Mekong Jumat 22 Desember

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T/M/37 yo

Morning Report
22 Desember 2017
Chief Complaint : pain on the whole abdomen

It has been suffered by the patient since 3 days before

admission to Hospital. Previously patient was feel pain
on epigastrium then reffered to right lower abdomen,
but lost arise. Fever (+), nausea (+) vomiting (-), urinate
(+) normally. Defecation (-) in 1 days. Flatus (+).

History of previous illnes : not found

History of drug use: not found
Present state :
Awareness : Alert
BP : 130/80 mmHg
HR : 84 x / i
RR : 20 x / i
T : 38.10C
VAS :6
Generalized State
Head and neck : Abnormality not found
Chest : Abnormality not found
Abdomen : in localized state
Genitalia : male, Abnormality not found
Extremity : Abnormality not found
Localized state :
Abdomen :
• I : symmetrical, distention (-),
• P : tenderness (+) o/t whole abdomen,
• P : tympani
• A : Peristaltic (+) decreased
Digital Rectal Examination :
Perineum normal, Strict anal sphincter tone, smooth
mucosa, pain (+) on 10 - 12 clockwise, rectum was filled
with feces,
Gloves : feses (+), blood (-) mucous (-)
Clinical Pictures
Laboratory Findings:
Hb/Hct/Wbc/Plt : 15.5/43,1/16.20/195
Neutrophil : 95.30 %
Ur/Cr : 24/ 0.76
Na/K/Cl : 143/3,6/113
Random Blood Sugar : 90
Chest x-ray
Working Diagnosis :
Diffuse Peritonitis d/t suspect Appendix Perforation
Management in Emergency Room:
• Fasting
• IVFD RL 30 gtt/i
• Insertion urine catheter
• Inj Ceftriaxone 1 gr/12 h
• Drip Metronidazole 500 mg/8 h
• Inj Ranitidin 50 mg/12 h
• Inj Ketorolac 30 mg/8 h
• Inj Novalgin 1 amp/12 h (k/p)
• Patient prepare for laparatomy apendectomy
Durante operation

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