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Program StudiTeknik Geologi Dr. Ir.

Eko Widianto, MT
Physiography of Indonesia
FakultasTeknologi Kebumian dan Energi Dr. M. Burhanudinnur, MSc
UniversitasTrisakti Semester Genap_2013 - 2014
a. Definition
b. Geophysical Methods and their main applications
c. Level of Petroleum Investigation


a. Fundamental of Seismic Method
b. Acquisition
c. Processing
d. Structural Interpretation
e. Stratigraphic Interpretation
f. Exercise
g. Field Trip (if possible)

a. Introduction and general application of gravity data
b. Gravity data analysis for Oil and Gas Exploration
c. Paradigm Shift in Gravity data utilization
d. Gravity data analysis for Oil and Gas Reservoir Monitoring (Time lapse)

a. General Application of Magnetic Data
Geophysical Methods
• Passive methods: measure natural
properties or fields of the Earth, e.g.,
gravity, magnetic, radioactive, etc.
• Active methods: perturb the natural
system and measures the response.
Artificial signals are introduced into the
earth and subsequently recorded after
being modified by the earth materials
Seismic Methods
• Seismic methods, as typically applied in exploration
seismology, are considered active geophysical methods.
• Seismic method uses body waves to carry earth
subsurface information to the surface
• As seismic wave hit the elastic boundary it will get
reflected, refracted, and transmitted
• In seismic surveying, ground movement caused by some
source is measured at a variety of distances from the
• The type of seismic experiment differs depending on what
aspect of the recorded ground motion is used in the
subsequent analysis.
• Reflection: standard in oil exploration (deep)
• Refraction: for shallow features like depth to bedrock or
thickness of the unconsolidated material.

• Resolution: the ability to separate two

features that very close together or, the
smallest change in input that will produce
a detectable change in output.
• Noise: any unwanted signal, can be from
the instrument, uncontrollable conditions,
operator; noise can mask the contrast or
manifest as an uncertainty in the inversion
Steps in Geophysical Investigation

• Method selection: technical, cost considerations

• Designing the survey: choosing the configuration
that works best to serve the objective
• Acquisition: conducting the survey, data collection
• Processing: processing of the geophysical data;
curve fitting, modeling, signal processing using
soft wares (geophysicists are better at this)
• Interpretation: physical meaning of the data,
choosing between the alternatives, integrating
with info from other source
Seismic Waves
When the is Earth rapidly
displaced or distorted at some
ce frame, the wave is defined by two parameters: amplitude and wave-
point, the energy imparted into
ude is the peak to trough height of the wave divided by two. Wave-
the Earth by the source of the
distance over which the wave goes through one complete cycle (e.g.,
to the next, or from one trough to the next). distortion can be transmitted in
the form of elastic waves. A wave
is a on
nd perspective, we can examine the wave at a fixed location disturbance
the sur- that propagates
nd as it propagates past us. That is, as time varies. Thatthrough,
wave would orbeon the surface of, a
hown below. medium. Elastic waves satisfy this
e frame, the wave is defined by two parameters: amplitudecondition and also propagate
and wave-
de is the peak to trough height of the wave dividedthrough the medium without
by two. Wave-
istance over which the wave goes through one complete causing
cycle permanent
(e.g., deformation
o the next, or from one trough to the next). of any point in the medium.
d perspective, we can examine the wave at a fixed location on waves
the sur- are fairly common.
d as it propagates past us. That is, as time varies. ThatForwaveexample,
would be sound propagates
own below. through the air as elastic waves
and water waves propagate
across the surface of a pond as
elastic waves.
The wave is characterized by :
Amplitude is the peak to trough height of the
wave divided by two.

Wavelength is the distance over which the wave

goes through one complete cycle (e.g., from one
peak to the next, or from one trough to the

Period is wavelength measured in time

Frequency is number of cycle in 1 second

Velocity is the speed of wave propagation

Snell's Law

These ray paths are simply drawn to be perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the
wave field at all times. As they interact with the boundary, these ray paths obey Snell's Law.
Snell's Law can be derived in a number of different ways, but the way it is usually described is
that the ray path that follows Snell's Law is the path by which the wave would take the least
amount of time to propagate between two fixed points.

