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Chapter 13: Oscillatory Motions

Simple harmonic motion

 Spring and Hooke’s law y
• When a mass hanging from a spring and
in equilibrium, the Newton’s 2nd law says:

F y  ma  Fs  Fg  0  Fs  Fg
This means the force due to the spring is
equal to the force by gravity and opposite
in direction when the spring is stretched.
• Hooke’s law states that increasing the
weight by equal amounts increases the
stretch of the spring by equal amount.
Therefore, the force due to the spring must be proportional to the
stretch of the spring. x is deviation from the spring w/o weight
 
Fs  kx where k is the spring constant.
This is also true when the spring shrinks
Simple harmonic motion
 Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
y y y
• Let’s study a motion of the
mass m. When the mass is
attached to the spring, the
spring stretches by x0. Then
lift the mass by A and release
F y  ma  Fs  Fg  ma
• The initial stretch is x0-x and from Hooke’s law:
k ( x0  x)  mg  ma
• Since in equilibrium Fs  Fg  0  kx0  mg,
dv d  dx  d 2 x
 kx  ma  a  (k / m) x and a     2
dt dt  dt  dt
d 2x k
  x   2
x Equation for SHM
dt m
Simple harmonic motion
 Simple harmonic motion (SHM) (cont’d)

d 2x k k
  x   2
x  : angular frequency (rad/s)
dt m m
phase constant
• Solution:
x(t )  A cos(t   ) As x(0)  A cos   x0 ,   arccos

Frequency : f   / 2 , period : T  1 / f , amplitude : A

Hz s

dx(t )
v(t )   A sin( t   ), v( x)   A2  x 2 velocity
dv(t )
a (t )    2 A cos(t   ), a( x)   2 x acceleration
Simple harmonic motion
 Simple harmonic motion (SHM) (cont’d)
• Solution: f=/(2)

x(t )  A cos(t   ) Acos

• What is SHM/SHO? t=-/ t=0

A simple harmonic motion is the motion
0; 20 ; 30
of an oscillating system which satisfies
the following condition:

1. Motion is about an equilibrium position

at which point no net force acts on the
2. The restoring force is proportional to
and oppositely directed to the
3. Motion is periodic. By Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University
Simple harmonic motion
 Connection between SHM and circular motion
• For an object in circular motion, the angular
velocity is defined as,
    t  
• The tangential velocity is related to the
angular velocity : v  r
• The centripetal acceleration is also related
to the angular velocity: 
Vector r is called a phasor
v 2 (r ) 2
a   r 2
r r
• The position, velocity and acceleration
of the object as a function of time are:

SHM! x  r cos   x(t )  r cos(t   )

v  r sin   v(t )  r sin( t   )
a   2 r cos   a(t )   2 r cos(t   )   2 x(t )
Simple harmonic motion
 Displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM
 0
• Displacement

x(t )  A cos(t )
• Velocity

dx(t )
v(t )   A sin( t )
• Acceleration

dv(t )
a(t )    2 A cos(t )

Note: A  x 2 (0)  v 2 (0) /  2

Energy in SHM
 Energy conservation Fs   kx  
E  K U Ch.7
x 1 2
 Energy conservation in a SHM
U  U    Fs dx  kx
0 2
1 2 1 2 No friction
K  mv ; U  kx
2 2

1 2 1 2
E  mv  kx  const.
2 2
1 2 1 2 1 2
kA  mv  kx  E
2 2 2

v (
k 2
A  x2 )
Energy in SHM

 Energy conservation in a SHM (cont’d)

1 2 1 2
E  mv  kx  const.
2 2

kinetic energy


distance from equilibrium point

potential energy
Applications of SHM
 Simple pendulum
• The forces on the mass at the end are
gravity and the tension. The tension, however,
exerts no torque about the top of the string.
g g
  I  mg sin   m 2     sin     for small angle
 

d d 2 g
  2  
dt dt 

Angular frequency of a simple pendulum

g  1 g 1 
 ,f   , T   2
 2 2  f g
Applications of SHM
 Physical pendulum
• A simple pendulum has all its mass concentrated
at a point and oscillates due to gravitational torques.
Objects that do not have their mass concentrated at
a point also oscillate due to gravitational torques.

