the
capacity may be determined by formula derived.
 Extreme fibre concrete strain=0.003
“ “ “ stress =0.85 f’c
Stress in steel, fs <fy and єs<єy
As strain in steel is unknown, consider the strain
distribution diagram before failure.
єs / 0.003 =(d - c) / c Єu=0.003
єs = 0.003(d-c)/c
fs=Es. єs =0.003.Es.(d-c)/c c
=0.003.Es.(β1d- a)/a --- (I)
C=0.85 f’c.b.a
T=As.fs= As.0.003.Es.(β1d- a)/a
Equate C =T
0.85 f’c.b.a= As.0.003.Es.(β1d- a)/a
=(0.85 f’c.b.a2)/(0.003As.Es) =β1.d – a
=(0.85 f’c.b.a2)/(0.003As.Es) +a - β1.d =0
Put As= ρbd and multiply eqn by d, we get,
{0.85 f’c/(0.003Es.ρ)}a2+ad - β1.d2=0 (Es=29x106)
{0.85 f’c/(87000.ρ)}a2+ad - β1.d2=0
The only unknown in the equation is “a” and the eqn
can be solved to find the value of “a”. The nominal
moment capacity can now be determined.
Mn=C x la= 0.85 f’c.b.a (d-a/2).
Mu =ɸ .Mn
The value of ɸ = 0.65 for over-reinforced section.
ACI Minimum Reinforcement. Same as discussed
before. ACI Code 10.5
Selection of Steel Bars For Beams. The following
points should be kept in mind while selecting
number and size of bars for the given area of steel.
● As provided ≥ As required.
● There should be at least two bars, one in each
● Bars should be placed symmetrically.
● Minimum distance between bars should not be
less than bar diameter or 1”. ACI Code 7.6.1
● A smaller bar size, for given area, is preferable
because of ease of cutting, placing and crack
● Steel should preferably be placed in a single
layer but for heavier beams it may be placed in
two or three layers. In such cases, minimum clear
distance between layer should be equal to bar
dia or 1” which ever is more. Bars in each layer
should be placed symmetrically and directly over
the bar in lower layer. ACI Code 7.6.2.
● When bars of different diameters are to be
combined for detailing, the difference between
bar sizes should not be more than ⅛”-¼”.
● If more area of steel is required, steel bars may
be bundled into say three bar bundle or four bar
bundle. ACI Code 7.6.6.
Concrete Cover to Steel Reinforcement. A minimum
clear concrete cover to the outer most steel (may be
steel stirrup or tie) is required for following reasons.
● To protect the reinforcement from weather and
other effects, say from corrosion.
● To provide sufficient bond strength between steel
and concrete.
● To protect steel against fire, up to certain extent
and to improve fire rating of the structure.
● To reduce abrasion and wear of steel.
ACI code 7.7 gives the clear concrete cover for
members under different conditions of placing.
Steel bars in the beams should be placed 2½”- 3”
from the top or bottom surface to furnish at least
1½” clear concrete cover. See fig3.12 for details.
Fig.3.12 Requirements for Concrete Cover in Beams and Slabs
 In order to keep the deflection within limits, we
have to find the deflection of the reinforced concrete
beam using code formulae (ACI Code and
compare them with the allowable limits of table
9.5(b). If the deflection is more than allowable limit,
the section has to be revised.
As an alternate, the depth of the beams and one
way slabs should be kept more than the limits
prescribed in ACI Code table 9.5(a).
Span length. For members not built integrally with
support, span length shall be considered as clear
span + the depth of the member, but need not
exceed centre to centre distance between supports.
ACI Code 8.9.
1. Calculate the depth of neutral axis assuming the
section as under - reinforced.
a = As.fy/(0.85 f’c.b)
c = a/β1 β1=0.85 for f’c≤ 4000 psi
2. Calculate the steel strain. Also calculate єt, if
ϵs= 0.003(d-c)/c =0.003(β1d-a)/a
ϵt= 0.003(dt-c)/c =0.003(β1dt- a)/a
If єs ≥єy .The sec is under reinforced as assumed,
go to step no.3.
If єs < єy it will be a compression failure.
Recalculate the value of “a” from following eqn.
{0.85 f’c/(87000.ρ)}a2+ad - β1.d2=0
3. Determine the value of strength reduction factor, ɸ
depending upon the value of єt.
єt ≥ 0.005 ɸ=0.90
єt ≤ єy ɸ=0.65
0.002 < єt < 0.005 --- Use transition formula.
ɸ=0.65+{0.25/(0.005 - єy)}x(єt - єy)
ɸ = 0.483 +83.33 ϵt. ------- For grade 60 steel.
4. Calculate the flexural capacity , ɸ Mn, as under.
ɸ Mn= ɸ As. fy (d - a/2) For under reinforced sec.
ɸ Mn= ɸ 0.85 f’c.b.a (d - a/2) For compression
= ɸ As.fs.(d - a/2) controlled section
Design of Lintels. They are provided over openings
for doors and windows in brick/block masonry walls
to support the weight of the wall above. The portion
of wall load is a 60o triangle as shown below. The
remaining load is supported by the arch action
within the wall. For design of lintel over wall of tw”,
Equivalent udl for B.M.=0.0058 ℓ.tw K/ft

0.866 ℓ

60 60oo

A simply supported reinforced concrete
rectangular beam has a clear span of 24 ft and is
supported on 9 inch thick brick masonry wall as
shown in figure. It carries a brick tile roof weighing
130 psf. Service live load = 60 psf. f’c=3000 psi and
fy = 40,000 psi. Design the interior beam B-1 for
flexure only.
3 @ 10 ft

Beams B-1 9” Brick

A masonry wall A

24 ft Brick tile roof 24.75 ft

Brick Tile Roof

Beam B-1 9” Wall

X - Section A _ A

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