Consider the refracted ray paths shown above. In our particular case, v2, the velocity of the
half space, is less than v1, the velocity of the layer. Snell's Law states that in this case, i2, the
angle between a perpendicular to the boundary and the direction of the refracted ray path,
should be smaller than i1, the angle between a perpendicular to the boundary and the
direction of the direct ray path. This is exactly the situation predicted by the wave fronts
shown in the figure above.
Wave fronts
and Ray paths

Ray paths – Ray paths are nothing more than lines that show the direction that the seismic
wave is propagating. For any given wave, there are an infinite set of ray paths that could be
used. In the example shown above, for instance, a valid ray path could be any radial line drawn
from the source. We have shown only a few of the possible ray paths.

Wave front – Wave fronts connect positions of the seismic wave that are doing the same thing
at the same time. In the example shown above, the wave fronts are spherical in shape. One
such wave front would be the sphere drawn through the middle of the dark blue area. This
surface would connect all portions of the wave that have the largest possible negative
amplitude at some particular time.

In principle and in practice, ray paths are equivalent to the directions of current flow, and wave
fronts are equivalent to the equipotential lines. They are also equivalent to field direction and
strength in magnetism.
Seismic Waves
• Surface wave: considered noise
• Body waves: P (compressional) and S (shear)
• Velocity depends on the density of the layers;
increases with increasing density
• Incident, reflected, and refracted rays
• Ray gets deflected away from the normal
(lighter to a denser medium)
• Critical angle: refracted wave travels along the
Seismic Velocities of Earth Materials
The P and S wave velocities of various earth materials are shown below.

Material P wave Velocity (m/s) S wave Velocity (m/s)

Air 332

Water 1400-1500

Petroleum 1300-1400
Steel 6100 3500
Concrete 3600 2000
Granite 5500-5900 2800-3000
Basalt 6400 3200
Sandstone 1400-4300 700-2800
Limestone 5900-6100 2800-3000
Sand (Unsaturated) 200-1000 80-400
Sand (Saturated) 800-2200 320-880
Clay 1000-2500 400-1000
Glacial Till (Saturated) 1500-2500 600-1000
Seismic Body Waves

Wave Type Particle Motion Other Characteristics

(and names)

P(Compressional), Alternating compressions P motion travels fastest in materials,

Primary, Longitudinal ( “ pushes ” ) and dilations so the P-wave is the first-arriving
(“pulls”) which are directed energy on a seismogram. Generally
in the same direction as the smaller and higher frequency than the
wave is propagating (along S and Surface-waves. P waves in a
the ray path); and therefore, liquid or gas are pressure waves,
perpendicular to the wave including sound waves.

S (Shear), Secondary, Alternating transverse S-waves do not travel through fluids,

Transverse motions (perpendicular to the so do not exist in Earth’s outer core
direction of propagation, and (inferred to be primarily liquid iron)
the raypath); commonly or in air or water or molten rock
approximately polarized (magma). S waves travel slower than
such that particle motion is P waves in a solid and, therefore,
in vertical or horizontal arrive after the P wave.
Seismic Surface Waves
Wave Type Particle Motion Other Characteristics
(and names)
L, Transverse horizontal motion, Love waves exist because of the Earth ’ s
Love, Surface perpendicular to the direction of surface. They are largest at the surface and
waves, Long propagation and generally parallel decrease in amplitude with depth. Love waves
waves to the Earth’s surface. are dispersive, that is, the wave velocity is
dependent on frequency, generally with low
frequencies propagating at higher
velocity. Depth of penetration of the Love
waves is also dependent on frequency, with
lower frequencies penetrating to greater depth.

R, Motion is both in the direction of Rayleigh waves are also dispersive and the
Rayleigh, Surface propagation and perpendicular (in amplitudes generally decrease with depth in the
waves, Long a vertical plane), and “phased” so Earth. Appearance and particle motion are
waves, Ground that the motion is generally similar to water waves. Depth of penetration of
roll elliptical – either prograde or the Rayleigh waves is also dependent on
retrograde. frequency, with lower frequencies penetrating to
greater depth. Generally, Rayleigh waves travel
slightly slower than Love waves.
P-wave shadow due to refraction between liquid outer
core and the mantle above and solid inner core below

Crust ~2.7-3.0 g cm3

Mantle ~3.3-3.5 g/cm3.

Outer core ~10 g/cm3;

Inner Core ~12-13 g/cm3.
CORE: Liquid outer core – S-waves do not propagate through.

Composition: Fe + minor Ni.

