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• The mind natural favors what it can easily connect with such as
reading following a certain flow. Therefore, in any kind of writing,
format is given preference. Following the set term paper format is
important because:

• It makes it easy for your reader to follow your story easily.

• It helps to organize your ideas logically and systematically

• Sometimes students confuse the term paper format, with
dissertation/thesis or research paper format. The formats are almost
the same but each has its own uniqueness. Below is format of a term

• Title page – In this page, state your topic, name, name of your
instructor, your institution and date of submission.

• Table of content – Has the different chapters and their contents.

• Abstract – The abstract introduces your term paper. It gives an
overview and at the same time, a summary of the project as it
introduces the subject, variables to be investigated in the research,
and highlights the conclusion derived.

• Introduction – It gives a detailed explanation of the research

question, a literature review to demonstrate the most recent
researches on your topic, states the significance of the problem, and
ultimately states how you will address the problem identified.
• The body – The body has the following sections:

Methodology – States methods used for data collection and analysis,

the relevance of the choice made, and how you utilized the collected
data. Also discusses the limitations of the methods.

Results – These are your findings. They are stated just as they were
observed at the field. This chapter also states the limitations or
challenges of the research.
• Discussion – In this section of writing term paper, you are required to
state what was observed in your research e.g. a regular pattern etc. It
is also in this section that you give an interpretation of the
observation made.

• Conclusion – It is in the conclusion that you make a case for your

topic. From the findings and interpretations, reiterate the points that
support your argument and reassert and emphasize your position
• Bibliography – It is a list of the sources used for the assignment. They
must be clearly stated and relevant. Sources give credibility to your

• Different institutions have different preferences in writing term

papers. Therefore, consult to get specifics such as number of sources
materials, formatting style etc.

• Giving term paper the attention it deserves enables you to get a high
grade and prepares you to write advanced level thesis or dissertation
and other complex assignments.

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