Infrstructure Development Work 4.8.14

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1.HOUSING INFRASTRUCTURE JOB [(G+3)-23 No’s of Block].

Dated :-04.08.2014
Layout Plan-(G+3)-23 Blocks Kadma Housing Project.
Infrastructure development balance work for (G+3)-23 Blocks:

Balance Rate Balance

SL No Description of work UOM Quantity (Incl. all) Amount Remarks
1 Sewer line RM 700 1100 770000

HDPE Pipe for grey ,

2 drinking and rain water RM 850 631 536350

3 PPR pipe for drinking water RM 3600 265 954000

4 Road Sqm 3300 1250 4125000
Area Grading and
5 levelling dressing Cum 2500 180 450000
6 ETP Plant LS 2 8000000 8000000 Mr.Raja
7 Drain RM 475 2250 1068750

8 Sholer heater No 12 135000 1620000

9 Boundary wall RM 700 3396 2377200
10 Club House LS 1 5000000 5000000 Mr.Raja
11 Paver Block laying Sqm 4900 550 2695000
12 Gardening LS 2 1000000 2000000

TOTAL BALANCE AMOUNT= 29596300 =2.950 Cr.


No's of Vendor's
vendor Requirement
SL No Description of work working (No) Remarks
One contractor working but another one
1 Sewer line 1 2 contractor required for speed up the jo.
HDPE Pipe for grey , Material and laying orders are expire,
drinking and rain water urgently place order due to employees
are staying the handed over blocks.

2 0 1
PPR pipe for drinking water Material and laying orders are expire,
urgently place order due to employees
are staying the handed over blocks.

3 0 1
4 Road 2 0 At present no issue.
Area Grading and
5 levelling dressing 1 0 At present no issue.
6 ETP Plant 1 0 Monitur by Mr.Raja Chattapadhya
W/order expired,
7 Drain 0 2 place ARC order as soon as possible.
Sholer heater At first we have placed (G+3)-19 blocks order,
required place to order another 4 blocks
to Tata Power.

8 1 1
9 Boundary wall 0 2 All order has been expired, required new order.
10 Club House 1 1 Monitur by Mr.Raja Chattapadhya
11 Paver Block laying 2 2
12 Gardening 1 1 worked by horticulture department, monitor by us.

SL No Description of work Remarks

At present 2 no’s of road passes in-between the
(G+3)-Housing project and both the roads are
connected to the Kadma and Sastrinagar area, so
that if we will completed the project in all respect
1 Road then immediate take decision for stopped the
existing road with prior permission from higher

2 Boundary wall
Are Grading
Maximum area covered by M/s-IVRCL’s Scaffolding
material and own material.


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