Earth’s density ~5.5
g/cm3 (speed of
Compressional Wave (P-Wave)

Deformation propagates. Particle motion consists of alternating compression

and dilation. Particle motion is parallel to the direction of propagation
(longitudinal). Material returns to its original shape after wave passes.
Shear Wave (S-Wave)

Deformation propagates. Particle motion consists of alternating transverse motion. Particle

motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation (transverse). Transverse particle
motion shown here is vertical but can be in any direction. However, Earth’s layers tend to
cause mostly vertical (SV; in the vertical plane) or horizontal (SH) shear motions. Material
returns to its original shape after wave passes.
Rayleigh Wave (R-Wave)

Deformation propagates. Particle motion consists of elliptical motions

(generally retrograde elliptical) in the vertical plane and parallel to the
direction of propagation. Amplitude decreases with depth. Material returns
to its original shape after wave passes.
Love Wave (L-Wave)

Deformation propagates. Particle motion consists of alternating transverse motions.

Particle motion is horizontal and perpendicular to the direction of propagation
(transverse). To aid in seeing that the particle motion is purely horizontal, focus on
the Y axis (red line) as the wave propagates through it. Amplitude decreases with
depth. Material returns to its original shape after wave passes.
1. What seismic wave type is shown here?
2. What seismic wave type is shown here?
3. What seismic wave type is shown here?
4. What seismic wave type is shown here?
Lecture 6

Shot Receiver Seismic Record

- +
Trough Peak

Travel Time (2 way) in msec

Layer 1

Layer 1
Layer 2 Increase

Layer 2

Layer 2 Impedance
Layer 3 Decrease
Layer 3

Layer 3 Impedance
Layer 4 Increase
Layer 4

Impedance = Velocity * Density

Peak over Trough is an
Increase in Impedance

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
The Ideal Seismic Response

Able to resolve boundaries of beds a few meters thick

1 meter

Increase in Impedance Decrease in Impedance

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Scale for Seismic Data

Although seismic data can
Lamina Sets
not image small-scale
Beds stratal units, it can image
Bed Sets mid- to large-scale units

Parasequence Sets The big advantage of

Sequences seismic data is areal
Sequence Sets

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic - Units 10s of Meters Thick




10 m

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Wave Equation Lingo
Rarefaction Compression

A A = Amplitude
λ = Wavelength
length, ft or m

P = Period

Dp = Pulse
Period = Time for the waveform Duration
to travel 1 wavelength time

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Basic Equations

1. P = 1 / f

2. λ=V*P = V/f
3. d = V * T / 2

P = Period V = Velocity
f = Frequency d = distance (depth)
λ = Wavelength T = time

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Back to Basics
Seismic energy travels down and
is reflected off acoustic boundaries
Shot Receiver Seismic



Increase in 0.6

impedance 0.7



Increase in

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Acoustic Structure of the Earth

Shot Receiver
Imped Reflection Pulse Seismic
Low High Coefficients Trace

I 1 =  1 * V1 O
I2 =  2 * V2 V
I3 =  3 * V3 U
I4 =  4 * V4 O

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
That ‘Pesky’ Pulse
If the frequency content (Bandwidth) Typically the frequency
is very large, then the pulse content is limited to about
approaches a spike and we can 10 to 50 Hz (BW = 40),
resolve fine-scale stratigraphy which limits our resolution

Reflection Ideal Seismic Typical Seismic

Coefficients Pulse Trace Pulse Trace

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Types of Pulses
Reflection Minimum Phase
• Causal (real – no motion
before wave arrives)
• Front loaded
• Peak arrival time is
frequency dependant
• RC is at the first
displacement; maximum
displacement (peak or
trough) is delayed by ¼ λ

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Types of Pulses
Reflection Zero Phase

• Not Causal (not real, since

there is motion before the
wave arrives)
• Symmetric about RC
• Peak arrival time is not
frequency dependant
• Maximum peak-to-side
lobe ratio
• RC is at the maximum
displacement (peak or
F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Polarity – Minimum Phase
Coefficients SEG Normal Convention
- + A compression is:
• Negative # on the tape
• Displayed as a Trough

SEG = Society of Exploration Geophysics

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Polarity – Zero Phase
Coefficients SEG Normal Convention
- + A compression is:
• Positive # on the tape
• Displayed as a Peak

SEG = Society of Exploration Geophysics

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
What Causes Reflections?