  I  mgr sin   I     I sin 

Angular frequency of a physical pendulum

Applications of SHM
 Angular SHM
• An angular version of SHM is called torsion
oscillation and shown on the right.
• A disk suspended by a wire experiences a
restoring torsion when rotated by a small
angle  :
   c.f. F  kx
: torsion constant

d 2 
   I  2   
dt I
Angular frequency of an angular SHM :
 k
 c.f.  
I m
Damped oscillations
 Oscillation with friction
• In real world dissipative forces such as friction between a block and
a table exist. Such a dissipative force will decrease the amplitude of an
oscillation – damped oscillation.
The friction reduces the mechanical energy of the system as time
passes, and the motion is said to be damped.
Damped oscillations
 A simple example of damped oscillation
• Consider a simple harmonic oscillation with a frictional damping
force that is directly proportional to the velocity of the oscillating

F  kx  bv  ma
dx d x
 kx  b  m 2
dt dt
If the damping force is relatively small, the motion is described by:

x(t )  Ae (b / 2 m )t cos( ' t   ) where

k b
'  
m 4m 2
Damped oscillations (cont’d)
 A simple example of damped oscillation

x(t )  Ae (b / 2 m )t cos( ' t   ) where

k b2
'   2
m 4m  (b / 2 m )t

By Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University

Forced oscillations and resonance
 Driving force
An example of resonantly driven damped harmonic oscillator

Wait 1
Forced oscillations and resonance
 Driving force (cont’d)
• The additional force that pushed by the person in the animation
on the previous page is called a driving force.

• When a periodically varying driving force with angular frequency

d is applied to a damped harmonic oscillator, the resulting motion
is called a forced oscillation.

driving force : cos(dt ) d=0.4


By Dr. Dan Russell, Kettering University

Forced oscillations and resonance
 Forced oscillation and resonance

Damped SHM Forced damped SHM

Fixed Moving/driving force F (t )  Fmax cos d t

natural frequency

k b2
'  
m 4m 2

Forced oscillations and resonance
 Forced oscillation and resonance (cont’d)
Amplitude for a forced damped oscillation:

Fmax When k  m 2
d , A has a maximum
(k  md2 ) 2  b 2d2 near d  k / m resonance:
The fact that there is
an amplitude peak at
driving frequencies close
to the natural frequency
A of the system is called

angular freq. of driving force

natural frequency
 Problem 1
a) The speed of the pan and the steak
immediately after the collision (total
inelastic collision): k=400 N/m
Initial speed of the meat just before the
collision: v  2 gh

Final speed of the meat-pan just after the

collision: M=2.2 kg
v f  vi
2.2 h=0.40 m
 2(9.80 m/s )(0.40 m)
 2.6 m/s
m=0.20 kg
 Problem 1(cont’d)
b) The amplitude of the subsequent motion:
When the steak hits the pan, the pan is
Mg/k above the new equilibrium position. k=400 N/m

v f   A2  x 2f  A2  [ x 2f  v 2f /  2 ]2
where x f  Mg / k ,   k /( m  M )
So the amplitude is: M=2.2 kg

 Mg  2 ghM 2 h=0.40 m
A     0.21 m.
 k  k ( m  M )
m=0.20 kg
c) The period:

(m  M )
T  2  0.49 s.
 Problem 2 k

Ma   f  kx ( f : friction) Each:M/2, R
fR  I cm , I cm  (1 / 2) MR 2 cylinders stretched by x
a  R rolls w/o and then released

kx k kx 
a   x   2
M  I cm / R 2
(3 / 2) M

2 3M
T  2 .
 2k
 Problem 3
Two identical, thin rods, each with mass m L L
and length L, are joined at right angles to
form an L-shaped object. This object is
balanced on top of a sharp edge. If the L-
shaped object is deflected slightly, it oscillates.
Find the frequency of the oscillation.
The moment of inertia about the pivot: 2(1 / 3)mL2  (2 / 3)mL2
The center of gravity is located when balanced at a distance
d  L /( 2 2 )
d  L /( 2 2 ) below the pivot.
Think the L-shaped object as a physical L L
pendulum and is represented by the center
of gravity. The period T is:
T  2
 Problem 4
Find the effective spring constant.
F1=-k1x1 F2=-k2x2
F1  k1 x1  F2  k2 x2  F
F  keff x, x  x1  x2

x  x1  x2   
keff k1 k2
k1k 2
keff 
k1  k 2
F  F1  F2
F  keff x, F1  k1 x, F2  k2 x

keff  k1  k 2

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