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• Introduction
• Factors influencing perceptual process
• Perceptual grouping
• Stimuli selection
• Barriers to perceptual accuracy
• Honing perceptual skills
• The process of receiving stimuli
• the organising process
• The process of selecting stimuli
• The process of interpreting
• The process of checking
• The process of reacting
Factors influencing the perceptual
• The characteristics of perceiver
• The characteristics of perceived
• The characteristics of situation

Perception (overall understanding of perception)

The characteristics of perceiver

• Needs and motives

• Self concept
• Our ethics
• Past experience
• Current emotional state
The characteristics of perceived
• Physical characteristics perceived are
– Appearance
– Body language
– Facial expressions
– Age
– Gender
– Manner of communication
Perceptual grouping
• Continuity
• Closure
• Proximity
• Similarity
Perceptual selectivity
• It is believed that our senses are activated only
by certain type of stimuli so that some stimuli
may go unnoticed if these are not strong
bright or loud enough to activate our senses
• If relates to our ability to turn out certain
stimuli to which we have been consciously
exposed is known as sensory adaptation
Stimuli selection
• External factors • Internal factors
• Size • Learning and perception
• Intensity • motivation &
• Contrast perception
• Repetition
• Movement
• Novelty and familarity
• order
Barriers to perceptual accuracy
• Stereo typing
– Sex role stereotypes
– Age stereotypes
• Halo effect
• Expectancy
• Perceptual defense
• Projection
Honing perceptual skills
• Knowing and perceiving oneself accurately
– It is removing blind spots
– Like how we perceive others thro knowing, perceiving and
– Obtain information from superiors, peers, subordinates and
other colleagues
– JOHARI window
• Being emphatic
• Having positive attitudes
• Enhance good self image
• Avoiding common biases in perception
• Avoiding attributions
JOHARI window
• The public area – what is known us and others is the
public area
• The blind area – I am blind to the fact that I come
across to others in a negative way
• The private & secret area – I know something myself,
which nobody else is aware and I would like to keep
it, undisclosed, a secret.
• The unknown area & dark area – there may be aspect
of me which I am unaware of and others do not know
Public area Blind area
Open self Blind self

Private area Dark area

Open self Undiscovered self

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