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Defensive Position Drills

Glazier Clinic
Chicago 2007
Session #6
Defensive Drills
 Tackle/Turnover
 Drill by position
 D-Line

 Line Backer

 Defensive Backs

 Group Drills
 Team Drills
Tackling Do’s and Don’ts
 Do  Do not
 Read the warning  Allow the head to

label w/kids and be used

parents  Allow improper
 Practice the proper techniques to go
techniques daily uncorrected
 Allow major size

mismatches in drills
Form Tackle
 Shoulder Tackle?
 Chest Tackle?
 It doesn’t matter just practice it.
 Air Force Drill (Mat Tackling)
Tackle and Turnover Circuit
 Multi-Station drill focusing on
 Tackling

 Causing turnovers

 Capitalizing on turnovers
Tackle and Turnover Circuit
 Stations
 Strip, Scoop, and Score

 Goal Line Tackle and Strip

 Machine Gun Tackle

 Sweep Tackle

 One Man Sled Tackle

 Tip Drills
Tackle and Turnover Circuit
 Strip, Scoop and Score
 Ball carrier is trailed by 2 defenders

 First defender grabs cloth and comes over

the top to grab the point of ball and strip

 Second defender scoops the ball and goes

for TD
 Also teach the Punch
Tackle and Turnover Circuit
 Coaching Points
 The tackle must be secured first

 If the ball doesn’t come out on the first

try get him down

 Fumble recovery

 Scoop parallel to sideline

 Fall on the ball in traffic

Goal Line Tackle and Strip

The offensive player will attempt to cross the goal and

the defender will execute a good tackle to stop him. After
Contact a second defender will enter and either work to
strip or secure the tackle
Machine Gun Tackle

One player lines up at each of the triangle areas. One is

offense the other defense. As the ball carrier moves up
between the first two bags the defender fits up (form tackle).
The ball carrier backs out and process repeats until the final
bag. Then the defender will wrap and drive. Drill should be
Rapid fire and emphasize body and eye position
Sweep Tackle

Two lines of players at the triangles. Two players are holding

2 large bags. We will work the sweep tackle by tackling with
either the right or left shoulder. Get the head across and get the
Inside shoulder on the outside thigh board. Be sure that
players get low and run at least two steps after contact.
One Man Sled

At Central we have replaced the one man sled with a pop-up

Dummy. One line at each triangle. One group will
execute a form tackle, while the other line will scoop up
the fumble and try to score.
Defensive Line Drills
 Defensive line play in integral to any sound
 Like the Offensive line it is often a position
with lots of work and little credit
 “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight but
the size of the fight in the dog!”
Defensive Line Drills
 Fit and Lockout
 Partner up one on either side of the line

 One defender is the “Dummy” the other

the defender
 Defender will sink his hips, bull his neck,

and fit into his partner.

Defensive Line Drills
 Fit and Lockout
 Thumbs up, hitting with the heel of the

 Inside position is key for control

 Defender should now be able to “stretch”

their partner
Defensive Line Drills
 Swim
 Starts with a good fit

 Need to keep the LB clean

 Useful in both the run game and pass

Defensive Line Drills
 Swim
 Right arm swim

 Pull defender with left arm

 “Swim” over with right arm and step

through with right leg to get clearance

 Get “Skinny”
Defensive Line Drills
 Swim
 Coaching Points

 “Swim” as close to the opponents

shoulder as possible
 Finish by getting the “swim” elbow

into the back of the lineman to gain

Defensive Line Drills
 Rip
 Starts with the fit

 Need to keep the LB clean

 Useful in both the run game and pass

Defensive Line Drills
 Rip
 Right Arm Rip

 Use your left hand to move the

Offensive player
 Rip from the Hip to the armpit and step

through with the same leg

Defensive Line Drills
 Rip
 Coaching Points

 Finish the rip with your elbow at your

ear hole
 Run the edge of the lineman to

maintain lane integrity

Defensive Line Drills
 Double Team
 3 man drill

 Defender needs to be sure to get a fit

and fight to pressure.

 Defender must never give ground
Double Team Drill

The 2 circle are offense and the starburst is Defense.

Defender needs to get off the ball and fit up. When he feels
Pressure he needs to fight to it through the near shoulder of
his man. Players need not beat both men just one. If you
Feel like your losing ground make a pile.
Taking on the Trap

As the Tackle rips to the second level the defender needs to

Close down and jam him. This will also close down the hole.
The defender needs to “sense” the trap. DO NOT TURN
INTO THE TRAP! Stay square to the LOS and blow up
the trap with your inside arm on the trapper’s inside shoulder.
Line Backer Drills
 Agility Drill
 Lateral Shuffle

 Pass Drops

 Defeating a Blocker Progression

 Knee Drill

 Lock out Drill

 Stun Technique and Drills

Agility Drill: Lateral Shuffle



The LB’s will follow the Coach’s commands shuffling left

and right using the reach and slide. LB’s will maintain good
stance with knees over their toes and shoulders over the knees.
The feet shoulder width apart. Finish with them coming forward
to recover a fumble.
Agility Drill: Pass Drops


The LB will be in a good stance. The coach will direct them

Which direction to drop, be sure to work in multiple changes
of direction. The drill finishes with all 4 LB’s closing on the
Coach. Apex players should be shoulder to shoulder and wings
Inside foot should be on the Coach’s outside foot.
Defeating the Block Progression:
Kneel Drill

The LB (circle) will begin on his knees facing his partner.

He will lunge and strike the bag: elbows in, thumbs up and then
Defeating the Block Progression:
Lockout Drill

The LB will get into a perfect fit on his partner and the bag
holder will lean heavily into his partner. On command the LB
will lockout then reload, then lockout, shed and finish. Key
coaching point is the LB must be in position to make a play
after the shed.
Defeating the Block Progression:
Stun Drill

The LB will be one yard his partner. On command the LB

will punch, lockout, shed and finish. Key coaching point
is to make sure the LB must be delivering a rising blow on
the punch and be in position to make a play after the shed.
Defeating the Block Progression:
Change of Direction Stun Drill


LB will lateral shuffle to the left and take on the blockers

with the stun technique. He will Lateral shuffle to the
right and take on the blockers again and will finish with a
Defensive Back Drills
 Some keys to help your DB’s
 QB Drop

 QB Shoulders

 QB’s Off Hand

Gear Drill
 Player starts back pedaling slowly and on a
whistle the player will increase speed
 Head and shoulder level must remain
constant at any speed
 Players will change speeds 5-6 times per
 Players helmet and shoulders need to be at
the same level
Break and Drive

On the command the defender will begin his backpedal using

Good technique. Then on the action or whistle he will break
and drive. This can and should be done straight ahead, and a
forty-five degree angle in both directions. Can be used for both
Pass break ups and run support.
Defensive Group Drills
 Defensive line and Line backers
 Alignment and gap responsibility

 Inside Drill w/safeties if involved in run

 Line backers and Defensive Backs
 Pass drops

 7 on 7
Defensive Team
 Pursuit Drill
 11 men to the ball with a bad attitude

 Fits and Drops

 Turnover reaction

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