• Any interface between

bodies with different Receiver
acoustic properties
• Acoustic properties define
Impedance (I) , in which Layer 1

I = velocity * density Layer 2


 Small change in impedance – small reflection

 Large change in impedance – large reflection

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Time for Two Short Exercises

6a. Calculating Some

Reflection Coefficients

6b. Calculating Frequency

& Wavelength
F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic Interface

Velocity = 2000 m/s

Shale Density = 1.7 gm/cc

Velocity = 2400 m/s

Sand Density = 1.8 gm/cc

Reflection I below – I above

= = =
I below + I above

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic Interface

Velocity = 2000 m/s

Shale Density = 1.7 gm/cc
I = 2000 * 1.7 = 3400

Velocity = 2400 m/s

Sand Density = 1.8 gm/cc
I = 2400 * 1.8 = 4320

Reflection I below – I above 4320 - 3400

= = = 0.119
I below + I above 4300 + 3400

Of the incident energy, 12% is reflected, 88% is transmitted

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic Interface

Velocity = 2000 m/s

Shale Density = 1.7 gm/cc

Velocity = 2600 m/s

Carbonate Density = 2.1 gm/cc

Reflection I below – I above

= = =
I below + I above

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic Interface

Velocity = 2000 m/s

Shale Density = 1.7 gm/cc
I = 2000 * 1.7 = 3400

Velocity = 2600 m/s

Carbonate Density = 2.1 gm/cc
I = 2600 * 2.1 = 5460

Reflection I below – I above 5460 - 3400

= = = 0.232
I below + I above 5460 + 3400

Of the incident energy, 23% is reflected, 77% is transmitted

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Exercise 6b: Frequency & Wavelength

Fapparent = # cycle / time interval

Fdominant = (2* Fapparent)/ 

λ = Velocity / Fdominant

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Seismic Data & Stratal Surfaces
• Seismic reflections parallel stratal surfaces
• Reflection terminations mark unconformities
• Changes in reflection character indicate facies changes

Stratal Surfaces Unconformities

Facies Changes

Fluvial Incised Valley Fill Coastal Plain Foreshore/Upper Shoreface

Lower Shoreface - Offshore Slope - Basin Submarine Fan
Estuarine Condensed Interval
F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Why Stratal Surfaces?
Recall: Reflections are generated where there is a change
in acoustic properties (I = v)
Consider: Where can there be sharp changes in impedance?
• horizontally as lithofacies change?
• vertically across stratal boundaries?
Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas

Very Gradational Lateral

Changes in Physical Properties

Can Have Abrupt Vertical

Changes in Physical Properties
Especially at PS Boundaries
F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections
Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Not Every Reflection is Strata!
There are other seismic reflections out there
that may not be stratigraphic in origin
• Fluid Contacts • Multiples
• Fault Planes • Others
Stratal Surfaces O

Facies Changes

F W Schroeder L 6 – Seismic Reflections

Courtesy of ExxonMobil
Reflection Seismic

Raw data
Source Receiver
Q t t t t t t

geology seismic Section

Seismic Refraction
• Energy source: vibration created by a sledge
hammer blow or explosive in a drill hole
• Wave propagation: spherical waves in a
homogeneous medium, wave fronts
• Rays: perpendicular to wave fronts, shown on
• Geophone: device that detects vibrations
• Seismograph: device that records the arrival
Shot Record
(travel-time curves superimposed)
Arrival Sequence

• Geophones record the ground vibrations

(vertical motion) caused by wave propagation
• Direct wave reaches first at the geophones
closer to the source
• Head wave (refracted wave) reaches the the
geophones located farther away from the
• Reflected waves are not the first in any
Important Info for Refraction
• Time of arrival of first wave at the
geophone is the most important for
Velocity Determination
• Velocity = distance/ time
• Slope = time/ distance = 1/V
• Velocity = reciprocal of slope
• Slope is a function of the velocity of the
layer alone (not thickness)
• Changing the thickness will change the
distance at which head wave arrives first
Calculating the Thickness
• Increasing the thickness of V1 from 50m to 100
increases the distance at which head wave
reaches the geophone first
• Takes longer because it has to travel at a
velocity of V1 (slow) for a longer time (100 m)
compared to the original situation where it
travels only a short time (50 m)
• Or, the distance at which it travels faster (V2) is
Calculating the Thickness
• Either t0 or xc could be
used along with the
velocities to calculate
the thickness, h
• Conventionally t0 is

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