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Scientific Writing :

How to create Proposal, Theses

and Journal form

CRP 2014
Format Proposal FK Unimal
I. Pendahuluan III. Metode Penelitian
1. Latar Belakang 1. Jenis Penelitian
2. Rumusan Masalah 2. Waktu dan tempat penelitian
3. Tujuan Penelitian 3. Rancangan Penelitian
4. Manfaat Penelitian 4. Subjek Penelitian
5. Ruang Lingkup 5. Sampel
II. Tinjauan Pustaka 6. Cara Pengambilan Sampel
1. Tinjauan Teoritis 7. Variabel Penelitian
2. Kerangka Teori 8. Definisi Operasional
3. Kerangka Konsep 9. Alat Ukur
4. Hipotesis 10. Pengumpulan Data
11. Pengolahan Data
12. Analisa Data
Format Jurnal Publikasi
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Keywords
• Text formatting: 'Introduction', '(Materials and) Methods', 'Results',
and 'Discussion‘.  IMRaD
• Acknowledgments
• References
• Title Page: the title page should include a concise and informative name
for the article accompanied by a short title to used as running head, full
name(s) and affiliations of all author(s) and standard mailing plus e-mail
addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author(s).

• Abstract: following the title page, a summary of the entire article should be
outlined in subsections as follows; a statement of the work's purpose
in 'objective', followed by a brief description of the study's design
in 'methods' and a clear declaration of the 'results', and finally, a concise
presentation of the 'conclusions'have to be given.
• Keywords: 3 to 6 keywords have to be used for indexing purposes.
The keywords may be placed on the title page or under the abstract.

• Text formatting: The text must be sectioned and ordered

as 'Introduction', '(Materials and) Methods', 'Results', 'Discussion'. A
gathered 'Results and Discussion' section should be avoided. Each
section should begin on a separate page. The discussion should end
with one or more concluding paragraphs without a separate heading.
• Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc should be placed in a
separate section before the reference list. The names of funding
organizations should be written in full.

• Reference citing and styling: The list of references should only

include works that are cited in the text and that have been published
or accepted for publication.
Examples for typing references in the list:
-Journal article; Santoni G, Morelli MB, Santoni M, Nabissi M. New deals on the transcriptional and post-
transcriptional regulation of TRP channel target genes during the angiogenesis of glioma. J Exp Integr Med
2011; 1:221-34.

-Article by DOI (digital object identifier); Yuen HK, Westwater C, DeGarmo J, Bandyopadhyay D. Immediate
effect of xylitol chewing gum and mouth rinse on salivary levels of mutans streptococci in adults with systemic
sclerosis: a pilot study. J Exp Integr Med 2011; doi:10.5455/

-Book; Bocci V. Retinal degenerative disorders. In: Ozone. A new medical drug. 2nd edition, Springer,
Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp 133–145, 2011.
Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal's name according to the ISSN list of title word abbreviations;

-Book chapter; Barry M, Meigs JB. The natural history of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In: Lepor H (ed) Prostatic
Diseases, Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 106-115, 2000.

-Online document; The inside story: a guide to indoor air quality. In: U.S. EPA/Office of Air and Radiation
Available via (Accessed 18 December 2011).

-Dissertation; Oter S. Assessment of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes to determine oxidant stress in
rat lung induced by hyperbaric oxygen treatment at different doses and intervals. Dissertation, Gulhane
Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, 1998.
Mulai dari mana?
Mahasiswa punya PKM….

Apa itu PKM?

• PKM adl kependekan dari Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa.
• Merupakan salah satu program dari Direktorat Penelitian dan
Pengabdian Masyarakat (DP2M), Dikjen Dikti  meningkatkan
kualitas dan kreatifitas mahasiswa Indonesia.
• Untuk mengurangi kesenjangan Antara teori yang diperoleh
mahasiswa dengan realitas masyarakat yang ada.

• PKM dari seluruh universitas Indonesia yang masuk ke DIKTI akan di

saring dan dikompetisikan pada PIMNAS.
Apa itu PIMNAS????
• Merupakan pekan ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional.

• Ajang kompetensi berskala Nasional dimana para mahasiswa dr

seluruh universitas di Indonesia unjuk kemampuan intelektual dan
kreatifitas dalam pembuatan PKM.
• Penelitian bukan (hanya) untuk SKRIPSI Kelulusan.



• Dokter yang hanya sekedar lulus  MINDER menghadapi PASIEN dan

bersaing dg REKAN SEPROFESI  KKN  Kesehatan Indonesia tidak
akan maju.

• Bayangkan bila seluruh dokter di dunia seperti dirimu yang tidak

memiliki kompetensi (hanya sekedar lulus)  MAUKAH KAMU
• Semua faktor / karakter obyek penelitian yang
berperan dalam proses penelitian
• Dibagi :
• Tergantung (dependent)
• Bebas (independent
• Pengganggu (interfering)
• Penyerta (confounding)
• Kendali
Definisi Operasional Variabel

• Penting: petunjuk bagi peneliti atau

peneliti lain untuk mengukur dan
memanipulasi variabel.
• Measured Operational Definition:
Bagaimana cara mengukur / mengamati /
mencaca variabel.
• Kesembuhan: Mengukur kadar IL-2
• Experimental Operational Definition:
Bagaimana memanipulasi variabel
• Memberi asap rokok.
 Penggambaran atau abstraksi suatu
 Buah pikiran umum mengenai suatu
himpunan benda benda atau hal-hal
yang biasanya dibedakan dari
 Ungkapan abstrak yang bersifat umum
dihasilkan dari unsur-unsur khusus.

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